Since when does the Gov't deal in common sense?
you were just asking for studies. the spin stops here haha
Since when does the Gov't deal in common sense?
No, I am talking real studies, not some doc.
Since when does the Gov't deal in common sense?
Goblow, we are talking about babies in the womb. That's my opinion.i find it interesting that the people who seem to have the stongest feelings against this are either men who will never get pregnant or women who havent been pregnant?? how can you tell a woman that something she did in minute amounts for MEDICINE is wrong? if she's kickin back smokin blunts that is a different matter...
GarryFockerhead: how the hell can you say that pregnant woment who smoke weed should have their children taken away??? sounds like the govt, they feel the same way.... you are on this site, so presume you are or at least are planning to cultivate an illegal plant.... do you feel that your children should be taken away from you??? the govt does... i believe children should only be taken from their parents because of severe abuse or neglect. neither of which are exhibited in two tokes on a pipe to stop puking, eat, and keep it down.
where should these children go after they are taken away? the minute they test pos for thc should labor be induced?Goblow, we are talking about babies in the womb. That's my opinion.
The thing is... We don't KNOW for sure.. So why take the chance?i still want to know the DANGERS of marijuana in the bloodstream. sounds like a bunch of pot smokers think they are doing some kind of DOPE. wtf is wrong with pot?
how EXACTLY will it harm the baby?
please tell me.
do we have ANY evidence that there might be any chances of dangers?The thing is... We don't KNOW for sure.. So why take the chance?
I don't believe anything until I see solid proof.
that link sucked...that article was crap.....not proof of any thing....OMG. I cant even believe what im reading. Dont smoke. Even if there wasnt any studies to prove it was harmful (which there are) its not worth it. It took me less than one minute to find a legitimate article published by the Journal of Science and here you are asking a bunch of potheads if its ok. Maybe the question you should be asking is am I mature and responsible enough to be a Mother?!! Maybe you should ask your physician, there are after all the experts right. Or even better yet to help you with your big decision, go down to your local childrens hospital and view some of the babies in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) fighting for there lives because of the selfish and irresponsible acts of their mothers.not because the moms smoked pot Or just keep smoking and perhaps be wiping drool for a lot longer than 18 months this is just BS. Heres the link for the article.......READ IT.
The research was published in the May 25, 2007 issue of the journal Science.
Warning on Danger of Smoking Marijuana While Pregnant
+1, exactly.There is no doubt in my mind that pot is harmless to a fully grown person, but a developing fetus in another thing.
so we've gone from, a couple puffs here and there to calm sickness, to chain smoking blunts. funny.All in all it depends on how much you smoke really brother... if you're smoking multiple blunts a day, you're definitely harming your kid. Do you really think fetus's are supposed to get stoned? There's no reputable research on the topic so why even risk it since it's such a serious event? I learned all I could about cannabis before I ever tried it.
Most women I know that smoke, smoke multiple joints a day. As I agreed with you earlier, in terms of a few puffs for sickness and as medicine I have no problems with. The OP never stated how much smoking would occurso we've gone from, a couple puffs here and there to calm sickness, to chain smoking blunts. funny.
me be nice? you're the one that said "multiple blunts". i was replying to your post and you tell me to be nice? you guys are taking this subject and twisting it around however you can to make pot a BAD thing. shame on you.Most women I know that smoke, smoke multiple joints a day. As I agreed with you earlier, in terms of a few puffs for sickness and as medicine I have no problems with. The OP never stated how much smoking would occurBe nice mister!