Smoking Your Stash at the Hotel


Well-Known Member
Living in hotels sometimes more than 30 weeks a year for work, I have become a pro at smoking in hotel rooms without being detected.

-I recommend newer buildings with air exchanger systems.

-Ensure your bathroom has a negative pressure and that your air is actually exchanging, see if a Kleenex tissue sticks to the vent from the suction.

-lastly, it is better to smoke bowls and keep the puffs at size that is doable in one drag... Blow slowly into the vent. I have been doing this for the last 12 years and only got caught once Because I forgot to clean the ashes out of my sink when leaving.

Works well in most -Hampton Inns
-Garden Inns
-Holiday Inns
-Marriott etc...

...Also, I bring a bong stem and use a Gatorade bottle as a throw away bong. I bring my stem back home when I leave. You don’t really need the bowl at the end of the stem if you don’t want to, you can put a screen right down in the stem.
Living in hotels sometimes more than 30 weeks a year for work, I have become a pro at smoking in hotel rooms without being detected.

-I recommend newer buildings with air exchanger systems.

-Ensure your bathroom has a negative pressure and that your air is actually exchanging, see if a Kleenex tissue sticks to the vent from the suction.

-lastly, it is better to smoke bowls and keep the puffs at size that is doable in one drag... Blow slowly into the vent. I have been doing this for the last 12 years and only got caught once Because I forgot to clean the ashes out of my sink when leaving.

Works well in most -Hampton Inns
-Garden Inns
-Holiday Inns
-Marriott etc...

...Also, I bring a bong stem and use a Gatorade bottle as a throw away bong. I bring my stem back home when I leave. You don’t really need the bowl at the end of the stem if you don’t want to, you can put a screen right down in the stem.
Why not get a sploofy or carry a mini carbon filter blow smoke through
Living in hotels sometimes more than 30 weeks a year for work, I have become a pro at smoking in hotel rooms without being detected.

-I recommend newer buildings with air exchanger systems.

-Ensure your bathroom has a negative pressure and that your air is actually exchanging, see if a Kleenex tissue sticks to the vent from the suction.

-lastly, it is better to smoke bowls and keep the puffs at size that is doable in one drag... Blow slowly into the vent. I have been doing this for the last 12 years and only got caught once Because I forgot to clean the ashes out of my sink when leaving.

Works well in most -Hampton Inns
-Garden Inns
-Holiday Inns
-Marriott etc...

...Also, I bring a bong stem and use a Gatorade bottle as a throw away bong. I bring my stem back home when I leave. You don’t really need the bowl at the end of the stem if you don’t want to, you can put a screen right down in the stem.
I do the same shit with the bathroom vent. You said it perfectly.
Why not get a sploofy or carry a mini carbon filter blow smoke through
a bottle of Ozium never hurts either
a bottle of Ozium never hurts either

I hold the bottle horizontal And stick the tip of the flame of a lighter To to it until I see a hole start to form... I stick the stem in and seal it perfect every time now! I can do it with any water bottle too, when I smoke, I have to hear bubbles!
Living in hotels sometimes more than 30 weeks a year for work, I have become a pro at smoking in hotel rooms without being detected.

-I recommend newer buildings with air exchanger systems.

-Ensure your bathroom has a negative pressure and that your air is actually exchanging, see if a Kleenex tissue sticks to the vent from the suction.

-lastly, it is better to smoke bowls and keep the puffs at size that is doable in one drag... Blow slowly into the vent. I have been doing this for the last 12 years and only got caught once Because I forgot to clean the ashes out of my sink when leaving.

Works well in most -Hampton Inns
-Garden Inns
-Holiday Inns
-Marriott etc...

...Also, I bring a bong stem and use a Gatorade bottle as a throw away bong. I bring my stem back home when I leave. You don’t really need the bowl at the end of the stem if you don’t want to, you can put a screen right down in the stem.

Well that brings back memories of my travels when I was working. I used to roll pin joints and put them inside Bic pens and put a false ink point on the tip for airplane travel then used your method of knowing the air was being drawn into the motel room and stand on the toilet blow the smoke in the vent. Sometimes I had a balcony which was the best case scenario or if the weather was nice I'd just go for a walk and smoke. Now if I travel for fun I just take a vaporizer or dabs and joints for outside. Now that it's legal on the west coast I wouldn't have to go through all that crap like I did in the 90's and early 2000's.