So..I was in court today

well when i went to a couple senator's offices they weren't around. but i did leave a very apt note: "Cannabis Cures Cancer and we need your help to do it!"

see.. pretty clear. short and sweet. AND its proactive, unlike anything Bob might have to say.
Ya, I didnt create ENOUGH of a separation between myself and Mr Cain, when I started defending the JFM, as it was the Model I was defending, not so much the person running the model.... but being a Mod of the forum he was CEO of, didnt help maintain that separation. lol
Sorry Charlie my bud ( could not resist ;) I will no longer give you 'most' I think the rotten apples have tainted the whole barrel. They all know how harmless cannabis is but any of them will still shot my dog to put me in jail for what I do.

A good cop would turn in a bad cop: there are no good cops.
The police force is not something an average joe falls into as a career. there is a clear path; a person needs to go through very specific channels to become an officer. that said, there are no accidental cops out there just gettiing a paycheck like say cashiers or real estate agents for example. a cop was someone who wanted to be a cop. My problems with the police begin with the type of person who decides that they would like to enforce the rules on the general population of their community. It takes a certain type of guy or gal to say I'm the one who should be enforcing the rules. being as we're all human, we're all going to make mistakes and I don't like (hate to generalize but it works for me in this case) people who volunteer for the job of calling everyone on their rule breaking as they break them too. Neighbor is a cop. Know factually he has driven up to the store for another 6 after having 6. if it's me its a rule bend the store is real close and it's a pretty empty area but he is a rule enforcer and should hold himself to higher standard IMO but he doesn't. He wants to be just another guy out of uniform and with me if you're saying pick me as the guy to bust folks on their shit then you don't get to bend the rules like drive up for 6 after 6 even if you're OK and the store is close and there is nobody on the road etc..... I question anyone who chooses that profession after 5th grade when you know how the world really works.
Not all Popo are lying hypocrites on a power trip while stealing perceived contraband for their own use, but many exhibit these types of behaviors. So I have an aversion to them and have even developed a pre-justice of sorts. I will admit that I've been in a few situations where they have been helpful. But still, I prefer to never let a sucker get to close. My personal space is much, much wider than most people's personal comfort zone. That separation works for me.
Ya, Tiger game is tied at 4 apiece. Sure hope the Tigers (that guy sounds like bob again) start kicking everyones ass like I have been waiting for them to.
Most cars don't say serve and protect anymore. in fact from the time I was a lad up to now cop cars have gotten harder and harder to spot....almost like they are hiding from those they wish to protect and serve. I could get mugged right by a sherrif patrol car around here and it's more likely they would be in an unmarked car and I wouldn't know they were there. it's just been my personal experience with them from a kid to now it's been all hassle and no help.
Not all Popo are lying hypocrites on a power trip while stealing perceived contraband for their own use, but many exhibit these types of behaviors. So I have an aversion to them and have even developed a pre-justice of sorts. I will admit that I've been in a few situations where they have been helpful. But still, I prefer to never let a sucker get to close. My personal space is much, much wider than most people's personal comfort zone. That separation works for me.
ok I'll give you 'not all'. just because it is a statistical impossibility to hit %100 of most groups.

and that separation only exists until 'they' chose to enter your garden
Ya, Tiger game is tied at 4 apiece. Sure hope the Tigers (that guy sounds like bob again) start kicking everyones ass like I have been waiting for them to.

It was going pretty well until the tenth inning.
Then we pulled our goalie and they scored 8 more.

There was a 'secret-hidden' message in there. lmao. I read three posts of his without looking at the name and was like "Bob, is that you buddy?" lol.
There was a 'secret-hidden' message in there. lmao. I read three posts of his without looking at the name and was like "Bob, is that you buddy?" lol.

Yeah whatever. jk.:lol:

What's really important is that Fielder hit an inside the park homerun that never left the infield.
Not to mention PriceFisterFuckerFirst is back and throwing well.