So..I was in court today

Let's be honest. MOST cops are just hard working guys in a thankless job wanting to survive the day. Unfortunately, unlike in most jobs, the bad ones are in a position to do real harm to people. They are part of a broken system in the US, but not the cause, or even the ones calling the shots. Politicians on the other had are the ones actually passing laws abridging our liberty. I mean, the mayor of NYC for example apparently has such a large ego that he believes he should tell people what size beverages they can have.
Sorry Charlie my bud ( could not resist ;) I will no longer give you 'most' I think the rotten apples have tainted the whole barrel. They all know how harmless cannabis is but any of them will still shot my dog to put me in jail for what I do.
Sorry Charlie my bud ( could not resist ;) I will no longer give you 'most' I think the rotten apples have tainted the whole barrel. They all know how harmless cannabis is but any of them will still shot my dog to put me in jail for what I do.

The system is horribly broken. At all levels. Is not that it was a bad system, just that people have corrupted it.
Corey, for once you are right..I don't have anything to do with this forum...My mistake. I thought it was a forum about Medical cannabis in Michigan. Not an anti government, the 'man is holding me down " radical breeding ground.

Any how, I'll be posting much less for awhile...headed to Lansing for meetings with house members to try and actually get something guys carry on with the government bashing and crying.

I'll go and try to limit the damage you are causing.

An inside tip: Watch the news for the soon to be breaking story on Joe Cain and his FM...holy have no idea what's coming. The article I posted was just the start..

Second hb5681...

Ahhhh more relishing...... You supposedly admit to doing the same thing that people at the farmers market are doing ( providing meds to another legal patient for compensation) and yet again you will relish at the thought of them going to jail......

Again you prove yourself time and time again......
Sorry Charlie my bud ( could not resist ;) I will no longer give you 'most' I think the rotten apples have tainted the whole barrel. They all know how harmless cannabis is but any of them will still shot my dog to put me in jail for what I do.

But the rotten apples certainly don't taint the patients and med growers....I mean..there are no rotten apples in the med cannabis group, right?

Charlie is dead on..most cops are good people with thankless jobs
But the rotten apples certainly don't taint the patients and med growers....I mean..there are no rotten apples in the med cannabis group, right?

Charlie is dead on..most cops are good people with thankless jobs

There are tons of thugs, crooks, and asshats in the MJ world, medical or otherwise. There are in all sectors of life. The problem is when they are in a position of authority. Therefore it should be far less acceptable for these types of people in those positions. I mean, do we really care how many grocery store cashiers are power hungry thugs?
But the rotten apples certainly don't taint the patients and med growers....I mean..there are no rotten apples in the med cannabis group, right? Charlie is dead on..most cops are good people with thankless jobs
really really??? You think being robbed and hunted by these hypocritical parasites for thirty plus years may have tainted me a bit. Let's not forget some of us been at this a minute. Not like you bob. And no most cops now are not thankless heros. They are thieves with badges. All law enforcement is corrupt. They lie,cheat,steal, what the fuck should I thank em for?
really really??? You think being robbed and hunted by these hypocritical parasites for thirty plus years may have tainted me a bit. Let's not forget some of us been at this a minute. Not like you bob. And no most cops now are not thankless heros. They are thieves with badges. All law enforcement is corrupt. They lie,cheat,steal, what the fuck should I thank em for?

I think it's tainted you beyond reason.
I think you are trying to make him look worse cuz you fucked up and accused him of something he didn't do.

Timmahh had been sitting back. You lashed out a few times anyway. Attacked homeless, was wrong as fuck. You shrugged it off and you are going at him a few more times.
You must figure if you get into a good enough fight with him, it well then back all the way up and make you right for attacking him originally.

Nice distribution model. Real impressive. :clap:
I think you are trying to make him look worse cuz you fucked up and accused him of something he didn't do.

Timmahh had been sitting back. You lashed out a few times anyway. Attacked homeless, was wrong as fuck. You shrugged it off and you are going at him a few more times.
You must figure if you get into a good enough fight with him, it well then back all the way up and make you right for attacking him originally.

Nice distribution model. Real impressive. :clap:

By the way, Timmahh was outlining HIS distribution model after bashing all mine..he quit after 2 posts..cause hes got nuthin...
It's more Homlesses impressive list of his thoughts..all homeless quotes, and his consistent anti authority attitude, and hate for government, not to mention his admission to big time grows well prior to the act(not small income size. He's unstable, and therefore unworthy of, those quotes:

really really??? You think being robbed and hunted by these hypocritical parasites for thirty plus years may have tainted me a bit. Let's not forget some of us been at this a minute. Not like you...

You mean other than the 'normal' mental disorders that it takes to be such a cop? Or such a Hypocrite??

So if it's your job all behavior is excused? Lie,cheat,steal,assault people,shoot family pets, but hey you get a 401k and lots of other bennies from MY pocket, and it's OK? Just doin their jobs? COP...

And I'll do what I do no matter what stupid 'laws' pop up.

Rules! Yeah fuck yer rules!

Yeap that's me just a little rule breaker!! Oh so bad

LEO..but i'm a doomsday prepper ;)

virgin is the name for the lucky ones who have yet to be fucked by the police. So they still think they (leo) are the good guys..they ain't
Cannabis is my business. CAREGIVER SERVICES!! How am I...

Too true. I actually have one moral: no married women.
With one exception: cops wives ;)

I know I know!!! Sorry,but if you screw their wives and daughters while they are at work it seems to piss em all off!

Cop Lovin Butt Boy.
I am not paranoid, they are out to get us all. Even you.
And it's guys like me that will win this war. Not little pocket pussies like you.
Let em come. I am not a...

It's already true with LARA. and I knew you are too much of a tool to admit you were wrong. Go suck some cop cock butt boy!

My trimmers get paid by the pound and are worth every dime.

State popo what? Lyin pieces of shit.parasites Lookin out for themselves. Why would I care...

There should be no difference. Stoner to stage four cancer. Both should have the Right.

My patients fall into two categories. Another caregiver with patients of their own. ( can one grow for another cg?)

With the closing of so many dispensaries patients are starting forgo freebies to have access to high quality varity.
The only new one I personally accepted this year offed up all of his equipment... (nice, caring guy)

Hav I been wrong yet?
Don't believe me. Cops are your friends.

State police are being certified to take blood along side the road.
You trust em! You say there are good ones? Not in my experience.


you are simply wrong. the cops are busting who and whatever they can.

So far about 1/2 of my non terminal patients are not renewing. Some are keeping a current Dr cert. Some are just fading back to black. If I can I will still service their med needs. Fuck the state....

leo will sweep the floor and weight the hydroton too put you 'over'..there is no solid ground for any of us now

Wow! Noob here so I'll try not to offend anyone. We are at war. It says so right on the news. War on drugs. That's us brothers and sisters. I guess I signed up decades ago when I found this HARMLESS...

Bayonet raided a grower. Plant count? OK . Meds per patient? Ok... Untill Leo swept up the floors and...

We are in a war not of our choosing. I don't like it,but I will fight in it to the end. We are outnumbered,out gunned,out spent,and possibly out of time. We lied about, demonized,inprisoned,and...

No doubt a stable guy that should be entrusted with responsibility...yea, right

Lets put cannabis for medical patients in the hands of admitted cash cropper that have authority and self control issues..real good idea
Gee bob see you can do a little research. Very nicely done. Yeap been doing this a minute,so I think I have a better grasp of reality than a Noob/virgin like you ever will.
I think I sound pertty consistant actually. Stable even!! Self control issues??funny coming from you. Where was I wrong in any of the out of context quotes? Did you only check RIU? Branch out bob, check around.

Get them out of my fuckin garden bob. Why is that so hard to grasp? 30 plus years of War will taint anyone bob, me or Leo. If u can't see that than you truly have no right trying to speak for my community. You are just some guy who grows a little pot, and wants to be accepted. You are just a liability, not an asset.

And since you brought up my trimmers? Yeah tomorrows is Tryin to earn enough money to bury her mom. What are you doing today??
Keep them, and you, out of his F'in Garden. That's not such a difficult message. I can live with that. Bickering is fun, no it's an addiction to some. but can I say all that to your face? (lol) oh i feel so much safer now, that i can fully comply with another's ideas about what I should do and what is appropriate behavior. If I'm not hurting anyone, get the F' out of my way. The man kept me down for a sec, then I issued myself a liscense for freedom. I'll be polite, unless you become a staunch hater, then you can eat my shite. thank you, good mornin'.
lol. Oh Bob....can you smell that buddy? You have stepped in it now sir; I think you have officially and personally offended everyone I listen to and respect on this board and yet you're still here even after the overwhelming vote of "FOCKOFF" you get every time you post your stupidity. I applaude your enthuasism and tenacity but the rest of you can FOCKOFF
Again Bob, you attacked homeless and was wrong, so you will continue to attack him until you feel your wrong has been righted.

With his quotes, in your honest opinion, is he is a big enough piece of shit in your book to falsely accuse him of posting videos. You may very well be helping his point. That point would be that LEO does EXACTLY what you just did. It goes something like this Bob. You are LEO, homeless is himself. You accuse him of some shit, and then you both realize that you are wrong. BUT, instead of you just being wrong, you are like, well you sure sound like an asshole, let me sit here and fuck with you until I can dig something up on you. Been there, done that Bob. Now one of the good LEO you spoke of earlier, would have said. Sorry Mr. Homeless, I made a mistake have a nice day. NOT YOU THOUGH!!! You ass stayed up late looking through all his quotes just so that you can right your wrong.

As clearly as Timmahh got caught up ONCE he chose to also defend Joe Cain and market, you too have strayed from your path and are just making a mess now. As stupid as you claim he is, he quick as fuck shook them off his plate and refocused. You are now worried about homeless. From everything you have bitched about, people like Homeless are not your problem.!

Why didn't you post any good shit Bob. You don't need to worry about people like this Bob.
You should narrow your ad and accept fewer enemies. Quit fucking with the very people that can help you.
The legislators he is going to have lunch with will not have him on ignore.

But realize that even if he is a real patient. Bob that is. His mind cannot be changed. He has a perception of us that will never turn or he is trying to manipulate the system so only he benefits. Neither of those will help the patients.
By the way, Timmahh was outlining HIS distribution model after bashing all mine..he quit after 2 posts..cause hes got nuthin...
It's more Homlesses impressive list of his thoughts..all homeless quotes, and his consistent anti authority attitude, and hate for government, not to mention his admission to big time grows well prior to the act(not small income size. He's unstable, and therefore unworthy of, those quotes:

really really??? You think being robbed and hunted by these hypocritical parasites for thirty plus years may have tainted me a bit. Let's not forget some of us been at this a minute. Not like you...

You mean other than the 'normal' mental disorders that it takes to be such a cop? Or such a Hypocrite??

So if it's your job all behavior is excused? Lie,cheat,steal,assault people,shoot family pets, but hey you get a 401k and lots of other bennies from MY pocket, and it's OK? Just doin their jobs? COP...

And I'll do what I do no matter what stupid 'laws' pop up.

Rules! Yeah fuck yer rules!

Yeap that's me just a little rule breaker!! Oh so bad

LEO..but i'm a doomsday prepper ;)

virgin is the name for the lucky ones who have yet to be fucked by the police. So they still think they (leo) are the good guys..they ain't
Cannabis is my business. CAREGIVER SERVICES!! How am I...

Too true. I actually have one moral: no married women.
With one exception: cops wives ;)

I know I know!!! Sorry,but if you screw their wives and daughters while they are at work it seems to piss em all off!

Cop Lovin Butt Boy.
I am not paranoid, they are out to get us all. Even you.
And it's guys like me that will win this war. Not little pocket pussies like you.
Let em come. I am not a...

It's already true with LARA. and I knew you are too much of a tool to admit you were wrong. Go suck some cop cock butt boy!

My trimmers get paid by the pound and are worth every dime.

State popo what? Lyin pieces of shit.parasites Lookin out for themselves. Why would I care...

There should be no difference. Stoner to stage four cancer. Both should have the Right.

My patients fall into two categories. Another caregiver with patients of their own. ( can one grow for another cg?)

With the closing of so many dispensaries patients are starting forgo freebies to have access to high quality varity.
The only new one I personally accepted this year offed up all of his equipment... (nice, caring guy)

Hav I been wrong yet?
Don't believe me. Cops are your friends.

State police are being certified to take blood along side the road.
You trust em! You say there are good ones? Not in my experience.


you are simply wrong. the cops are busting who and whatever they can.

So far about 1/2 of my non terminal patients are not renewing. Some are keeping a current Dr cert. Some are just fading back to black. If I can I will still service their med needs. Fuck the state....

leo will sweep the floor and weight the hydroton too put you 'over'..there is no solid ground for any of us now

Wow! Noob here so I'll try not to offend anyone. We are at war. It says so right on the news. War on drugs. That's us brothers and sisters. I guess I signed up decades ago when I found this HARMLESS...

Bayonet raided a grower. Plant count? OK . Meds per patient? Ok... Untill Leo swept up the floors and...

We are in a war not of our choosing. I don't like it,but I will fight in it to the end. We are outnumbered,out gunned,out spent,and possibly out of time. We lied about, demonized,inprisoned,and...

No doubt a stable guy that should be entrusted with responsibility...yea, right

Lets put cannabis for medical patients in the hands of admitted cash cropper that have authority and self control issues..real good idea

sorry just wanted to get some of my finer quotes more air time. thanks bob!!! see you can be a useful tool