I'm not saving the world..May not be able to save anything. But I am doing something..unlike you..I've got 3 meets, over 3 weeks..don't expect instant news,,Same for the unfolding Joe Cain story..that may take some time to fully come out...Feds work slow and diligent before the arrest..and yes, Joe has the feds eye..Where is Joe these days? By the way..Did ya notice that 5861 has already been reworded to extend the reduction to a schedule 2 drug for ALL card holders..not just the propose ';pharma card' holders? How'd THAT happen? Must have been Timmah,certainly not the people I work with...because we are all out to get ya...Yes that's right..you won't be reported to the feds either for a minor cannabis related court case..even if you don't get a pharnma card..if..err.when.. the bill passes And no, I'm not saying that I single handedly did it..but I am saying you had nothing to do with it. Actually, it's being edited almost daily right now..mostly all favorable...hmm hows that happen? Anyhow, back to work for me...I'm really trying to stay off of here, but you guys make it so hard..
Of course we are part of NATO..but when we send the overwhelming majority of troops and vehicles and go in first it and leave last..is it really nato or is it US ? if there was no oil in Iraq or a pipeline to build to the sea we would have never gone there.
hey bob? fuck nato! this forum is about mich patients..How you doin on gettin the state OUT OF MY FUCKIN GARDEN??? answer please
Well. with the self proclaimed views that you posted with your nice long video....the State probably should shut down your garden. You made it clear that you oppose laws in favor of cannabis. After all, like the illegal growers in the tape said, it would drive down the price of cannabis, and take away your wild profits.
I want them to leave patients, and cg's working for the right reasons alone..not profiteers like you.
Hell sketchy I'm to dum to post pictures..and oooolllldddyou posted a video beans?
Well. with the self proclaimed views that you posted with your nice long video....the State probably should shut down your garden. You made it clear that you oppose laws in favor of cannabis. After all, like the illegal growers in the tape said, it would drive down the price of cannabis, and take away your wild profits.
I want them to leave patients, and cg's working for the right reasons alone..not profiteers like you.
oh really? what video bob? with your mensa class IQ I expect more from you. maybe you should do a little research as to who and what homelesbeans is about. so let poor ole dum me try to school ya.
1. the state can only shut down my garden by killing me. I'll grow and teach others till the end.
2. Yes I oppose laws,period fuckin dot!! Cannabis should be free to the world. So should a Man
3. I personally have done more to drive down prices than someone such as yourself could ever imagine.
4. Wild Profits,Profiteers? you really should do some research. Those who stare longest into the Abyss take a runnin jump at it.
5. Right Reasons??? your definition or Mine. Or in your beautiful world some senator who can't grow grass.
Instead of just saying, oh wrong person, you came off as an asshole anyway. Check out what HomeLessBeans is doing.
It was sketchy that posted the vodeo..but this post plcaes you in the same group anthow;
I oppose laws period..kinda says it all.
It was sketchy that posted the vodeo..but this post plcaes you in the same group anthow;
I oppose laws period..kinda says it all.
Bob, what medical condition do those cops you smoke with have?
Bob, what medical condition do those cops you smoke with have?
You mean other than the 'normal' mental disorders that it takes to be such a cop? Or such a Hypocrite??