So..I was in court today

What about those opposed to black people? Or those who hate Chinese food? No one is talking about FORCING anyone to use or grow it, that would be a liberty issue. Having access to something you don't want is not being denied liberty. Is that hard to understand the difference? Just like you are free to have a camel piss down your throat, but not everyone wants to. That does not mean somehow because you are free to so that I (who does not want to engage in this activity) has had MY liberty impinged. Your throat, your camel, your choice.

You seem OK with cops and politicians worrying about our bedrooms and the plants that could be in them. Those low toxicity plants with medicinal properties. Clearly if we are concerned that there may be some inside a house and need to send SWAT to intervene, they are DEADLY plants!

How is it avoidance of logic to treat agricultural products consistently or to support liberty? Why would it not work the same as tomatoes? Its only a problem if you think the plant is bad and needs to be controlled. Which again, you CLEARLY do.

The plant is good...What people will do with it is bad. Your right to grow in your back yard, impedes my right to not want to see it.

You are talking about FORCING people to be exposed to your behavior...You hang on swat team intervention, like it happens ALL the time to EVERYONE...taking isolated cases and proclaiming them to be the norm...

Any regulation of anything is wrong according to you..half the people in the country would disagree with your "harmless plant" theory...not all because if the plant, most because of the people that would be allowed to handle the plant..and what they would do with it.

Your selfishness would deny anyone else their rights.
Bob..We do not see eye to eye on are wrong again..The U.S. supplied Iraq with chemical weapons, the same government who you think can do no wrong and should handle cannabis regulation ..there were never any nuclear weapons..and we should have never invaded are clueless ..those are facts..should we invade Sudan? North Korea? Saudi Arabia? they are brutalizing people too

The extent of your ignorance is, we should have let Iraq keep Kuwait, invade Saudi Arabia, an dominate the world oil supply. We should also stop harassing IRAN over their nuclear program..They have a right to make a nuclear wepon and "test it on Israel" as they have threatened to do. No way in hell we should have gone after Bin Laden, or intervened to stop Somali Pirates..just people living their lives...

What's your view on Iran? Wait for them to nuke someone, and hope it's not us?
The plant is good...What people will do with it is bad. Your right to grow in your back yard, impedes my right to not want to see it.

And this sums up your f-ing problem. Stop looking in other people's back yards and worry about your own business.

You have no right to not see something, close your damn eyes. Jesus. You probably think you have a right to not be offended as well.

As for my kids..they choose not to smoke cannabis...or drink. I have always told them that cannabis is the lesser of the two 'evils'...

As for your statement on the "government wants to profit"..that's your view..I say they want their tax revenues, like they would get from any other business...should the cannabis industry be un taxed?

If your wish is for cannabis to remain totally illegal, so that prices remain high and you can profit..then we have no need to talk...we won't get along.

I'm actually for legalization with makes the harmless herb available, lowers cost, and benefits the economy as a whole.

My point in these discussions is to want a med law, to give you protection while continuing to profit from the illegal unregulated sale of defeating any chance at legalization.

That is why so many want to continue to do illegal thing while they hide behind med laws..their true desire is to keep things illegal and insure their selfish personal gain

Just as I totally understand the history, religious and medicinal values of totally
don't really care about any of those things...You have admitted that you just want to keep it as profitable for your self as you can.

I get the's about making it available to all, for all the reasons you state..while regulating it so that prices drop and taxes are any other business.....

bob, that's the point... government makes WAY to much money fighting the drug war. Your law is nice but, not going to happen... not anytime soon anyways. look... what are we really after? the change in the classification of the Federal government. When has that ever gone good? I like to look at history and try and connect the dots myself. to me it will stay just as it is. legal in certain states and illegal under Federal. So, With out major public out cry ( witch is hardly likely) nothing is going to change..

DEA makes a nice (tax) off the dealers they bust. from houses to bank accounts. it's not a mystery why it's illegal it's in our face every day and it's called the war on drugs thank you Mr.Reagan

and I was thinking we could be friends :(
And this sums up your f-ing problem. Stop looking in other people's back yards and worry about your own business.

You have no right to not see something, close your damn eyes. Jesus.

Great advise..close your eyes....yup, that fixes everything. But, at least you have started taking away my favor of yours.

Kinda proves my point about are not for peoples rights...just your I thought all along.

And i think i do have a right not to see's why you can't whip it out and take a pee while walking down the street...after all, you do have a right to relive yourself. I'm pretty sure I have a right not to see you jack off..that's why they have a public lewdness law...but we should get rid of that too..after all, I can just close my eyes.

Why don't you take your own advise, and simply close your eyes to my writings and logic? Oh that's right YOUR right to keep them open overrides my right to free speech...

Yup, I'm catching on to how you think..YOU have rights..anyone else, not so much...
Great advise..close your eyes....yup, that fixes everything. But, at least you have started taking away my favor of yours.

Kinda proves my point about are not for peoples rights...just your I thought all along.

And i think i do have a right not to see's why you can't whip it out and take a pee while walking down the street...after all, you do have a right to relive yourself. I'm pretty sure I have a right not to see you jack off..that's why they have a public lewdness law...but we should get rid of that too..after all, I can just close my eyes.

Why don't you take your own advise, and simply close your eyes to my writings and logic? Oh that's right YOUR right to keep them open overrides my right to free speech...

Yup, I'm catching on to how you think..YOU have rights..anyone else, not so much...

Bait and switch Bob is changing it up again!

First you were discussing you looking into another person's property and not wanting to see something, so it should be illegal. Now, because you didn't like how my response made you look you are changing to a discussion of public activities? I am allowed to be naked and jerk off in my own bedroom, regardless of if Bob is looking in the window. Where are your hands Bob? Stay out of my bedroom and my garden.

And yet again, you liken cannabis to something negative (a public lewd act), something that is "shocking" even. So much hate for a plant, or is it fear?
Perfect Charliebud, Bob is an oxygen thief of the highest order. I've been following along with the switches and flips and flops and this dick is just an agruing butthole. it goes from my backyard to the middle of the street, cannabis to masturbation and all over the rainbow. I'd say if you're having fun then keep on him he is a tool. Otherwise he is never going to stop this small man has 0 to do without this forum and being a cyber-dick and will drive you mad.
Perfect Charliebud, Bob is an oxygen thief of the highest order. I've been following along with the switches and flips and flops and this dick is just an agruing butthole. it goes from my backyard to the middle of the street, cannabis to masturbation and all over the rainbow. I'd say if you're having fun then keep on him he is a tool. Otherwise he is never going to stop this small man has 0 to do without this forum and being a cyber-dick and will drive you mad.

Corey, for once you are right..I don't have anything to do with this forum...My mistake. I thought it was a forum about Medical cannabis in Michigan. Not an anti government, the 'man is holding me down " radical breeding ground.

Any how, I'll be posting much less for awhile...headed to Lansing for meetings with house members to try and actually get something guys carry on with the government bashing and crying.

I'll go and try to limit the damage you are causing.

An inside tip: Watch the news for the soon to be breaking story on Joe Cain and his FM...holy have no idea what's coming. The article I posted was just the start..

Second hb5681...
The extent of your ignorance is, we should have let Iraq keep Kuwait, invade Saudi Arabia, an dominate the world oil supply. We should also stop harassing IRAN over their nuclear program..They have a right to make a nuclear wepon and "test it on Israel" as they have threatened to do. No way in hell we should have gone after Bin Laden, or intervened to stop Somali Pirates..just people living their lives...

What's your view on Iran? Wait for them to nuke someone, and hope it's not us?

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about your ignorance....Iraq invades Kuwait let Nato handle it...we do not need to be the worlds baby sitter..that is why we are hated world wide...Iran? well we should lead by example and get rid of every nuke we have and encourage the world to follow..Pakistan has nukes and so does North Korea different than Iran...Bin Laden? we should have had 10k troops searching for that fuck...not half our Army...huge waste of resources and time...Pirates? again Nato ...we do not need to be the worlds babysitter....Saudi Arabia and China have awful human rights violations yet we do not intervene...why do you think we pick n choose when and where to intervene? money man$$$ like most things in life it all comes down to the almighty dollar.You are very naive.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing about your ignorance....Iraq invades Kuwait let Nato handle it...we do not need to be the worlds baby sitter..that is why we are hated world wide...Iran? well we should lead by example and get rid of every nuke we have and encourage the world to follow..Pakistan has nukes and so does North Korea different than Iran...Bin Laden? we should have had 10k troops searching for that fuck...not half our Army...huge waste of resources and time...Pirates? again Nato ...we do not need to be the worlds babysitter....Saudi Arabia and China have awful human rights violations yet we do not intervene...why do you think we pick n choose when and where to intervene? money man$$$ like most things in life it all comes down to the almighty dollar.You are very naive.

Um..we are part of NATO you know..and many, many nations were involved in Iraq. We happen to be the biggest with the most resources.

You are right about one thing..lots of things do come down to money. Everyone wants more money. Good people, bad people..pretty much all people...sure, you can twist that and say money is an illusion (which it is)..but then it comes down to assets.

And being the worlds babysitter isn't why we are hated world wide. It's because we consume the majority of the worlds assets, have the highest standard of living anywhere..and still act like entitled little punks.

We intervene when we do intervene, base on dealing with the most important threat first,it's called prioritizing.

The almighty dollar...yup the only difference in how we chase it is simple:

Honest people know its hard work and work hard to get ahead.
Criminal won't work hard, they want "easy money"

A lot like what goes on with medical cannabis.

  • have the highest standard of living anywhere.​


QUIT LYING. ..or let me educate you :)

last i checked we fell in or around 27th place on standard of living. this was probably 2010 when i had to write about it last. and then if you factor in that was done before the 2008 crisis -since the entire world has lost 60 percent of the wealth. i'm sure we're not doing any better... but i'll check again for you.

but you are right, we do consume more. but why is that a problem if we begin to use renewables?

  • have the highest standard of living anywhere.​


QUIT LYING. ..or let me educate you :)

last i checked we fell in or around 27th place on standard of living. this was probably 2010 when i had to write about it last. and then if you factor in that was done before the 2008 crisis -since the entire world has lost 60 percent of the wealth. i'm sure we're not doing any better... but i'll check again for you.

but you are right, we do consume more. but why is that a problem if we begin to use renewables?

We are actually 9th....behind tiny little places like Norway,Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Ireland Switzerland, Germany and Canada. They have a combined population of about 183 million people or 1.5% of the worlds population. Yeah, I was way off...sorry

I stand corrected, we have a higher standard of living than 98.5% of the world...feel better?

Now, we are behind many countries in average wealth per capita...Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other small oil producing nations have great wealth, but they treat women like property among other things...and that takes them out of a "standard of living" discussion, even though they all drive Mercedes (or better)

As for "richest" countries the usa leads by far with a GDP of over 14 trillion dollars..China at 10 trillion..third is 4 trillion..

But are right and I am wrong...I did say we were the Highest...I bow to your superior "spin" abilities

Of course, now you will want nit pic between Standard of living and quality of life I suppose...
Corey, for once you are right..I don't have anything to do with this forum...My mistake. I thought it was a forum about Medical cannabis in Michigan. Not an anti government, the 'man is holding me down " radical breeding ground.

Any how, I'll be posting much less for awhile...headed to Lansing for meetings with house members to try and actually get something guys carry on with the government bashing and crying.

I'll go and try to limit the damage you are causing.

An inside tip: Watch the news for the soon to be breaking story on Joe Cain and his FM...holy have no idea what's coming. The article I posted was just the start..

Second hb5681...

Are you a snitch?
I find it very believable. Why would he lie about it, when very soon we will find out the truth. If the politicians are going to listen to anyone, it will be someone with Bob's views. He is playing their game and has said it all along. He said wait for the story on Joe Cain and the market. Well we all heard he was a crook. Time will tell if Bob is lying. He may have different views but he doesn't come off to me ass someone that needs to lie to kick it. I would like to hear these distribution models.
Bob has put himself out there and said to watch for these things, time will tell if he is telling the truth or just full of shit. I don't agree with a lot of his views, but I have traveled a different path than Bob. Just cuz I don't agree with many of his views, I still believe him.
I find it very believable. Why would he lie about it, when very soon we will find out the truth. If the politicians are going to listen to anyone, it will be someone with Bob's views. He is playing their game and has said it all along. He said wait for the story on Joe Cain and the market. Well we all heard he was a crook. Time will tell if Bob is lying. He may have different views but he doesn't come off to me ass someone that needs to lie to kick it. I would like to hear these distribution models. Bob has put himself out there and said to watch for these things, time will tell if he is telling the truth or just full of shit. I don't agree with a lot of his views, but I have traveled a different path than Bob. Just cuz I don't agree with many of his views, I still believe him.
It's not that they will listen because of my views. It is that they will listen to my views, because of my life. I was a successful member of corporate America..That became ill, and now benefits from cannabis. Quite simply they don't view me as a recreational user, abusing the law. They view me as a patient that benefits from cannabis, that is concerned about patients.
I believe it.
I hope it is a good thing. I think we all have a feeling some epic shady shit is about to go down with the state.
enough rumor allusion. where's the beef? you've got till friday to back up the hinting at something maneuver, some ambiguous unknown known. seriously wtf?

everyone play nice or ass-kicker mod "mygirls" will bust ya upside the head with a masterlock style padlock, we'll call it medical attention.
yeah....that's as believable as any other post you ever put up. you're saving the world Bob go on and get em' tiger.
I'm not saving the world..May not be able to save anything. But I am doing something..unlike you..I've got 3 meets, over 3 weeks..don't expect instant news,,Same for the unfolding Joe Cain story..that may take some time to fully come out...Feds work slow and diligent before the arrest..and yes, Joe has the feds eye..Where is Joe these days? By the way..Did ya notice that 5861 has already been reworded to extend the reduction to a schedule 2 drug for ALL card holders..not just the propose ';pharma card' holders? How'd THAT happen? Must have been Timmah,certainly not the people I work with...because we are all out to get ya...Yes that's won't be reported to the feds either for a minor cannabis related court case..even if you don't get a pharnma card..if..err.when.. the bill passes And no, I'm not saying that I single handedly did it..but I am saying you had nothing to do with it. Actually, it's being edited almost daily right now..mostly all favorable...hmm hows that happen? Anyhow, back to work for me...I'm really trying to stay off of here, but you guys make it so hard..