So the Obama Administration is okay with other countries encroaching our borders. . .

who cares....

Arizona is right...and if ppl want to be retarded...let them....kind of how we are using K economics...stupidity of the masses. The top LOVES it because folks like YOU are that much easier to control.

Arizona only needs to STOP selling water and electricity to Cali..... and bring that completely liberal and BANKRUPT state to it's KNEES....

You are excused....for now.

Not surprising that you would choose to go off on a wild tangent instead of addressing what I said about the economic armageddon it would be for Arizona should they actually deport all their illegals.

I also find it funny that you choose to applaud Arizona's new law because it mirrors what other countries do, yet scorn America for following the lead of other countries when it comes to fixing our out of control health care costs.


i've tried dealing with both of you to no end.

good-bye. :clap:
One has only to review Mexicos laws on illegal immigration to see the absolute hypocracy the Mexican governments position is on our illegal situation. I say, treat the mexican illegals as Mexico treats theirs, that would seem fair to me:
Here below are the Mexican laws enforcing their own borders.

– The Mexican government will bar foreigners if they upset “the equilibrium of the national demographics.” How’s that for racial and ethnic profiling?

– If outsiders do not enhance the country’s “economic or national interests” or are “not found to be physically or mentally healthy,” they are not welcome. Neither are those who show “contempt against national sovereignty or security.” They must not be economic burdens on society and must have clean criminal histories. Those seeking to obtain Mexican citizenship must show a birth certificate, provide a bank statement proving economic independence, pass an exam and prove they can provide their own health care.

– Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years’ imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment. Foreigners may be kicked out of the country without due process and the endless bites at the litigation apple that illegal aliens are afforded in our country (see, for example, President Obama’s illegal alien aunt — a fugitive from deportation for eight years who is awaiting a second decision on her previously rejected asylum claim).

– Law enforcement officials at all levels — by national mandate — must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. The Mexican military is also required to assist in immigration enforcement operations. Native-born Mexicans are empowered to make citizens’ arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities.

– Ready to show your papers? Mexico’s National Catalog of Foreigners tracks all outside tourists and foreign nationals. A National Population Registry tracks and verifies the identity of every member of the population, who must carry a citizens’ identity card. Visitors who do not possess proper documents and identification are subject to arrest as illegal aliens.

You can read the full version of Mexico's revised 2009 illegal immigration bill that shows the points above here

Maybe we should adopt their version and see how that goes over. It seems to be o.k. for the Mexican people and government.
I'll choose humanity over patriotism. Fuck Nationalism!
Sir, your humanity would eventually bring us to the level of a 3rd world country....then what? have you ever read anything written by our nation's founding fathers? They knew a day like this would come, hence why they made the constitution, however, we have "politicians" walking all over it nowadays. It's like a real life nightmare some days. If our country would have had your stance back in 1776...well we'd still be Britain's bitches for lack of better terminology
I'm just curious to know how many people here on are okay with the borders of the United States being encroached by all the rest of the world?

If you are okay with this, could you please state your stance?
If you aren't okay with this, what is wrong with just letting ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS come into our country anytime they want without any consequences for breaking laws of the United States?

Let's keep this a rational debate, people. . . I truly would like to get an understanding of the issue from all sides.

define what the hell your talking about, immigration, illegal aliens, or foreign property owners of american soil?
One has only to review Mexicos laws on illegal immigration to see the absolute hypocracy the Mexican governments position is on our illegal situation. I say, treat the mexican illegals as Mexico treats theirs, that would seem fair to me:
Here below are the Mexican laws enforcing their own borders.

– The Mexican government will bar foreigners if they upset “the equilibrium of the national demographics.” How’s that for racial and ethnic profiling?

– If outsiders do not enhance the country’s “economic or national interests” or are “not found to be physically or mentally healthy,” they are not welcome. Neither are those who show “contempt against national sovereignty or security.” They must not be economic burdens on society and must have clean criminal histories. Those seeking to obtain Mexican citizenship must show a birth certificate, provide a bank statement proving economic independence, pass an exam and prove they can provide their own health care.

– Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years’ imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment. Foreigners may be kicked out of the country without due process and the endless bites at the litigation apple that illegal aliens are afforded in our country (see, for example, President Obama’s illegal alien aunt — a fugitive from deportation for eight years who is awaiting a second decision on her previously rejected asylum claim).

– Law enforcement officials at all levels — by national mandate — must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. The Mexican military is also required to assist in immigration enforcement operations. Native-born Mexicans are empowered to make citizens’ arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities.

– Ready to show your papers? Mexico’s National Catalog of Foreigners tracks all outside tourists and foreign nationals. A National Population Registry tracks and verifies the identity of every member of the population, who must carry a citizens’ identity card. Visitors who do not possess proper documents and identification are subject to arrest as illegal aliens.

You can read the full version of Mexico's revised 2009 illegal immigration bill that shows the points above here

Maybe we should adopt their version and see how that goes over. It seems to be o.k. for the Mexican people and government.

I think the mexican government keeping whitey out is a pretty good idea, especially since the alamo was a bunch of american illegal aliens who went to mexico and then revolted against the mexican government, essentially moving in and then stealing all of that land.
Actually the Texas war for independence was fought between Mexican citizens.

As part of the deal to live in Texas they had to become Mexican citizens.

And they were allowed to be there by the Mexican government.
In reply to medicine man:

So you want us to be Like Mexico?

Well allrighty then. SInce you point out how they deal with Illegals.

Why dont ou point out how easy it is to become a citizen there?

Why dont you point out you can actually move there apply for immigration while you are there. Dont need a visa.

And can work there while your immigration request is being processed?
And since we are on the Topic of Illegals

How come no one ever asks the question Why dont they come here legally?

Well maybe the 18 year wait for a visa to be processed is one of the reasons. Why wait 2 decades. When Employers want to hire them immediatly for 10x the money they are making now?

Who here wouldnt sneak over the border to canada if they paid you 10x more than what you make now regardless of immigration status?
Then Why in the Fvck would you post a website with some of the most Vielest racist Crap I have ever seen?

to tell the truth, I don't remember. That may have come by way of e mail. It was a long time ago. I'm not racist but I do hate on wet backs.
I'm not racist but I do hate on wet backs.
Do tell. As one who grew up in a Mexican barrio in NorCal; one who "broke bread" with families that worked the fields of the East Bay; one who observed people who worked their asses off...that had a sense of "family"...went to Mass every Sunday...Do tell...Why do you hate on Wetbacks. I'm waiting.
Illegal, not paying taxes, can't drive for shit, raising pos kids that are a drain to the U.S people. You are very right there are some very good people in that lot. But not enough to change my mind about Illegal's. I just don't think it racist to hate on a group of people that should not be in this country in the first place. waiting done.
Doesn't really matter to me to be honest as I don't live near the mexican border, I think its good that people come here and find freedom and hapiness, but I live in detroit so what do I know, I am sure it would effect business negatively the way our economy is now but I think if we lived fully in the American spirit that this wouldn't be a problem.