So the Obama Administration is okay with other countries encroaching our borders. . .

Illegal, not paying taxes, can't drive for shit, raising pos kids that are a drain to the U.S people. You are very right there are some very good people in that lot. But not enough to change my mind about Illegal's. I just don't think it racist to hate on a group of people that should not be in this country in the first place. waiting done. do you feel about companies such as Smithfield and Cargill who advertise in Mexico for positions in meat packing facilities in the US? Furthermore, how do you feel about these US companies that then, once interviewed, provide housing and transportation to said facilities? Furthermore, how do you feel about the relationship said companies have with ICE to only arrest and deport a fixed amount of illegals so as not to impact production allowing for said companies to get new recruits in from Mexico?

How do you feel about said US companies forging documents for said illegals so that they pay taxes (yes they pay taxes on payroll)? Said illegals are arrested, detained, deported, meanwhile these companies are allowed to continue operations with impunity.

Illegals are here because Corporate America wants them here. Plain and simple.

Enjoy your $4.99/lb vacuum packed Smithfield Baby Back Ribs...They were probably processed by illegal immigrants.
Illegal, not paying taxes, can't drive for shit, raising pos kids that are a drain to the U.S people. You are very right there are some very good people in that lot. But not enough to change my mind about Illegal's. I just don't think it racist to hate on a group of people that should not be in this country in the first place. waiting done.

Stumps even Fox Business will tell you Illegals pay in to the system more than they take out

Add in that as a percentage they commit less crime than native born

It adds up to Illegals are paying their own way and should be complaining about having to support a bunch of American Citizen welfare cases
Funny as shit is Georgias new Immigration Law Scared off all the Illegal Feild workers
-First they tried raising wages to 12-18 dollars an hour
-then they gave out signing bonuses and attendance Bonuses
-then they tried to force those on Probation and parole to do the job

Guess what. The state of Georgia Lost Billions this year becuase of fruits and veggies rotting in the feilds

So Please Dont tell me they are taking away jobs Americans will do if the Price is right
Obama has deported more illegals every year in office than any of his predecessors. He breaks his own record for deportations every year.

And border crossing are way down.
Screw that!!! You should have to show your ID anytime a police officer ask for it period.
And sorry to burst your bubble,but americans used to pick the strawberries in florida until some mexicant's said they would do it for half the price.Now let your company tell you they are taking half your pay away because they could get someone to do it for that.And lawn people used to be majority white americans until the mexicants bid half the price to do it.So go ahead and pull your fucking you are a racist bullshit that doucebags like you like to sling around.Do the world a favor and stop breathing you fucktard.