So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

I think he will, but won't be surprised if he doesn't.
I think he won’t. He’s already working on pardoning himself. That’s why there’s no time for helping Joe his own ship is sinking. He will come up with something to get out of it. Maybe even Joe pardons him. I don’t see him doing any time.
I think he won’t. He’s already working on pardoning himself. That’s why there’s no time for helping Joe his own ship is sinking. He will come up with something to get out of it. Maybe even Joe pardons him. I don’t see him doing any time.

We will see. I think Mueller was smart enough to see the most obvious move by Trump. But I can be wrong. Jan. 21 2021 can't get here soon enough.
He lives to be in court. It’s like feeding the trolls, they love it. Sense of importance.
He ain’t going nowhere.
Manhattan District Court will make sure he doesn't go anywhere, bail conditions.
The Federal mess will take a while to churn, NY state will keep him pinned down on NY charges.

The Flynn pardon is still his Achilles heel, plus a few other people he will hang out to dry before the change.
Trump has sealed indictments as individual #1 in the SDNY, count on it and the sovereign district of NY doesn't need the new DOJ's permission to pursue a case against a private citizen. If the justice department reverts to it's pre Trump operations, there had better be completed investigations and sealed indictments ready to go or someone obstructed justice and destroyed evidence. Some of you folks clearly think Donald is fucking superman and is somehow above the law, he is not and won't be. This is a crime already in the pipeline and ready to go to court pre Biden, it won't be long after Jan 20th before he is arrested, IMHO not long at all. Nobody is above the law and the one he broke here will send him away for a decade.

I see Bill Barr broke with Donald today on election fraud, he had an interview with AP, I wonder how long it will be before Donald fires him, it kinda sounds like he wants to be fired to me. That means that Bill figures he can stay out of jail if he plays his cards right, it also means he was playing Donald for a sucker, giving the illusion of protection. Bill either had to play Donald for a sucker or go to prison for him, it's that simple, Donald is a simple guy.
Yeah, no possibly way a country 4x bigger might tamper with a smaller, highly influential country's election. Weve never seen anything like that happen before.
Like a broken clock, he can be right occasionally.
Justice Dept agrees with you today despite the lame sarcasm. China didn't do it either.
Were's the beef?
“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” William Barr told the AP.

illegal votes
bad votes
mail in ballots

blacks being irregular voters
Deep State
Phantom districts in the Midwest
China again
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Trump will fight any jail time and appeal, appeal, appeal. He would then get smuggled out of the country. Then the country he wold end up in he would fight any extradition order. Keep it up for ten or more years easy.
Trump will fight any jail time and appeal, appeal, appeal. He would then get smuggled out of the country. Then the country he wold end up in he would fight any extradition order. Keep it up for ten or more years easy.
You appeal these charges from the inside, if Trump shows up with a self pardon the judge might dismiss it out of hand and he can take it up on appeal. Worse for Donald the FBI could take that pardon at face value and clean Donald out or imprison him for perjury, they could use his pardon to gather evidence against him and others, then charge him and have the pardon invalidated. Broad pardons for Trump's associates would be a disaster for him and anybody else who was in crime with them, they call it the pardon trap for a reason.

I'm sure his lawyers are warning him about this, but the news is he is ignoring sound advice (sound familiar) and will grant broad pardons to his associates. The only pardon that could work for Donald is a broad one granted to him by Pence who would be made king for a day for that purpose. If Pence was gonna pardon Trump the fix would be already in and Donald wouldn't be nearly as nervous as he is now. A self pardon would be like holding up a tissue to try and stop a bullet.
I would just scare him into fleeing for Russia, and divert to The Hauge.
EU International Criminal Court would love to to be impartial.
TikTok, for irony.
I figure someone will make a virtual Donald for radio and TV, just load in a script and roboasshole will sing it. They could use roboasshole to control the base with Donald in prison, they could say his spirit inhabits the machine! Perhaps for a small fee you could call RoboDonald to answer life's mysteries etc. Anything for a buck and these suckers will believe anything but the truth, no wonder Donald and the rest of them hold them in such utter contempt. RoboDonald can campaign for the 2024 nomination from prison and his database of 30,000 lies can be easily recycled for 2024. Shit you could make RoboDonald into a Turing machine, not much processing power or memory would be required and the code would be quite simple to write for such a limited function.
Attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, who are representing President Donald Trump, reacted on Tuesday after Attorney General Bill Barr said that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has not found evidence of fraud that would overturn the 2020 election.

“With all due respect to the Attorney General, there hasn’t been any semblance of a Department of Justice investigation,” the statement said. “We have gathered ample evidence of illegal voting in at least six states, which they have not examined.”

“Again, with the greatest respect to the Attorney General, his opinion appears to be without any knowledge or investigation of the substantial irregularities of systemic fraud,” the lawyers added.

Moments before the statement was released, Barr was seen arriving at the White House. It was not immediately clear if the president intended to speak with the attorney general.

Someone was called to the Principal....and still no Trump supporters have denounced DiGenova's call for drawing and quartering US citizens or Lyn Wood's call for domestic martial law because of "China", an external country.
These are Trump's personal representative's, just like Giuliani now and Michael Cohen before him.
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illegal votes
bad votes
mail in ballots

blacks being irregular voters
Deep State
Phantom districts in the Midwest
China again
Forgot on the list:
Dept of Agriculture
DOJ again

I guess it needs to be updated.
illegal votes
bad votes
mail in ballots

blacks being irregular voters
Deep State
Phantom districts in the Midwest
China again
Dept of Agriculture
DOJ again
Trump will fight any jail time and appeal, appeal, appeal. He would then get smuggled out of the country. Then the country he wold end up in he would fight any extradition order. Keep it up for ten or more years easy.

he's a flight risk and they'll make him hand over the passports.

Ghislaine?..we're ready for you now.
he's a flight risk and they'll make him hand over the passports.

Ghislaine?..we're ready for you now.
If drugs and people can get over a border I am sure trump can have someone get him out of the country. Michael Cohen should be out of jail by then, shouldn't he?
If drugs and people can get over a border I am sure trump can have someone get him out of the country. Michael Cohen should be out of jail by then, shouldn't he?

the intended country may wish to re-think that strategy.


let's face it, we're not really suuure how Regeneron works.

this is why we're still not using dial-up you need a few versions to work out the 'bugs'.

This has got to have some local impact in Georgia, some of the republican voters might peel away over this and pardons. I know they tolerated a lot and 95% of them won't care at all, but perhaps 5% might stay home and a few might even vote for the democrat.
Georgia Election Official Condemns Threats Of Violence, Slams Trump, GOP For Not Speaking Out

Georgia elections official Gabriel Sterling emotionally spoke out about the threats made toward election officials in the wake of the 2020 election, particularly criticizing President Trump and Republican lawmakers who have not spoken out.