So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

Personally id rather be dead than every step i take tracked and traced. Sorry but give me freedom or give me death.
lmao, you don't own a cell phone?

And that is not what contact tracing is about.
No, they are actually working less than they used to, even though this is a "hot spot". Many of them have been laid off or permanently "downsized" and are enjoying their lives.
Good for them.
The purpose of putting it in quotes is to highlight that these so called hot spots are bullshit in many ways. Glad you understood.
It really depends what part of the medical field you are in. Most hospitals still sit empty.
I assume you guys are feeding this troll for entertainment purposes?
That could be the only reason.
Good point. I think sometimes he seems like he is not being a troll, but saying shit like 'most hospitals still sit empty' is nothing but trolling.