The President-reject.Donald J Trump: Alternative winner of the 2020 Election!!!
I don't know, I haven't seen any proof of him not being a complete fcking idiot, really I haven't. Every time I listen to him I think the man can barely speak English and the things he says. So I actually think he is kind of stupid.Trump is not stupid. It is just that he lives in an alternative world where he really believes the conspiracy things he spouts. As said, it can not possibly be a fault with him. And that is the thing I find most amazing. The grasping at straws ans the massive conspiracy against one man rather than the acceptance of, just maybe, that more than half the country are not a fan of his management style. After all, some people like Pepsi, some Coke. If he did a little thing such as not tweet as much he might have won.
He's clever, in the criminal way. Try, just try to follow a transcript of anything he spouts. I triple dog dare ya'.I beg to differ. He’s stupid, just been lucky.
Yeah, I get where one can say that. To me, he seems ignorant but of average intelligence. He's well coached and is actually very careful to avoid determinative statements. I noted that during the debates, when the questioner paraphrased what he was saying and Trump corrected him by re-stating exactly what he said. And literally, Trump was right except, he actually was saying what the questioner claimed but used weasel words that allowed him to deny it.I don't know, I haven't seen any proof of him not being a complete fcking idiot, really I haven't. Every time I listen to him I think the man can barely speak English and the things he says. So I actually think he is kind of stupid.
"It's got to stop. " The one thing he's said that I can agree with.
When will it stop?
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You’re discounting SATAN in this. I think he sold his soul to the devil, as it were.I think if Trump was 10-15 years younger he would have greater mental capacity and he would be many times dangerous. I think he is in mental decline as he accuses Biden of. He is good at thinking along the lines that he does, the accusations, as he has been using them over and over. Where he falls down is in critical thinking. His mind struggles to justify the unjustifiable. And his way to get away with it is throw out so much crap that you can't pin anything down on him. I think he is running around the average intelligence of his followers (not counting the right leaning types that would be Republicans anyway, the ones that hold their nose over him).
So is he an idiot? I go back and forth. When he talks he can sound like one. He has nutty ideas also. But when you look at his main intent in life, to make Trump the greatest ever, he does know how to get 75 million people behind him where any other person would have been put away by now. But we really will not know until he is out of office and a flury of books will come out.
A cursory search on google confirms your assertion.Ya know through all this shit I never heard anybody attacking Joe Biden, other than Trump himself, an interesting observation, not even the Trumpers are focusing their wrath upon him in particular. Kamala has been a bit of a target for obvious causes of ethnicity and misogamy, Trump supporters are racists and misogamists first and patriots last, if at all. Most Trump voters support fascism and not the US constitution, no patriot could vote for Trump, it's just not possible, he ran against the constitution, rule of law, the founding ethos of the nation and democracy itself, which he was and is actively trying to destroy. Donald Trump IS not just an enemy of the people, but of humanity as well, this is not hyperbole, it can be proven in a court of law to the satisfaction of a jury.
no patriot could vote for Trump, it's just not possible