So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

Trump is not stupid. It is just that he lives in an alternative world where he really believes the conspiracy things he spouts. As said, it can not possibly be a fault with him. And that is the thing I find most amazing. The grasping at straws ans the massive conspiracy against one man rather than the acceptance of, just maybe, that more than half the country are not a fan of his management style. After all, some people like Pepsi, some Coke. If he did a little thing such as not tweet as much he might have won.
Trump is not stupid. It is just that he lives in an alternative world where he really believes the conspiracy things he spouts. As said, it can not possibly be a fault with him. And that is the thing I find most amazing. The grasping at straws ans the massive conspiracy against one man rather than the acceptance of, just maybe, that more than half the country are not a fan of his management style. After all, some people like Pepsi, some Coke. If he did a little thing such as not tweet as much he might have won.
I beg to differ. He’s stupid, just been lucky.
his netflix series is pretty good. you guys should check it out. all of his projects were trash. hes the type of person that can sell a shitty car to someone at sticker price and they'll love him for it.
I beg to differ. He’s stupid, just been lucky.
He has serious gaping holes in his thought process. But he has good instincts in his survival. A guy that used to target shoot had someone say to him he is very lucky. He replied he gets luckier the more he practices. Trump is a damaged individual, his niece pegged him right, but we all could see it also but maybe not as extreme as she has seen seeing it from behind the curtain. He has been lucky as he has pushed the boundaries in the past and managed to convince others to give him a way out selling to them he has value to them. But he took this position not knowing it has real boundaries that he has to abide by.

He has been able to push the boundaries much further than any other person did before him. Remember the outrage of Obama putting his feet up on the table in the oval office? The shock and the indignation (all right half of that was due to a black man doing it)? That is just a spit in the ocean compared to what Trump has upended. If Trump was really stupid then God is behind him giving him the luck to pull through. Trump knows how to measure the odds and has succeeded where others would not have.

He is a world class grifter and promoter of himself. He can sell false hopes to people to the point where they are real hopes and can turn into real things. His wall? It is getting built. Mexico is not paying for it but his followers do not care about that part now. He changed the goal line. He has had limited success with China for one reason, he is willing to blow everything up to get what hre wants and everyone knows it. What he has achieved could probably have been done with less excitement with normal negotiating but then again the Chinese might have just pushed back. His usefulness is in that he could push boundaries and to expose holes while pushing the boundaries. Europe now knows there really could be a day the US is not there for them. Not saying that it was a good thing for us to live through four years of Trump, but he is not totally mindless.
He has serious gaping holes in his thought process. But he has good instincts in his survival. A guy that used to target shoot had someone say to him he is very lucky. He replied he gets luckier the more he practices. Trump is a damaged individual, his niece pegged him right, but we all could see it also but maybe not as extreme as she has seen seeing it from behind the curtain. He has been lucky as he has pushed the boundaries in the past and managed to convince others to give him a way out selling to them he has value to them. But he took this position not knowing it has real boundaries that he has to abide by.

He has been able to push the boundaries much further than any other person did before him. Remember the outrage of Obama putting his feet up on the table in the oval office? The shock and the indignation (all right half of that was due to a black man doing it)? That is just a spit in the ocean compared to what Trump has upended. If Trump was really stupid then God is behind him giving him the luck to pull through. Trump knows how to measure the odds and has succeeded where others would not have.

He is a world class grifter and promoter of himself. He can sell false hopes to people to the point where they are real hopes and can turn into real things. His wall? It is getting built. Mexico is not paying for it but his followers do not care about that part now. He changed the goal line. He has had limited success with China for one reason, he is willing to blow everything up to get what hre wants and everyone knows it. What he has achieved could probably have been done with less excitement with normal negotiating but then again the Chinese might have just pushed back. His usefulness is in that he could push boundaries and to expose holes while pushing the boundaries. Europe now knows there really could be a day the US is not there for them. Not saying that it was a good thing for us to live through four years of Trump, but he is not totally mindless.
Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV.

Trump is a moron. He is just a shameless one that has had access to a lot of other people's money all his life and that buys a lot of leeway.

Here's where lil x is getting his "inadequate training" tripe from. Mellissa was hired by the 4 seasons total legal team to to play the role of "IT expert #1" in these theatrics. Her shit is so bat shit crazy that even Rudy realized he needed to shut her down, mid performance.

Something about crisis actors and decades of projection
I feel sorry for the people locked in their houses not living because of a cold that kills less than 1% of the people that get it.
A Canadian perspective for you. Just multiply the numbers by 10 and you get the US story:

How can a disease with 1% mortality shut down Canada?

There are two problems with this question…..
1) It neglects the law of large numbers, and
2) It assumes that one of two things happen; you die or you are 100% fine.
Canada has a population of approximately 37,742,154. If one percent of the population dies, that's 377,422 people dead.

Three hundred thousand people dead would monkey wrench the economy no matter what. That more than doubles the number of annual deaths all at once.
The second bit is that people keep talking about deaths. Deaths, deaths, deaths. Only one percent die! Just one percent! One is a small number! No big deal, right?
What about the people who survive?

For every one person who dies…..
- 19 more require hospitalization
- 18 of those will have permanent heart damage for the rest of their lives
- 10 will have permanent lung damage
- 3 will have strokes
- 2 will have neurological damage that leads to chronic weakness and loss of coordination
- 2 will have neurological damage that leads to loss of cognitive function

So now all of a sudden, that "but it's only 1% fatal!" becomes…..

- 377,422 dead
- 7,171,009 hospitalized
- 6,793,588 people with permanent heart damage
- 3,774,215 people with permanent lung damage
- 1,132,265 people with strokes
- 754,843 people with muscle weakness
- 754,843 people with loss of cognitive function

This is what the folks who keep on about "only 1% dead, what's the big deal?" don't get. It's not just 1% dead. Imagine the cost to our country, Imagine the clogged hospitals. Imagine all the loved ones who die or suffer health effects the rest of their lives.
Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV.

Trump is a moron. He is just a shameless one that has had access to a lot of other people's money all his life and that buys a lot of leeway.
He is a boorish piece of white trash. If it were not for his dad's money he would have been nothing. And if he did not be 'too big to fail' taking a big loss on other people's money he would not be where he is today,. That along with his TV show is what saved him. He won by getting China to buy more American farm products. He probably lost more value in jumping out of the 'Obama' TPP.

I am betting it is some of the people that served under him that really provided the 'wins' for him and dampened down some of the more harmful things that could have happened. I have no qualms in saying we would have been better without him.
A Canadian perspective for you. Just multiply the numbers by 10 and you get the US story:

How can a disease with 1% mortality shut down Canada?

There are two problems with this question…..
1) It neglects the law of large numbers, and
2) It assumes that one of two things happen; you die or you are 100% fine.
Canada has a population of approximately 37,742,154. If one percent of the population dies, that's 377,422 people dead.

Three hundred thousand people dead would monkey wrench the economy no matter what. That more than doubles the number of annual deaths all at once.
The second bit is that people keep talking about deaths. Deaths, deaths, deaths. Only one percent die! Just one percent! One is a small number! No big deal, right?
What about the people who survive?

For every one person who dies…..
- 19 more require hospitalization
- 18 of those will have permanent heart damage for the rest of their lives
- 10 will have permanent lung damage
- 3 will have strokes
- 2 will have neurological damage that leads to chronic weakness and loss of coordination
- 2 will have neurological damage that leads to loss of cognitive function

So now all of a sudden, that "but it's only 1% fatal!" becomes…..

- 377,422 dead
- 7,171,009 hospitalized
- 6,793,588 people with permanent heart damage
- 3,774,215 people with permanent lung damage
- 1,132,265 people with strokes
- 754,843 people with muscle weakness
- 754,843 people with loss of cognitive function

This is what the folks who keep on about "only 1% dead, what's the big deal?" don't get. It's not just 1% dead. Imagine the cost to our country, Imagine the clogged hospitals. Imagine all the loved ones who die or suffer health effects the rest of their lives.
Well put, but I bet you lost him at “perspective”.
so you think mr x is still being facetious? or just another troll?
I think that one was perhaps speculation after getting really really high. I don't know where Mr x is coming from tbh. He could be just kidding around but if so, he's poking at an open wound and my annoyed post was a result.

It contained kind of cynicism that both the radical left and the radical right exhibit. They can't win without cheating so they think everybody does it. Or they say they do. Had enough of that when Padshuystikk were trashing the Democratic Party because we wouldn't just hand the nomination to Bernie in 2016.
Mo Brooks planning to challenge Electoral College votes
Republican Rep. Mo Brooks (Ala.) on Wednesday told reporters that he plans to challenge the Electoral College votes when Congress meets to certify the election for President-elect Joe Biden on Jan. 6.

Brooks confirmed his plans to The Hill, repeating President Trump’s claims without evidence that the 2020 election had widespread cases of voter fraud. Politico first reported the news.

“I'm doing this because in my judgment this is the worst election theft in the history of the United States. And if there was a way to determine the Electoral College outcome using only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, then Donald Trump won the Electoral College,” he told The Hill in an interview.

“I'm not focused on what is in the legal pleadings in all these lawsuits all over the country. There's some number of votes that probably were illegal in some different places to some degree. That is not that abnormal,” he added.

The Alabama Republican said he believes the issue extends beyond the court cases filed by the Trump campaign, arguing that Congress is better suited to look into the matter.

“It is extremely difficult in a court of law to determine how many illegal votes were cast and who they were cast for. And that is one of the reasons why the FBI, the Justice Department and the federal judiciary are wholly inadequate for handling this issue,” he said.

“And also one of the reasons why the writers of the United States Constitution determined that it would be unwise for federal courts that even the Supreme Court to be the arbiter,” he added.

So in effect if one person in the House and one in the Senate objects (sure to find one that wants to grandstand) to a electoral submission by all the States who certified the result then the House and the Senate have to go and debate the issue in their respective houses and vote whether or not to accept the electoral votes as presented. I think if one of them vote to accept the submission and the other not, then the electoral submission is carried. So more fun and games. This will really stir up the Trumpards, if both houses vote down the submission then it goes down to each State having one vote and since there are more Red states now Trump wins.