
Ya know, fuck those kids....they get to play and be treated as royalty, in a fuckin foreign country. So ya got shitty toilets....been campin bitches? Just enjoy your moment

To be fair, not many of the athletes are complaining. Mostly it was the press. Not that they were that out of line. Gladly these distractions have died down now that the curling preliminaries have begun. Who can be pissy when there's curling? I'm fuckin' hammered.

The man responsible for operating the Olympic Rings during last night’s Winter Olympics opening ceremony in Russia was found dead today. According to local reports the body of Boris Avdeyev was found his hotel room early this morning with multiple stab wounds.
Avdeyev was a technical specialist responsible for the Olympic Ring spectacle, which embarrassingly malfunctioned last night. Five animatronic snowflakes were supposed to transform into Olympic Rings. The first four functioned properly but the fifth snowflake failed to change shape.
Although his body was badly mangled and the wounds were consistent with a struggle, so far officials say they don't suspect foul play.
“Sure there were stab wounds and bruises all over the body,” admits the lead investigator on the case. “But who knows what caused them. Maybe he tripped and fell on a set of knives. Right now we’re ruling this an accidental death.

Get the fuck out! Just like the Columbian Soccer Goalie who shot himself 30 times with four different weapons.

Lol. I did not realize it, but all of those rings were supposed to merge into one and 'splode with fireworks. Something tells me that the failure may have saved hundreds of lives.
Yeah Curling !!!!
It's kinda like shuffleboard, at a frozen bowling alley, with rocks instead of balls, and brooms too!

Never played it, but looks like fun.
Yeah Curling !!!!
It's kinda like shuffleboard, at a frozen bowling alley, with rocks instead of balls, and brooms too!

Never played it, but looks like fun.
I like it because it has no practical application anywhere.

On a serious note... I liked the team figure skating. Typically, figure skating is later in the 'limpics and all the figure skaters show up four days late to the games. I kind of liked seeing them early in order to get some foreshadowing on individual competitions. The highlite of the competition (for me) was Russia's Yulia Lipnitskaya. Those were utterly amazing performances.

Why are the Chinese not a factor in figure skating? It seems up their alley.

The man responsible for operating the Olympic Rings during last night’s Winter Olympics opening ceremony in Russia was found dead today. According to local reports the body of Boris Avdeyev was found his hotel room early this morning with multiple stab wounds.
Avdeyev was a technical specialist responsible for the Olympic Ring spectacle, which embarrassingly malfunctioned last night. Five animatronic snowflakes were supposed to transform into Olympic Rings. The first four functioned properly but the fifth snowflake failed to change shape.
Although his body was badly mangled and the wounds were consistent with a struggle, so far officials say they don't suspect foul play.
“Sure there were stab wounds and bruises all over the body,” admits the lead investigator on the case. “But who knows what caused them. Maybe he tripped and fell on a set of knives. Right now we’re ruling this an accidental death.

For thoughs as stupid as me this is fake lol. I was actually believing this until i saw articles like..

Obama Announces Plan to Forgive All Student Loans
Marijuana Overdoses Kill 37 in Colorado On First Day of Legalization
Bieber Rushed to Hospital Following First Erection
Useless trivia:) Kay of Scotland is the producer of the curling stone that is used in the sport of the same name. They have exclusive rights to the Ailsa Craig granite that is harvested from the tiny volcanic island belonging to the Marquess of Ailsa.
Useless trivia:) Kay of Scotland is the producer of the curling stone that is used in the sport of the same name. They have exclusive rights to the Ailsa Craig granite that is harvested from the tiny volcanic island belonging to the Marquess of Ailsa.
Why are curlers young? I was wondering this while watching the women's Great Britain vs. Sweden match. GB is the top rated team and has an average age of 24. Are they really using the same type of muscular reflexes as, say, a sprinter? It seems to me that the whole thing is pretty non-physical. From my perspective, it seems more like strategy, experience and hand eye coordination - only the last of those seem like it would favor the young. So why are they young?

And Eve Muirhouse, GB's skip, is a fox. Was going to sit down and watch the US v Russia (women) on demand. First problem was that the description gave the final score, the second problem was that all they had was a seven minutes highlite clip. Sigh.
US women's curling team is choking. they just gave up a 7 to GB. a fucking 7 in one end.

to put that in perspective, an 8 is the highest possible score and it's like pitching a perfect game.
