
I'm happy. Canada won gold in men's and women's hockey.

Fuck yeah.

And where else but Canada do they change liquor laws for a hockey game???

Open booze stores and bars @ 6am so people can drink beers for the game @ 7am? Thanks!
I fear this years Olympics may be a blood bath. The Russians don't give a damn about hostages. The Chechens kill indiscriminately. women, children, they don't give a damn. Hell, they target children.

them rushkies dont fuck about when needed, all the chechs could do was a few attacks before the games, its over now so looks like putin won.

OK, this made me laugh. The closing ceremony made a joke about the failure of the Olympic Rings opening. These rings are made of humans if you cannot tell from the poor picture.

So they have a sense of humor after all...

Congrats on a successful games people of the FSU.