
I doubt it! From looking at your Facebook and your sensitivity towards EO, I am guessing that you could be black. Gay and black would explain your sensitivity...

Wait now I'm black and sensitive? Did you not just pour out your whole life story about being a disabled soldier lol? My facebook? I despise
Facebook, never made one. What the hell is EO? You're all over the place !
The point is, I know a little about you now. A hot mouth gay white guy that works at this location, I bet that it would not be hard to find a douche like you.!8m2!3d34.0888995!4d-117.906228
I doubt it! From looking at your Facebook and your sensitivity towards EO, I am guessing that you could be black. Gay and black would explain your sensitivity...

Lmao, doubt you could make it out here. And wait? What happened to being disabled? And you think your going to beat me up? As a cripple? Is that you GI joe?
Lol @MustangStudFarm bro hes just being a young adult... Some are still immature, like this one lol.

Just let him stick with advanced nutes & jorge cervantes lol because ya know, those grow cannabis plants in a dialed manner.

When one doesn't want to get specific about piss burning plants yet gets specific about how nutrients are dialed for cannabis which is yet again completely wrong.

Smh, obviously he dont know the temper nature of ptsd. Something that can't really be controlled when fucked with
Lol @MustangStudFarm bro hes just being a young adult... Some are still immature, like this one lol.

Just let him stick with advanced nutes & jorge cervantes lol because ya know, those grow cannabis plants in a dialed manner.

When one doesn't want to get specific about piss burning plants yet gets specific about how nutrients are dialed for cannabis which is yet again completely wrong.

Smh, obviously he dont know the temper nature of ptsd. Something that can't really be controlled when fucked with

You type like a kid. I don't use advanced nutes or Jorge even though he has tons of wisdom so don't know why you would bash him. I'll ask you like everyone else. Let's see your amazing crops? I know I grow great flower, I wouldn't be where I'm at if I didn't. So keep coming with the indirect insults :)

Yeah this sure is PTSD.


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You type like a kid. I don't use advanced nutes or Jorge even though he has tons of wisdom so don't know why you would bash him. I'll ask you like everyone else. Let's see your amazing crops? I know I grow great flower, I wouldn't be where I'm at if I didn't. So keep coming with the indirect insults :)

Yeah this sure is PTSD.
My english grammer (2nd out of 3 languages) sucks balls OTA? Aww did that make you feel better about yourself? Lmao

Let me guess... you flush every harvest?

My crop? LOL dude after a certain age you stop taking crop pics because you start realizing it is immature to show everyone how great you are because you can grow an (illegal) flower. I harvested friday night so my room is currently nothing but hanging plants anyway.. Go look in the frosty bud thread or learn how to use the search function.

You just assumed everyone would use piss in pots without diluting it? Or you worded it wrong and cant man up to your mistake?

Ok he threatened you, put him in ignore if you don't like it. You cant have a heated argument with someone with ptsd and there are some things you should NEVER say, unless your an asshole that is.

Indirect insults? What about selective replies you jackass...
My english grammer (2nd out of 3 languages) sucks balls OTA? Aww did that make you feel better about yourself? Lmao

Let me guess... you flush every harvest?

My crop? LOL dude after a certain age you stop taking crop pics because you start realizing it is immature to show everyone how great you are because you can grow an (illegal) flower. I harvested friday night so my room is currently nothing but hanging plants anyway.. Go look in the frosty bud thread or learn how to use the search function.

You just assumed everyone would use piss in pots without diluting it? Or you worded it wrong and cant man up to your mistake?

Ok he threatened you, put him in ignore if you don't like it. You cant have a heated argument with someone with ptsd and there are some things you should NEVER say, unless your an asshole that is.

Indirect insults? What about selective replies you jackass...
Oh man, what an idiot! Everyone on here knows where he works, address and everything and he still is flinging shit at everyone. Funny story, I was about to take a trip to scout areas that I would want to move to and I am going to passing through his neighborhood! Wouldnt it be funny if I stopped by his shop. Lets see how this Anti-American likes living in America, I dont think that it is right that he can sit at his computer and endlessly talk shit to everyone. He is going to be face to face with me soon and he has no idea what I look like! Just in case anyone missed his work address, here it is again...

1325 S Hazelwood
Fresno, CA 93702!8m2!3d36.7290769!4d-119.7685684
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lots of people world wide use urine for fertilizer and have for thousands of years it was probably the first fertilizer used by humans. what is the difference cow pee or human pee the plant doesn't care. .

Pee is not beneficial to your plants and will burn them. Don't listen to the trolls, idiots, or the "we've been doing it for 1,000 of years" guys. If Pee were beneficial or even remotely useful people would be using it instead of Nutrients that have been dialed in specifically for Cannabis.

Would you smoke weed that some pissed in? It's foolish and stubborn growers(broke kids) that are actually pissing on their flowers. Disgusting and useless, go ahead though and let's see those Piss crops. Smh.

I know a chick that like me to piss in her " bush " .... Is that the same ?
Lol, come on now man. Threats now? Are we going that low? I'm sorry for your conditions and didn't mean to make you so angry. That's not my address, not even close really. But it's relevant to a place I contract for. You almost had me there ! Phew...
Is this you?

Oh man, what an idiot! Everyone on here knows where he works, address and everything and he still is flinging shit at everyone. Funny story, I was about to take a trip to scout areas that I would want to move to and I am going to passing through his neighborhood! Wouldnt it be funny if I stopped by his shop. Lets see how this Anti-American likes living in America, I dont think that it is right that he can sit at his computer and endlessly talk shit to everyone. He is going to be face to face with me soon and he has no idea what I look like! Just in case anyone missed his work address, here it is again...!8m2!3d34.0888995!4d-117.906228
Not worth your time... I know plenty like him, trust me he has it coming.
Give it up man, you're terrible at skip tracing.
just leave it alone man, you are just creating enemies, the world is full of people to disagree with, no need to seek out arguments on the internet.
it's a new day.
Mustang is a damn good guy, he's just like a pitbull though, rile him up and then ya gotta just let em finish.
if he lives in the san joaquin valley man, that's why he's butthurt..
just put him on ignore, he's managed to piss off a good amount of people already
Wow, I can see why you're on your second wife...Tou obviously have anger issues and I wouldn't doubt if it carries over to your helpless children. You need a joint? You need medication and a therapist honestly. I ran my mouth because at 24 I have a great amount of experience under my belt.

Well seeing as I'm 24 finished with school, own my home, and have a kid with a wonderful fiancé I'm doing pretty good. Sorry you chose war instead of education, you make it sound as if you are better than everyone for making a choice to go kill others. I also missed the part in the rules where you must "lurk" before replying to someone. This ain't the sand dunes Charlie alpha, you can come out of hidind.
I've been watching your post sir and you are out of line! i am a army gulf war veteran! i served so we keep our rights to say what we want in this country, not to kill people! respect my boy or you'll just get more bashing for your insults! those that died fighting for this country did so because they want to keep this country free! not because they wanted to kill people! soldiers aren't criminals! they do the dirty work so our families stay safe and free! no i wouldn't just piss on a plant. that would be like pouring fresh wet manure on your plants ,
Wait? Your fighting for my family to sit at home? Whose attacking us? Nice to see you only fight for a certain group. Gays don't get equal rights? I would say this "shit" to your face. Let me guess, you'd give me a clobbering?

but diluted in soil it works great. every fertilizer has either real urea in it or synthetic fertilizer. same with organic soil that you pay a arm and a leg for its full of shit, piss and other organics. there is no difference other than fancy bottling. where i live theres no wall marts or home depots. i use what i got and thats composted chicken /horse manure and urine. and any plant i use that on is giving me great results. dilute 4/1 with water won't burn your plants! been doing it for 30 yrs. and never killed ANY plant yet!
Calijoke youre a special person...

More retarded piss plants from ca... we must be dumb.

Piss has worked fine for my family in china, japan, guam, pillipines, hawaii, australia, samoa, ca, col, atl, florida, ten, min, tx, az, nyc, juarez and michohacan too... so idk wtf youre talkin bout boy... juz cuz yoohz 2 ztoopid bruh dunt nein we-sofa-king-we-Tod-did ter...

Kick rocks neff... ask ur boss about it... i'm sure he'll clear things up for you. thxmxchBuTA
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