Somebody needs to pay for my 15 kids

"The meek shall inherit the earth"

"Catholics attempted to rule the earth with anti birth control policies, but they are losing"

"Obama won the election by pretending to be robin hood and enabling people that expect others to pay"

Hate to clue in Obama, but the poor of America will probably not inherit the earth, But most likely in the centuries to come the Chinese or perhaps the Indians will rule the world with the sheer overflow of an intelligent population.

All has been foretold as long ago as the 70s .... Cheech & Chong .... Firesign Theatre. Apologies for old school references :)
A handout can be a reward.

A handout can be an investment.

Hand that shit out.
here is yours


It did after all, come out of your head
A handout can be a reward.

A handout can be an investment.

Hand that shit out.

A handout is something you get for doing nothing.

Are you saying that kids who get academic scholarships did nothing to deserve them?

Scholarships are not handouts, they're earned.
But, not because they put in hard work over many years?

They're just magically deserving?

In your way of thinking, every time someone gets a raise at their job, it's a handout.

Why you hate the working class, bro?

In your way of thinking, poor kids don't deserve to eat.
wow...after reading 11 pages of this...I can't finish. So much hostility.

Shame on her for having too many kids (meaning too many to finance)
Shame on some of you for hating 15 innocent kids (innocent in that it wasn't their fault their mom kept popping them out)

Since she's gotten herself on tv, I'm assuming someone has stepped in to help at least the kids. I wouldn't give her money. I'd help her get her kids in the right programs though.

I made a decision early as an adult to pass on having kids. But the ones out there ARE the future and if they can get at least one mentor to look up to throughout their formative years I believe there is hope for them yet.

And, betcha that Momma who's cootchie should be renamed 7-11 will have ONE of them to take care of her when she's old.