Somebody needs to pay for my 15 kids

You write so well. To add to what Ginja was saying about your kids inheriting your hatred, let's hope they inherit the ability to punctuate, properly capitalize, and form a cogent argument.

No, we aren't debating, You're spewing ad hominems while I correct your poor English.
classic dodge...when you run out of knowledge in our remarks let's attack the grammar ....sorry asshat my secretaries did my typing for me so not that good at it..s onow you're a teacher you send this useless cunt your money yet? Until you do shut the fuck up cause you are not honest in your words
classic dodge...when you run out of knowledge in our remarks let's attack the grammar ....sorry asshat my secretaries did my typing for me so not that good at it..s onow you're a teacher you send this useless cunt your money yet? Until you do shut the fuck up cause you are not honest in your words

Please decrypt this so I can explicate it.
Right, because my well written arguments that I entered this thread with got me nothing but ad hominem.
* much for your well written

It takes genius to ignore the point for so long. Come on, do you think anybody would make the wrong choice if good opportunities existed?

Of course they do. Or I should say we all do. Are you claiming to have made all of the correct ones? Of corse not. It happens, we can either be held accountable for our poor choices or have ready made excuses given to us and programs to reward these poor choices.
Cut the woman a check and/or shut the fuck up....

I see, you're allowed to begrudge her kids a meal, and unless I address funds directly to her I am not allowed to decry the lack of opportunities for socioeconomic upward mobility which exist in society. Cool story bro.
I never stated such a thing. I said EVEN IF they have IQs below 80 they could still choose, I never said they did, but someone here did assume they don't go to school.

Yeah, but I'm the one who said they should try to better themselves through education and strive to get a scholarship.

Then you blathered something about handouts...
I see, you're allowed to begrudge her kids a meal, and unless I address funds directly to her I am not allowed to decry the lack of opportunities for socioeconomic upward mobility which exist in society. Cool story bro.

its the catch 22 they live by so they think we have to live by it too . . . . lol love the fallacy NLX
Of course they do. Or I should say we all do. Are you claiming to have made all of the correct ones? Of corse not. It happens, we can either be held accountable for our poor choices or have ready made excuses given to us and programs to reward these poor choices.


Is that all? Is that the thread winning line? I agree, she made poor choices, emphatically. I never disagreed. So now that we have established that, the rest of these dunces can quit reminding me in every single post of the thread? Ought we to make it illegal to have 15 kids? Ought we to support a system that removes those kids from her? Can we talk about the lack of opportunities that exist with incentive to have more kids in the stead of said opportunities for socioeconomic upward mobility?
I entered the thread, I'm in it bro.
you entered your remarks IN this are not in it...get your head out of the loft and learn to properly use common words... again I reiterate
send the bitch your money or shut the fuck up...otherwise your words are meaningless

and again

dont say that . . . . . . . dont tell it like it is

lack of options in life is never correlated to chices made . . never . . . . in fact their is no such thing as lack of options . . everyone can do anything at any time, in any way . . . . .as long as your white and good loooking! (j/k)
Yeah, but I'm the one who said they should try to better themselves through education and strive to get a scholarship.

Then you blathered something about handouts...

Scholarship = handout.

I didn't say I don't support it. I fully support opportunities.
Scholarship = handout.

I didn't say I don't support it. I fully support opportunities.

before society turned schools into business's in the 60's university was free . .you signed up

this country and those who hoard wealth are a parasite on the rest of the world, its 50/50 for me i feel ashamed to be from the USA some days and proud to be some others

the capitalist society we live in today makes me sick, truly though