Somebody needs to pay for my 15 kids

I want them to pick education!

But, they won't...
I wish I could like this 50 times! If one of them goes the education route we would all be winners. He didn't even list education as one of their 5 choices and you are the closed minded one? Seriously, WTF!!!
I wish I could like this 50 times! If one of them goes the education route we would all be winners. He didn't even list education as one of their 5 choices and you are the closed minded one? Seriously, WTF!!!

Actually, look at the context, it was in reply to his arguments regarding statistical probability that they would resort to crime. I also assume they will be educated at least through high school.
ironic that someone such as yourself would impugn my academic level, but consistent with all of the other assumptions you've pulled from your goatse.
you are doing a much better job at showing how ignorant in arrogance you are than I could ever achieve on your behalf
I'm sure it's been said but "somebody needs to be accountable for all these children, and somebody has to pay!"

How about you're accountable you dumb bitch. That kind of crap makes me so mad, it's never anyone's fault, always someone elses. If you can't support kids you can do so much, stop fucking for one! If you don't want to do that, birth control pills, condoms, getting the tubes tied or whatever, abortion, if you're against that put them up for adoption. But not fucking is the most effective way of not getting knocked up. You have to think what went through her mind after the second or third kid "oh crap we can't support these children...screw it lets have 12-13 more!"
I don't hope that...never said that...I said the cure for the people in that motel room SHOULD be a hand grenade may know a lil English but your linguistics suck

This is where your arguments come from.