Well-Known Member
If by 'more rounded' you mean learning to make a shiv or brewing gin in the are moneys on the 16 kids becoming more rounded, better people than your lil preppers
If by 'more rounded' you mean learning to make a shiv or brewing gin in the are moneys on the 16 kids becoming more rounded, better people than your lil preppers
Exactly, I agree there should not be incentive to have 15 kids, but incentive to work. Incentive to work is socioeconomic upward mobility.
So, according to the bolded, the father of 10 of those kids had every opportunity to find ample employment sufficient to support this family, at least in some meager way, to pay rent and provide $1500 per month worth of rice, beans, tortillas and milk and an apartment in Tampa that costs no more than $2000 per month.
You're telling me society is better off with this guy incarcerated than having him employed with a union job.
I think this video obviously cut out the part that says why he was incarcerated because it would clearly show that such opportunities are lacking.
I'm betting that his job (if he had one) didn't pay enough to support 10 kids. Hence, why he's in jail right now.
Who was paying for the other kids?
jealous now aren't money is on they will be useless fucks like their parents
The father of those kids should have realized 8 kids ago that they couldn't afford to have any more children! That would have been the responsible, adult thing to do, and would have given everyone involved a better shot at success.
"You're telling me society is better off with this guy incarcerated than having him employed with a union job."
No, I never said that. Society would be better off if he got his junk snipped so that he doesn't impregnate any more women that he can't support.
Wow, that was a fast reply.
has worked great for the USA in other countries hasn't it?jealous of murderous intent?
fixing a problem by killing people?
thats always gone down well in history
Exactly, I agree there should not be incentive to have 15 kids, but incentive to work. Incentive to work is socioeconomic upward mobility.
Was having 10 kids you can't afford the right choice?It takes genius to ignore the point for so long. Come on, do you think anybody would make the wrong choice if good opportunities existed?
how would you know?Society would be better off if working hard got you somewhere.
has worked great for the USA in other countries hasn't it?
common sensehow would you know?
you're stupid ass already made that point...they ALL could have gone to school FREE and acquired skills and education but didn' yes lazy people choose to be lazy and not seek oppurtunityIt takes genius to ignore the point for so long. Come on, do you think anybody would make the wrong choice if good opportunities existed? apply what works there here...are you that dense? naw I think you're pretending to beyour not talking about other countries tho now are you?
your talking about your fellow countrymen
it is so selfish to devote yoursellf to raising 15 children. apply what works there here...are you that dense? naw I think you're pretending to be
How do you manage to sleep knowing that any given night your door could be kicked in and you could be arrested for trafficking and because you are such a generous guy it would be an easy stretch to charge your wife with conspiracy to traffic given you have no job but you are paying for her college?
Well, since you are rolling in cash, you should cut a check to Mother Theresa there...
you missed my would adandonconflict know if hard work pays off or not? He has never done itcommon sense
if you earn what you have and you know what it takes to make your way through life vs, given every handout you end up appreciating things more, also having a greater understanding of how most of the world lives, giving you perspective on most of the world
why wouldnt you know this?
you're stupid ass already made that point...they ALL could have gone to school FREE and acquired skills and education but didn' yes lazy people choose to be lazy and not seek oppurtunity