Well-Known Member
Yep, it has nothing to do with having 16 kids you can't afford.Not for a second. It is the lack of socioeconomic upward mobility that is keeping them poor.

Fucking moron!
Yep, it has nothing to do with having 16 kids you can't afford.Not for a second. It is the lack of socioeconomic upward mobility that is keeping them poor.
that they are too lazy to is not the economy's fault is theirs....I guess you are a "victim" too?
You sure do a lot of assuming, at least when I assume, I go off of indications, you are assuming with no precedent.
Fucking moron!
Then you will have a good excuse for calling me a racist...let's hear it.
Fucking moron!
Are you blaming the lack of upward mobility for her 16 kids?This is all you have, you have not given one word in response to lack of socioeconomic upward mobility.
Not for a second. It is the lack of socioeconomic upward mobility that is keeping them poor.
What I would like to begrudge is her right to her kids....and her right to have more of them.I never said the word racist actually, but I did clearly imply that Kitehigh was racist because he expressed sentiments originating from the Turner Diaries. I also said you begrudge 15 black kids in Tampa a meal.
learn to read
Are you blaming the lack of upward mobility for her 16 kids?
Maybe if she would have concentrated on what it would have took to get out of a bad situation, society wouldn't have gotten her pregnant 16 times...
OP lady might want to skip handing down the awesomeness of having 15 kids.
Yeah, too many black kids in Tampa already...
Racism claimed...YOU WIN!
Fucking moron!
Fucking moron!
You were talking to me. Don't try to weasel your way out of it.And I'm correct.
you arrogant in ignorance are pariah as well...anyone that makes excuses for or is too lazy to support themselves yes is pariah....or better yet parasites ...more fittingYou skirted around it carefully enough, your pariah comment made it blatantly obvious that your fears are born out of the Turner Diaries.
Like I said 3 times now, there was a man, who fathered 10 of them, who was supporting this family.
I disagree. EVERY child is entitled to a public education in this country. Minorities in particular that show smarts at a young age have academic scholarships and grants sitting there for them if they apply themselves. This is America, not Iraq. People have opportunity here if they want to put in the work. These parents clearly are not setting a good example for these kids. If the mother had a half a brain, and wasn't trying to bilk the system, she would have got her tubes tied 10 kids ago and focused on providing for the 5 she already had.
I understand that things aren't totally fair, but to blame "the lack of socioeconomic upward mobility" for this situation is disingenuous at best.
my moneys on the 16 kids becoming more rounded, better people than your lil preppersyou should
AC is not wrong. Socio surroundings determine so much in our life. Growing up near Detroit, most of my friends had as their goal to work a good union job with a nice retirement. It's all most of we're exposed to. There are some like this lady that success to her is getting enough assistance to feed, clothe and shelter her family. The thought if doing it herself is silly because in her mind she is doing it herself. She's calling for accountability because in her mind somebody dropped the ball by not giving her what she deserves. I don't understand this mindset but deal with it on a daily basis.
this not an excuse, just an observation. It's still on her what size her litter is.
that is in jail...great father...and how was he supporting them? And what is wrong with her? Why can't she support them? Because stupid fucks like you want to support her with OUR resources that we earned are worse than she ...but wait you probably on the government tit as well...seeing as all you do is preach "bad socioeconomic" all day..I am sure that doesn't pay well...unless...wait ..of're a politician...lowest lifeform on the planetLike I said 3 times now, there was a man, who fathered 10 of them, who was supporting this family.
So, according to the bolded, the father of 10 of those kids had every opportunity to find ample employment sufficient to support this family, at least in some meager way, to pay rent and provide $1500 per month worth of rice, beans, tortillas and milk and an apartment in Tampa that costs no more than $2000 per month.
You're telling me society is better off with this guy incarcerated than having him employed with a union job.
I think this video obviously cut out the part that says why he was incarcerated because it would clearly show that such opportunities are lacking.
jealous now aren't money is on they will be useless fucks like their parentsmy moneys on the 16 kids becoming more rounded, better people than your lil preppers