South American grow

Did you buy a mix packet? Seller should have listed the varieties. Otherwise 90% of all MJ looks the same, especially at that size.
Did you buy a mix packet? Seller should have listed the varieties. Otherwise 90% of all MJ looks the same, especially at that size.
. Its an indoor mix packet from Female Seeds. The description says that its seeds from their best hybrids and to be surprised.I looked at other seed bancks that sell this pack but the don't say what they could be.I guess I'll post pics later on when they are more mature, thanks for your help!
See man i messed up my first grow, i changed my lighting like 6 times i bet it stunned them… Along with me toping and main lining a few of mine (7) total. Yours looks lively, and healthily. Maybe ill post a pic of my later on.
See man i messed up my first grow, i changed my lighting like 6 times i bet it stunned them… Along with me toping and main lining a few of mine (7) total. Yours looks lively, and healthily. Maybe ill post a pic of my later on.
Yes they recovered nicely,I just babied them and fed them some alfalfa tea,but I'm still bummed that they got stunned since they are autos and it will prob effect the yield.
Idk what any of mine are just stuff i had laying around, but alfalfa tea? I'm using grow big right now from fox farms and i have to say the stems gained thickness over the last 2 waterings.
Idk what any of mine are just stuff i had laying around, but alfalfa tea? I'm using grow big right now from fox farms and i have to say the stems gained thickness over the last 2 waterings.
I found this recipe after my babies got tackoed leaves,now I water them with it between 20 20 20 feed. For strong stems I have a circulating fan blowing in the grow room.

Alfalfa is a natural feed typically used for animals (cattle, sheep, etc.).

It is also very balanced and effective fertilizer. Best of all, it's cheap! Yes, even cheaper than Miracle Grow! Can be obtained in 40-50lb bags for $10-$15 at any animal feed store. One bag is almost a lifetime supply; will make more than 400 gallons of nutrient tea.

Contains all major and micro nutrients and is completely organic. It also contains the growth stimulating hormone, Triacontanol, which is really beneficial during the vegetative growth stage.


What you will need...

Crushed Alfalfa - to a powder, or close as possible
5 gallon bucket with lid
Epsom Salts
One stocking


1.) Fill the bucket with water, about 3 inches shy of the rim.

2.) Place approx. one cup of alfalfa into the stocking and tie the open end in a knot so the alfalfa cannot escape.

3.) Add 3 tablespoons of epsom salts to the water in the bucket and stir so that it dissolves.

4.) Place the tea bag (stocking with alfalfa) into the water and work it with your hands so that it starts mixing with the water to make a tea. It should be a nice dark brown mixture when done.

5.) Place the lid onto the bucket and brew for 3-5 days. DO NOT USE IMMEDIATELY, it will not be good for your plants!

6.) When it stinks like raw sewage (I know, it's bad, but worth it!) it is ready for use.

Apply every two weeks during the summer. Can be brewed with 5 tablespoons of high P guano in the fall for a bloom fertilizer.

It is not advised that you use this in conjuction with other chemical fertilizers as they will actually impeed the benefits of the tea.

Approximate anaylysis of Alfalfa:

Alfalfa ingredients:

Triacontanol (growth stimulant)
Vitamin A (high concentration)
Pantothenic Acid
Folic Acid
Crude proteins (16 - 25% in dry alfalfa)

Amino acids (% in alfalfa meal).

Tryptophan, 0.3 %
Aspartic Acid, 2.3%
Threonine, 1.0 %
Serine, 1.0%
Glutamic Acid, 2.7%
Proline, 1.2%
Glycine, 1.1%
Alanine, 1.1%
Cystine, 0.2%
Valine, 1.0%
Methionine, 0.3%
Isoleucine, 0.8%
Leucine, 1.6%
Tyrosine, 0.5%
Phenylalanine, 1.0%
Histidine, 0.4%
Lysine, Total, 1.1%
Arginine, 1.1%

Minerals (contained in dry alfalfa)

Nitrogen 3.75-5.5 %
Potassium .75 - 3.5 %
Phosphorus .3 - .7%
Calcium 1 - 2 %
Magnesium .30 - 1 %
Sulphur .2 - .5 %
Manganese 30-200 ppm
Iron 20-250 ppm
Boron 20-80 ppm
Copper 5-20 ppm
Zinc 20-70 ppm

im not sure what 20 20 20 is? I'm new big time, but ill have to try that for sure sounds awesome can it stack with other nutes tho?

20-20-20 is multi-purpose for fruits, flowers, garden vegetables and herbs.
Easily mixes with water, 100% water soluble with added micro nurients
20% Nitrogen 20% Phosphate 20% Potash

I use this and the alfalfa tea,first i tried it with a test plant after a few days she reacted well so i am giving it to the rest as well.

20-20-20 is multi-purpose for fruits, flowers, garden vegetables and herbs.
Easily mixes with water, 100% water soluble with added micro nurients
20% Nitrogen 20% Phosphate 20% Potash

I use this and the alfalfa tea,first i tried it with a test plant after a few days she reacted well so i am giving it to the rest as well.

Id have to look into it more, i know that people like to go organic but theres always a way to flush the plant and this way you get results outa this world. i was considering using a few harsh chemicals,"open sesame" and "cha ching" for one to see the difference. i mean it can't be that bad I'm sure the shit I'm getting now isn't any peach ya know.
Id have to look into it more, i know that people like to go organic but theres always a way to flush the plant and this way you get results outa this world. i was considering using a few harsh chemicals,"open sesame" and "cha ching" for one to see the difference. i mean it can't be that bad I'm sure the shit I'm getting now isn't any peach ya know.
20 20 20 all purpose is not organic but the alfalfa tea is,so far I'm having good results using both.
Looks like it so far!! definitely in for a good run, i actually just made the switch to 12/12 2700k cfls now. letting them finish out there normal hours for tonight tho so they get use to the transfer in light plus i doubled there wattage only at 42 watt each at 4. we will see what i get outa them, i was rubbing each stem and smelling how different they all smell so good, one in particular its kinda lemony i hope :). i have to get a pic for you in a week.
Looks like it so far!! definitely in for a good run, i actually just made the switch to 12/12 2700k cfls now. letting them finish out there normal hours for tonight tho so they get use to the transfer in light plus i doubled there wattage only at 42 watt each at 4. we will see what i get outa them, i was rubbing each stem and smelling how different they all smell so good, one in particular its kinda lemony i hope :). i have to get a pic for you in a week.
I'm switching to 12\12 on friday!I'm going to give them 36 hours of of uninterrupted darkness to helf them flower faster.The more light the better,I myself am planning to add another 400 watt hps during flowering.Its pretty exciting when they start to smell! I swear my Bluematic smells like Starbucks lol! You should for sure post pics of your girls I'm interested in checking them out!