Spider Farmer And 8 Main Colas Experiment (Mainlining/Manifolding)

Day 12.

A little late on updating due to commitments at home. Growth is going well, coco drying well, enviromental factors good.

No new changes
Day 13

No changes to report here due to leave sets still developing. I want to start seeing the internode heights as this will give me an indication of there strength. Lanky and largely space - not very, stacked tightly and bushy - good strength. Very basic parametres.
Day 14 and it's picture day!

I've noticed the first signs of the plants getting hungry with an ever so pailing green coming about the leaves.

There has been further development on most of the second set of main leaves and some stem thickening going on.

Coco still feels slightly damp and registering as wet on the medium moisture gauge.

I will now be looking to increase my E.C./PPM's more than likely to just under double my current rate of around 300 PPM or 0.3/4 to around 0.6 E.C. or 600 PPM. This will increase as they plants get larger and I enter the veg stage or they don't respond as I intended.

Plants will still continue to receive Voodoo Juice at 1ml/ltr, Pirhana 0.5ml/ltr, Sensizyme 0.5ml/litre and Tarantula 0.5ml/ltr untill approx weeks 1/2 of what I call veg (Just to reiterate I class my days from day of soaking not first signs of growth). I'm unsure of exactly how much Sensi Grow A+B I have to add just yet for an exact E.C. but will record once I feed in coming days.

Ayahuasca Purple has made a great recovery and as you can see is only slightly behind. - TOUGH AS FUCK!

Side note. I've seperated the fabric pots slightly and lowered the fan for better circulation of air round the pots and plants, start moving the plants for stem development (key later on and well under utilised) and to dry the pots slightly faster as I want to feed them sooner rather than later.


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Day 15

Room parameters are good and coco has dried somewhat. Will give one more day as the yellowing of leaves is still at a tolerable level.

I find it better to let it go a day longer at this stage than over water.
Day 16!

Ok so coco has dried nicely and plants are good and healthy (minus some mild leaf pailing in color).

First full modification on nutrients today as they seem to be developing at an amazing rate. A mix between micro bacteria, fungus and enzyme management up to this point. Must be said don't forget the importance of micro biology.

So today they went through a slightly soil related PH change. First stages of growth, run off remained at PH 7 approx due to Coco's PH nuteral properties. As not to shock the plant I increase my feeding/watering amount ensuring I gained a PH drop of about 0.6 in my run off PH is approx 6.4/5. I will repeat this process again at the next feeding/watering to bring it down to approx 5.9/6.0 ready for the me to start my vegging process. The PH of my run off will then be equal to what I'm putting in at the top.

Feeding notes

E.C. 0.9 and 1.0
PPM (500) 450 and 500
PH 5.7

2Ltrs @ approx 18C (little cold but my water had been store somewhere else dechrorinating)

(Per LTR)
0.5ml - Tarantula
0.5ml - Pirahna
1ml - Voodoo Juice
0.5ml - B52
0.5ml Sensizyme
1ml - Sensi Grow A
1ml - Sensi Grow B
0.5ml - Bud Candy
Pin head of molasses (will be stopped now due to introduction of bud candy as this also contains molasses )
0.5ml - Nirvana
Day 17

Coco drying well with the plants responding nicely. Tent parameters are all good.

Knocked heater up a degree or two as evening have been a bit cold.

Also moved plants around to ensure even light (they do all fit nicely at the moment an old habbit I guess).
Day 18

Still coco drying nicely and plant growth is an expected. After day 21 I will be considering what I call veg as these would of had 2 weeks solid growth and been an acceptable hight.

I will also be further dropping my soil PH in the next watering and more than likely kicking the E.C. a notch.

Subsequently I will be posting weekly up dates as it will be the same thing pretty much every 2/3 days from now.

Mainlining training will also start around this period depending on heights. Pictures will be uploaded weekly too.
Day 20

Brought all plants out and thought watered.

PH in was 5.8 and enought nutrient soultion was past through the medium to adjust the mediums PH to 5.8.

Basically 5.8 in at the top 5.8 out at the bottom. Easy!

Plants have started to turn a very nice darker green after first feed. With some good overal development through the grow room.

My feeding today is essentially week one of my feeding chart with some added B52 at 0.5 ml per litre. When mixed up at the ratios state you get an EC in 5 ltrs of 1.5 or 750ppm a bit high for me at this stage. So i added 2.5 litres of water to dilute it down to 1.1 1.1. Less is more!

Each pot was then gentley shaken to remove any excess water.

Will check plant responses in the morning/afternoon tomorrow.

Also tomoz is picture day!
Day 21. Picture day.

Ok so I'm going to be updating here once a week now as my grow journal is going to be very mundane as I will now be following my feeding reigime now. There will be weekly increases in EC and I will also document training in my logs.

Last night the plants responded well to the PH change with some beautiful green coming to the leaves.

3rd set of leaves is just starting to develop also on a few on the plants.

Blueberry is looking the strongest at this point. Kali White Shadow has done really well and has surprised me.

I still have not turned my extractor fan on at this point due to tent parameters sitting where they need to be and the plants not transpiring large amounts. Pole mount fan supplies enough of an air current to circulate air enough to give the plants a gentle wobble.

Closes up were taken y'day and as you can see from the other two they have all responded well.

Also added a touch of calmag at 1ml per litre and will continue at weekly doesages.

Temps 23C or 73F
RH 53%


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Ok an update.

Watered plants today with a slightly modified recipe. I doubled the Pirhana, Tarantula and B52 all to 1ml per litre.

Remaining nutrient values remain the same.

I will repeat this formula once more as I will be looking to transplant up in the coming days.

Current EC value 1.3 or 630 PPM
Room temp is 20C
RH 45% (will rise later)

Mixing ratio came out at 1.5 so diluted with 1ltr of water to bring EC down to 1.3.

May start prepping coco in the 20 LTR or 5 (us gal) air pots in the coming days as mentioned I'm looking at transplanting up very shortly. I want this out the way before I start training and I'm not far off from that point.
Pictures taken last night.


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Day 27 - Transplant day.

Today I have decided to transplant the plants in to there 20 LTR / 5 Gal (us) I would normally transplant to 10 ltr /2.5 Gal (us) but due to selected training method I don't want the extra hassel.

I want to do this now due to plants require training very shortly and wish to minimise plant stress levels.

Plants have also been recieving doeses of vitamin B to help improve immune response.

Coco rinsing and buffering will take place before transplanting and allowed to drain before recieving the plants.

Buffer soultion I will run through untill all sediment has washed away and my PH and EC values top and bottom match.

Air pots will contain a layer of hydroton to aid aeration and prevent coco and perlite from being washed out of the drainage screen at the bottom.

Buffer soultion will remain at an EC of 1.3 or 650PPM

I will add B52, Pirhana, Voodoo Juice and tarantula at 1ml per litre again during this mix before being discontinued untill flowering starts.

Remaining measurements will be as of the mixing schedule.

Bud candy 1ml per LTR
Sensi Grow A 1.8ml per LTR
Sensi Grow B 1.8ml per LTR
Nirvana 1ml per LTR

Diluted down slightly to correct EC/PPM.

I have noticed plants are in need of a higher EC/PPM value. I'm stuck currently at 1.3 as I do not wish to shock the plant with a higher EC/PPM and a transplant. Next water will be uppednto around 1.5 EC or 750 PPM.

Also i will feed the Tarantula, Piranha and Voodoo juice one final time.

Due to pot size 1 x SF1000 and 1 x SF2000 are now running at a height of 21 inches or 530mm for a day or so to allow the plant greater time to recover.

Solution PH 5.8
Run off PH 5.8/9
EC 1.3
PPM 650
Run off EC 1.2/3
Run off PPM 600/650

RH 53%
Temp 19.8C or 67.5F

Shite camera so my lights look yellow now pure white and my plants look yellow not green. I do have very slight paling of leaves due to low EC/PPM but as explained currently stuck for the next few days.

Canopy rings also installed today.


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Ok so I know it's not been a week however I will update log.

Plants showed some signs of transplant stress with the odd drooping of leaves. Good news is they are on the rebound and showing good promise.

I will lower the light back to 18 inches or 450mm tomorrow if the rebounding is compete.

Will update photos shortly
So due to family commitments during what is the crazy time of CV-19 my plants go neglected some what and starting showing CalMag problems in the way of wilting leaves and purple stems.

This has since been corrected and addressed accordingly.

Plants are now on an E.C of 1.6 and looking healthy. Minus a tiny bit of clawing which will be addressed at next feed. This was due to the high nitrogen concentrate needed as chelates for the CalMag.

Also I've had to re-home Kali white Shadow and one Black Sugar but these look exceptional for there age and gutted to be getting rid (photos attached)

I will be adding Rhino Skin from now on in my feeds at 1.5ml per US GAL or 3.7 litres.


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So everything has bounced back really well watered once last time today before topping for mainline training tomorrow.

Additional of silica was added today as I want some addtional strength in the branches. Will post pictures tomorrow of before and after.
Some pictures of before, during and after!

Ayahuasca Purple is slightly behind so it had just one top and minor trim as the side growth was good enough. Will grow out for a few days before continuing training.

Also a picture of the 11 clones I took.


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Cloning solution was 1 ltr of water, 0.5ml Voodoo Juice and 0.5ml Pirhana. Root Riot Cubes were soaked for a few minutes before being squeezed several times whilst being fully submersed.

The cubes were then removed and slightly squeezed removing excess water (stop the run off).

The cubes where then placed upside down in there holders (I've found this tiny air gap created to be key while taking cuttings before). A small tool was then used to make a hole in the top (formally the bottom) of every cube.

Cuttings were taken being fully submerged in the premixed soultion of water, voodoo juice and Pirhana.

Once all cuttings were taken (done on a plant by plant basis to avoid labelling confusion) they were then trimmed accordingly including halfing the leaf sizes.

After triming the cutting and putting a 45 degree angle at the base they were then placed in the cubes via the hole you just created.

The propergator lid was then misted and the vents closed. These will be put under the SF1000 to test how well it can propergate clones.

I have not put perlite in the bottom of the containers yet as I want to avoid any potential algea growth at this stage.

This will change in due course. I like to see root growth remove the holders and add Perlite.
Final layout. Day 39 from seed.

The plants will now stay in this layout until the clones are ready the lights being leveled out and the spacing corrected.

LST Starts Tomorrow, after 24 he recovery period. Alot of stress today.


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