Spy Balloon!

Its weird to me people laugh at space force. The Chinese and Russia have successfully developed anti satellite missles.In a hot war scenario destroying US satellites would be the fastest way to cripple our military capabilities.
With all the historical reports of UFOs, you would think someone would have a clear picture of one by now. In the last decade everybody has been packing a camera in the form of a cellphone and before that digital cameras proliferated. So if we are being swarmed by aliens, where are the pictures and videos? Many people claim to have seen things, but there are no real pictures showing any detail at all, just fuzzy blobs or images, no evidence of any kind.

Even if we leave the possibility of FTL travel aside, such a technology would involve manipulating space/time itself. They might come from other dimensions, or even the future, but that seems to defy the laws of physics as much as FTL travel. However science is about keeping an open mind about phenomena, but science also cuts off possibilities as it opens up new ones. There is no physical evidence for this possible phenomena that meets any kind of scientific observational standard that I am aware of. We have found no credible evidence of beings from another star or anywhere have been here, or influenced human culture in any way. There are YouTube videos about it and flat earth too though and there were lots of cheap UFO paperbacks with pictures when I was growing up with pages of arguments and conspiracies, but no evidence. Those "conspiracy" paperbacks sold at the book stands, paperback science books did not and were not seen much, it was mostly entertainment reading and mostly fiction.
With all the historical reports of UFOs, you would think someone would have a clear picture of one by now. In the last decade everybody has been packing a camera in the form of a cellphone and before that digital cameras proliferated. So if we are being swarmed by aliens, where are the pictures and videos? Many people claim to have seen things, but there are no real pictures showing any detail at all, just fuzzy blobs or images, no evidence of any kind.

Even if we leave the possibility of FTL travel aside, such a technology would involve manipulating space/time itself. They might come from other dimensions, or even the future, but that seems to defy the laws of physics as much as FTL travel. However science is about keeping an open mind about phenomena, but science also cuts off possibilities as it opens up new ones. There is no physical evidence for this possible phenomena that meets any kind of scientific observational standard that I am aware of. We have found no credible evidence of beings from another star or anywhere have been here, or influenced human culture in any way. There are YouTube videos about it and flat earth too though and there were lots of cheap UFO paperbacks with pictures when I was growing up with pages of arguments and conspiracies, but no evidence. Those "conspiracy" paperbacks sold at the book stands, paperback science books did not and were not seen much, it was mostly entertainment reading and mostly fiction.

UAFs off USS Omaha stern from one year ago.

UAFs off USS Omaha stern from one year ago.

Those are the best we have, which is why they made the news, but nobody can draw any conclusions about what the images are. We are back to the same place, fuzzy images that don't tell us much, some kinda looked like balloons to me. Perhaps they are remnants of burst balloons, whose payloads have dropped away, but some gas remains trapped in part of the envelope and it floats around like a plastic shopping bag in the wind. However some of the reported phenomena do not fall into this category, but further investigation is not possible, until the next one shows up.

As for the government keeping it secret, not possible for something like this, national security is one thing, but this is another thing all together.
ahh, sunni is up early today, deleting my opinions already...
i guess i'll just watch this dissolve into UFO drivel, as reason goes out the window and paranoid delusions and fantasies take over yet another thread, because no one has any facts, but can't wait to post the ones they just invented...
ahh, sunni is up early today, deleting my opinions already...
i guess i'll just watch this dissolve into UFO drivel, as reason goes out the window and paranoid delusions and fantasies take over yet another thread, because no one has any facts, but can't wait to post the ones they just invented...
We have had UFO conspiracies since I was a kid, the stores used to be full of books with fuzzy pictures and arguments. It is not a new thing, just the medium has improved, the bullshit still smells the same.
Apparently detecting them was a question of software "filtering" that is being addressed. They need time to recover and examine the wreckage to give a definitive answer, keep shooting them down until ya figure it out. I sure a preliminary report will be forth coming. It's not Sputnik, that at least stimulated science and technology in America, but now a fucking balloon inspires fear. Maybe the republicans can pray the balloons away? Educating the public is definitely not in their playbook and neither is a rational response, panic seems to be their only option.
