Spy Balloon!



The elite's have been launching all the so called "space" satellites from Antarctica (the outer ice ring inside the firmament) since the 40-50s when they discovered the edge. The first "official" space satellite launch was in 1958, after many years of far out nazi operation paperclip balloon experiments, including one we all know of as the Roswell alien indecent, which was one of the prototypes..

What a coincidence it is too.. That the Antarctic treaty was made the exact same time as when we first officially started sending satellites to "outer space". They've needed an off limits place with no flight paths just like that to launch, maintain, and refill the high altitude balloons this whole time... Once in awhile one of the old style balloons will make its way down and land in someones backyard, or drift through Montana on accident.. Well.. They'll spin it anyway they can to keep covering up that we're trapped in a dome. All while they continue to search for a weak links with the newer cloaked balloons, to blast away at with big NASA or Fakex rockets full of anti matter created at CERN.. They're even trying to trick us into yet another world war as we speak, so we willingly give up the resources needed for their latest crack at the dome. They need full power this time, and a fake EMP attack on US will help shut down the grid long enough to re-route the power they need...
with the sore-thumb exception of the head of Norad.
i'm not that sure about him, at this point...white supremacist trash gets into the military on a regular basis, seems like a crackpot conspiracy theorist who can usually keep his mouth shut could go far, compared to his competition.
I'll leave it to the experts, what they release to the public are often deliberately degraded images from military sources, they do this for security reasons. However the fact remains that there are many more camera's catching all kinds of things for a decade now and this is the best they can do? What about the alien abductions? Nobody's been probing assholes lately?

There might be things we see that cannot be explained, but it doesn't mean aliens or if it does we don't have enough or really any evidence. Give me a clear close up, but we can create any image or video you like these days using computers. Maybe if one lands in the Midwest or American south someone will shoot one of the critters when they come out of the saucer, just to trigger the libs! :lol: Then we can do a real alien autopsy!
I scanned that video, i didn't see one thing that looked remotely like a ufo...I saw a load of shit that looked like balloons.
It would take real talent at self delusion to make anything in that video resemble a ufo.
There are def strange and unexplainable things that happen in the sky. I used to do a lot of time lapse photography, and on one instance, an object that looked like a planet (non flickering) appeared in the footage for about 20 min. It was not transitioning with the stars in the background, just stationary, and then it just disappeared.
Another instance was an object that lit up (looked like a star), traveled at crazy speed, and made a triangle maneuver and then disappeared. I sent the footage to the observatory in Austin, Tx, and after a few days they got back to me, but had no explanation to the instances other than the first may have been a stationary satellite that was reflecting the sun off of its panels... highly unlikely since it happened around 4am.
But, back to the balloons. ... It is plausible that China did release multiple balloons over a couple of weeks time span. It's also plausible that once this news reached the general population, some jackasses sent up personal weather balloons with dummy equipment tied to them like expired solar panels or perhaps an Atari console. :p
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and if you’ll remember, my excerpt had a different center of gravity.
I figured I'd have a bit of fun with aliens and UFOs along with balloons.

I guess it would be a bad time to fill garage bags with hydrogen and attach a half an hour fuse! A mass attack on America would be as easy as a container of hydrogen (or make yer own) and a package of jumbo garbage bags. Sit back and watch Uncle Sam spend millions blowing them up. A strip or two of Mylar tape should make em shine on the radar before suddenly disappearing! :lol:
I figured I'd have a bit of fun with aliens and UFOs along with balloons.

I guess it would be a bad time to fill garage bags with hydrogen and attach a half an hour fuse! A mass attack on America would be as easy as a container of hydrogen (or make yer own) and a package of jumbo garbage bags. Sit back and watch Uncle Sam spend millions blowing them up. A strip or two of Mylar tape should make em shine on the radar before suddenly disappearing! :lol:
I’ve done the garage bag thing as a teen! Rigging a long-acting fuse I did not do. The bag smoldered after puking fire. I wanted to watch it burn, then picked up the residual hot mess to make sure I wasn’t engaging in arson.

Good thing perhaps I had no bottled oxygen. That doesn’t go whoosh, but gives a satisfying report. Hydroxygen is the only nonexotic gas mix that’ll proceed on its own to unconfined detonation.
I'll leave it to the experts, what they release to the public are often deliberately degraded images from military sources, they do this for security reasons. However the fact remains that there are many more camera's catching all kinds of things for a decade now and this is the best they can do? What about the alien abductions? Nobody's been probing assholes lately?

There might be things we see that cannot be explained, but it doesn't mean aliens or if it does we don't have enough or really any evidence. Give me a clear close up, but we can create any image or video you like these days using computers. Maybe if one lands in the Midwest or American south someone will shoot one of the critters when they come out of the saucer, just to trigger the libs! :lol: Then we can do a real alien autopsy!

I completely agree!