Spy Balloon!

ahh, sunni is up early today, deleting my opinions already...
i guess i'll just watch this dissolve into UFO drivel, as reason goes out the window and paranoid delusions and fantasies take over yet another thread, because no one has any facts, but can't wait to post the ones they just invented...
im up at the same time everyday sorry your opinions can be allowed if you dont call people names, which you cant seem to do much of
Bigfoot finally finished his rocketship and is trying to get off this slowly imploding rock we all call home.
That will have as a prime consequence a delightful absence going forward of bad pseudolibertarian logic. Wonder if he’s cracked the problem of the Negative Coercion Drive. (waves)
lets stop please and get back on topic,
There is not much of a topic, they are shooting them down as they arrive and until they report on the junk found, there shouldn't be much news except shooting more down perhaps.

So is the topic spy balloons or UFOs?
Has there been any discussion on the budget cuts to Norad and the Military over the decades?


Here's what our government gives for public consumption. May as well just put lipstick on a pig at this point.


I'll assume any RCAF or USAF retirees know a bit about it. Unsure if currently serving folks would want to discuss if they're here.
Has there been any discussion on the budget cuts to Norad and the Military over the decades?


Here's what our government gives for public consumption. May as well just put lipstick on a pig at this point.


I'll assume any RCAF or USAF retirees know a bit about it. Unsure if currently serving folks would want to discuss if they're here.
The problem is compounded when we spend the money on stuff that doesn’t work.


That said, with the evolving threat atmosphere combined with the forward march of manufacturable technology, I’m confident we might see and implement some “out of the box” solutions.
The problem is compounded when we spend the money on stuff that doesn’t work.

View attachment 5259510

That said, with the evolving threat atmosphere combined with the forward march of manufacturable technology, I’m confident we might see and implement some “out of the box” solutions.
I'm not expecting anything to come from anyone with the slightest connections to an oil company.
They've been obstructionist liars, seeking only to enrich their shareholders when they KNEW that practically everything they were doing was harmful to the planet and every living thing on it. They're enemies of humanity.
The problem is compounded when we spend the money on stuff that doesn’t work.

View attachment 5259510

That said, with the evolving threat atmosphere combined with the forward march of manufacturable technology, I’m confident we might see and implement some “out of the box” solutions.

The reason I brought it up is that when my Dad got out in the early 90's, they were already cutting these budgets left, right and center. At least from what I recall. Probably have to go through FOIPA for any real data though.
The reason I brought it up is that when my Dad got out in the early 90's, they were already cutting these budgets left, right and center. At least from what I recall. Probably have to go through FOIPA for any real data though.
Old Norad was built on huge expensive old-tech installations. I’ve got a hunch that this is in a state of flux, and that soon we can have more function for less capitalization. Imagine something Starlink-y that is intrinsically more robust,
barring a series of huge exoatmospheric EMP detonations, in which case we are collectively so far past fucked that the odor from fucked will take a week to reach us.
Those are the best we have, which is why they made the news, but nobody can draw any conclusions about what the images are. We are back to the same place, fuzzy images that don't tell us much, some kinda looked like balloons to me. Perhaps they are remnants of burst balloons, whose payloads have dropped away, but some gas remains trapped in part of the envelope and it floats around like a plastic shopping bag in the wind. However some of the reported phenomena do not fall into this category, but further investigation is not possible, until the next one shows up.

As for the government keeping it secret, not possible for something like this, national security is one thing, but this is another thing all together.

You asked and I gave you some clear pics. You could always stop the vid and do a pinch out for more definition.
Apparently detecting them was a question of software "filtering" that is being addressed. They need time to recover and examine the wreckage to give a definitive answer, keep shooting them down until ya figure it out. I sure a preliminary report will be forth coming. It's not Sputnik, that at least stimulated science and technology in America, but now a fucking balloon inspires fear. Maybe the republicans can pray the balloons away? Educating the public is definitely not in their playbook and neither is a rational response, panic seems to be their only option.

No one is freaked out here..who are they talking about?
You asked and I gave you some clear pics. You could always stop the vid and do a pinch out for more definition.
I'll leave it to the experts, what they release to the public are often deliberately degraded images from military sources, they do this for security reasons. However the fact remains that there are many more camera's catching all kinds of things for a decade now and this is the best they can do? What about the alien abductions? Nobody's been probing assholes lately?

There might be things we see that cannot be explained, but it doesn't mean aliens or if it does we don't have enough or really any evidence. Give me a clear close up, but we can create any image or video you like these days using computers. Maybe if one lands in the Midwest or American south someone will shoot one of the critters when they come out of the saucer, just to trigger the libs! :lol: Then we can do a real alien autopsy!
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