Start to Finish in 1" Pot!


Active Member
itll def work, ive seen some pretty impressive plants in gatorade bottles under qa shit load of hps, light might be a setback w/ the cfls tho


Calyx LED
Yeah - MJ = Shrub haha.

It was a mix of WW and some random shit we had. My buddy vegged it for a week and flowered. It was from seed. Maybe this works better from seed - who knows?! It was a sight to see. It was like a nugget lollipop! About 5g dry harvested from it. It is just too fucking cool to see a lil bonsai crime plant mobbing on your desktop! Haha!


Well-Known Member
That plant in my pics above wasn't easy to care for as big as it got in that 16oz cup and it actually was quite a big larger by the time it went into the 6 gallon bucket. You will need to feed constantly and might as well forget it's in soil at all, just act like it's in a soilless mix or coco.

It'll be really hard to balance between too moist and getting root rot and too dry and killing them and going that tiny it'll dry out in a heartbeat in flower.

Good luck, you'll end up with something even smaller than this and it will look cool if you can make it all the way through:



Calyx LED
I decided to just go from seed. I germinated a seed last night and it has cracked this morning. I planted it tonight in the 1" pot. We're off!

I also rigged up a wick-system with a 2L cap. This should help the soil stay moist longer.

P.S. - This Strain is Agent Orange. Last pic is my White Widow @ 14 from seed. :bigjoint:


That plant in my pics above wasn't easy to care for as big as it got in that 16oz cup and it actually was quite a big larger by the time it went into the 6 gallon bucket. You will need to feed constantly and might as well forget it's in soil at all, just act like it's in a soilless mix or coco.

It'll be really hard to balance between too moist and getting root rot and too dry and killing them and going that tiny it'll dry out in a heartbeat in flower.

Good luck, you'll end up with something even smaller than this and it will look cool if you can make it all the way through:
what strain are you using


Well-Known Member
Hmm, its funny, I'm trying something similar, to keep things as small as I can. I'll see what direction it goes, and I'm not using the lighting you are...I'll definilty be watching this one.

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
There was a previous thread on RIU about a competition to see who could yield the most growing out of a shotglass.

I have decided to try to take the smallest clone possible and root it in a single hydroton placed in a little sauce dish. Pics coming...

Should we start another thread? I dont want to hijack this one.


Well-Known Member
There was a previous thread on RIU about a competition to see who could yield the most growing out of a shotglass.

I have decided to try to take the smallest clone possible and root it in a single hydroton placed in a little sauce dish. Pics coming...

Should we start another thread? I dont want to hijack this one.

I remember the shot glass competition. Who ever won that anyways?


Calyx LED
There was a previous thread on RIU about a competition to see who could yield the most growing out of a shotglass.

I have decided to try to take the smallest clone possible and root it in a single hydroton placed in a little sauce dish. Pics coming...

Should we start another thread? I dont want to hijack this one.
Bust it out right here!


Calyx LED
Yessir. I got (5) more Agent Orange seeds germinating right now. One is going into a Coor's Light can start-finish. Let's see if I can find some other fucked up container to grow in, haha. It's soo funny because I have like 12 brand new 6" pots and the same amount of 12's.