Starting Your Seeds


Well-Known Member
You don't need to feed seedlings for at least a week. As for moisture in the soil, yes...keep the soil wet but not soppy wet. They don't need to go into the dark. Just mimic nature and you will be fine. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:

OK thnks im just gonna put them in some soil and throw them under the lights with the rest of my recovering seedlings lol....hopefully these will develop a little better then the rest


New Member
They'll do fine. The fresher the seeds the better and just don't bury them too deep...about a quarter inch and don't pack the soil on top of them. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:

grow space

Well-Known Member
They'll do fine. The fresher the seeds the better and just don't bury them too deep...about a quarter inch and don't pack the soil on top of them. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
i wanted to ask-my seeds have been over a week in a moist towel paper and still nuthing-can i now take them and put them straight into soil and have some sucsess rate??????
keep up the good work....+rep:peace::peace::peace:


New Member
It's worth a try but I have never had that situation crop up (crop up :lol:) before so....

Just check them for any fungus first. Rather than trying to clean them with a solution, I'd just wait and apply a safe fungicide once the seedlings have gotten past their second set of leaves.

Good luck. Let me know if any sprout. :peace:


Well-Known Member
here is the pics of the gear i use.
one shows the cheap plastic prop with the clear lid(humidity dome).
one shows a dry jiffys and shows how they fit in the prop nicely(room for 20 jiffys).
the pic of the swollen jiffy shows you how i prep them soak them in warm water untill fully soaked then just squeeze the excess water out and shape it how it looks in the pic.
and one pic just shows what kind of weight you want the jiffy to be once prepped.
if i am planting maybe 10 seeds then i will weigh each jiffy to 38g to give consistency with the moisture level you can give them a light misting of water after 12 hrs and that will do untill they sprout.
once this is done just make a small 5mm deep hole in the top of your prepped jiffys and just simply drop the seeds in there holes straight out the packet cover them slightly with some peat from the jiffy put them in the prop put the lid on and keep in a drawer in TOTAL DARKNESS make sure the temps are 21-23* and you are most definately going to get 100% germ rate within 70-85 hrs.
i have done over 60+ seeds for various people just to get their sprouts started and never had one not soon as you see the peat cracking at the top of the pellet and life coming(any whiteness from the embrio/seed)then remove them from the dark and start your 18/6. NO LIGHT UNTILL THEN ONLY A QUICK CHECK ON PROGRESS.
i may do 6 seeds shortly for a friend and when i do i will show you the sprout as it cracks the jiffy surface.
(this info is from and earlier thread were i was explaining to someone how i germinate my seeds in to sprouts).
Attached Thumbnails

one thing ludacris. first post says you should not use pellets for germing. those are the same pellets im using... is it still ok. im thinking of just doing what you did and make sure i used distilled water for 1-2 weeks


Well-Known Member
that same page says, "
Please use high quality soil or rockwool starter cubes for germinating seeds. Do not use jiffy’s/peat pellets/rooter plugs: the acidic pH of pure peat can inhibit germination of cannabis seeds. "
but so far i've got 100% germination :mrgreen:

I think the paper towel method is just good so you can see which ones are actually popping and not have to plant no-good seeds.
well its not the first post. but ludacris what do you think about this.

and one more thing thanks for linking me here


Well-Known Member
well its not the first post. but ludacris what do you think about this.

and one more thing thanks for linking me here
True, but the next post says the following:

That may be true, but the PH info is still correct, anecdotal evidence aside. They are trying to give you every edge possible.
The crucial point of this thread is not to stress seedlings unnecessarily by germinating them in one medium (i.e., paper towel, albeit not a grow "medium") and then transplant them into another medium, thereby needing to handle those oh-so-sensitive taproots.

For hydro, I put my seeds directly into rockwool. For soil, I put them in peat pellets and/or 4" "starter" pots. Whichever I use, I then place in a plastic food storage container for a "mini greenhouse" effect; the clear plastic bowl is now the humidity dome. I now have small holes drilled into my "mini greenhouse" as well, so that there is enough air circulation to allow them to breathe, while they still have more humidity to sprout quickly and happily. (I've got one drilled into each corner at the top, and one drilled into each center at the bottom sides.) So far, my "norm" is from germ to sprout in two days, every time. (Not just a taproot, but literal sprouting.)

They can then be placed into the hydro or soil container once sprouted, without touching any sensitive roots. :D



New Member

one thing ludacris. first post says you should not use pellets for germing. those are the same pellets im using... is it still ok. im thinking of just doing what you did and make sure i used distilled water for 1-2 weeks
it works fine just get them to sprout in the jiffys and a propogator and then transplant the jiffy/s in to your pots and medium.
and no need for distilled water i just use bottled mineral/spring water throughout my whole grow.
i have never had a seed that does not sprout the way i germ but maybe its just luck or something i am doing right.
anyway good luck.



Well-Known Member
it works fine just get them to sprout in the jiffys and a propogator and then transplant the jiffy/s in to your pots and medium.
and no need for distilled water i just use bottled mineral/spring water throughout my whole grow.
i have never had a seed that does not sprout the way i germ but maybe its just luck or something i am doing right.
anyway good luck.

when germinating with rockwool cubes, do you still keep them in total darkness till they sprout, or should I have some lights on them to help?


New Member
when germinating with rockwool cubes, do you still keep them in total darkness till they sprout, or should I have some lights on them to help?
sorry i have never used rockwool cubes but i am quite sure it will be same process as to using jiffys.
(dark untill sprout).



Well-Known Member
So if I plan to go 12/12 from start, just put seed in pot, keep wet but not to wet and start my normal lighting schedule? First timer and want to do it the easiest way. So tonight I put in the seeds in their pots, gave em a little water and put em to bed. will start the light tomorrow and keep them on the same routine. So no need for all the high humidity where everyone puts saran wrap over the pots? Just let nature take its course?


New Member
Yes, let nature take it's course. there is no need to cover seeds which are in soil with saran wrap. The humidity is in the soil already. Good seeds will pop usually within four to five days in my experience.


Well-Known Member
Yes, let nature take it's course. there is no need to cover seeds which are in soil with saran wrap. The humidity is in the soil already. Good seeds will pop usually within four to five days in my experience.
Thanks man, Do I need light right now or what? Sort of confused by this part. I had them in the dark all night, misted the top this am and put them back in the dark. When do I introduce light? I am going to go 12/12 for a small grow you see. Just want to know when that starts. I assume when they pop is when I start that schedule as I assume that is when photosynthesis begins?

Thanks again,:weed:


New Member
I think it isn't going to be long till they sprout and unless you have them in TOTAL darkness, the ambient light will be enough till they sprout. Then you can apply your lights, but be careful since seedlings aren't engineered for searing light bulbs...:wink:


Well-Known Member
I think it isn't going to be long till they sprout and unless you have them in TOTAL darkness, the ambient light will be enough till they sprout. Then you can apply your lights, but be careful since seedlings aren't engineered for searing light bulbs...:wink:
I only have them under 4 cfl atm, 5500k. Roughly 3-4 inches above and to the sides. That should be safe I am hoping, and I am sticking with 12/12 regardless.

Is it safe to mist lightly a few times a day on the surface which drys out quicker. I know not to overwater, just making sure I am ok to do that, at least until I see leaves and water only when completley dry is what I have read....

This anticipation of coming out of the soil is killing me, its like I have no idea if/when or if I did something wrong etc. This first time puts a lot of pressure. I got a few more seeds regardless and we all have to start somewhere. Ill put up pics once I (hopefully) see a sprout, just cause that will make this noob happy:weed:

Thanks for all your help and kind words my friend.

EDIT: I put the pot on my windowsill soaking up natural light, I will do this until sprouting then go into the box. I figure this is the best and most natural way to let em come up without to much light, although those cfl's dont put out much heat so I am (hoping) the light was not to strong for the little fella's deep inside...


New Member
We'll have to wait for Ludacris. i only grow outdoors and I don't want to give you the wrong info. Outside I do not mist the seedlings. I will apply a liquid starter to them once they grow the second set of true leaves. Other than that I just keep the soil moist but not saturated, letting it almost dry out before watering again.


Well-Known Member
We'll have to wait for Ludacris. i only grow outdoors and I don't want to give you the wrong info. Outside I do not mist the seedlings. I will apply a liquid starter to them once they grow the second set of true leaves. Other than that I just keep the soil moist but not saturated, letting it almost dry out before watering again.

This am the soil was dry in spots so I just lightly misted some distilled water over the top, thats it. She is sitting on my window sill getting natural light atm. I will pot once I see the sprout, I should be fine as long as it is just moist vs. wet....