Stealth Grow Company LED results are fake!

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He has 35 years of pro experience and is a professor for oaksterdam, he knows what he is doing. It was ECSD and just is in that <20% category but by the effects it's better than the numbers. He has ran it many times and keeps it as a steady strain to this day.
Not that many guys still switch bulbs for the last few weeks anymore. They are all using supplimentsal UVB bulbs instead so they can still keep the higher hps intesity and still get the increased resin/trichomes from the uv. And my led's have less UV than hps and still had the higher chemical compounds. Not saying it will happen every time but it is what it is. You have hard time just letting this go and tipping your hat. There always has to be an excuse. I am not some guy who just loves led's. I grow and have grown big hps operations for years under the highest level of quality standards around. Always top shelf. And then I do my experimenting and playing with led's, which also meet the standards. Just not everyone, in flying colors, every time like my tried and true hps. But I have way more hps runs under way belt than led too...but no excuses I guess. Like I said led's are more consistently putting up hps numbers but this next generation apache I am waiting on will live up to all the hype. I also said I still run hps so no need to try and sell me son. I am a realist...just with some higher dreams.

Here is a pick of the LED buds(both) from that this pic the buds are 8 months old and still look good.
I'm way behind on this thread. Just a quick word.

I saw the 1318g's personally and the numbers are legit. The results were sent to a lab and hps=17%thc LED=19%thc. Quality, bud size, smoke/taste, effects, smells all the same either side. It all went as one pack...hps and led together because they were so similar. Which they should being all the same.

You have a nice setup and even some full power 1000w want what you get. It was and still is hard for led's to compete with the hps side but the day is here with new output tech. And like you and I have said the price is steep for good led's. I know what big yields(indoor and out) and am totally honest in what I post. I admit led's are just breaking into the that good hps equivalent more constantly now but will keep getting better faster than you know. I still run 40% hps garden, so I feel where you are coming from.
You said it exactly how i feel the best so far. I was merely pointing out the fact that LED comparison should be done to HID lighting done right, especially when claiming an LED generates higher THC concentrations. Not just compare HPS to LED when HPS has almost no UVB output. Also, adding metal Halides the last 2 week of flowering to dramatically increase THC content is something i learned from ED Rosenthal. I think u know who he is. Anyway i would like to talk to your friend about how you can be able tell how much UVB is being given your metal halide bulb
Those buds were 8 months in a plastic ziploc baggy given back to me from a friend who apparently stashed them away damn good when I gave them to him.

Enough dick measuring... standford has actually been doing a lot of research on uvb. Apache was telling me about it and the amounts needed are very low. AT was working on incorporating uv chips into things but the good/high output uv chips are super expensive($35/chip) and put out way too much. The cheap/lower output chips are totally wrong nm. So uvb floros are the best and have ideal intensity and wavelength. CA Lightworks was on that first obviously.

Spectoradiometer is what will tell you how much of each wavelength is getting put out by any light(like your MH). They are like $5000 though. They are what make the spectrum graphs that all bulb/light companies shows.
I didn't have time to read the pages but you asked for links in the OP, I like this vid hopefully it wasn't posted or you havn't seen it, . I use 2, $10, 10 watt phillips LED's from home depot and plan on buying more and more. I know they are around a 90+ CRI, almost no heat and about 1000 lumens a piece. So a true 100watt little self built system can be made for about $125 and last for many years.. I use 2 right now as supplemental to T5HO and am having decent results, still trying to aquire more and fully test it out but no real funds at the moment, I don't have alot of time to research on here and read through long threads but I've seen recently people useing the cree bulbs and thats basically what I'm doing with the philips but I had no prior knowledge of people useing these bulbs I just seen em and bought em. I just harvested 2 plants and got dense nugs no problem with 100watts or 10,000 lumens per square foot with the T5ho and the led's pointed on a couple top buds. I have a vid on youtube but no link sorry, I don't need crazy fans or anything and have the lights right on the plants. My electricity bill has only gone up ~$30 and I think with all my lights and fans ozone generator air pumps. I'm running about 400watts. 350w is lights. I know this post is scattered, might be lacking details send me a p/m if you really want nug shots or more info.

EDit: Big deal to me is In my eyes for example I could spend $1700 on the blackdog? LED the 700u one which is 600 true watts. OR by 60 of these $10 bulbs at 10watts a piece for $600. this would also be 60,000"lumens" and be good in my eyes for a ~10 sq ft area..Depends how many lumens per sq ft. but regardless compared to HPS the electricity bill and replacement bulb and heat cost are going to offset within 2/3 harvest probaly.. I've had sleepless nights running math and lumens per watt and this and that and LED's will always win and the high CRI is the big winner for me...hopefully someone doesn't come in here and smash my dreams lol...but please do if my concept is going to fail.
Wait a minute...previously you stated that thc production is made by uvb light...then you state leaving them in the dark increases thc content...apologies but that is in error
This is what is going on
The synthase protein enzymes which actually produce the cannabinoids are affected by uvb in that the higher the presence of uvb irradiation the more of these proteins are converted from producing other cannabinoids to producing thc and in special varieties containing the genetic trait thcv. Less cbd cbc etc and so forth synthase proteins are made so this increases the thc thcv content. this supports the belief that thc provides protection from harmful uvb rays. BUT this is not the only purpose. That capitate glands also proliferate and grow to combat low rh high temp and pest deterrence. So while uvb does indeed manipulate the thc thcv content in favor of psychoactive qualities by shifting the synthase proteins programming. Sulfur is the main element used to produce the synthase proteins and other prerequisite compounds.

I have a uvb meter and there are NO hid bulbs horti nor commercial that emit enough uvb radiation to affect causation in cannabinoid ratio manipulation because of 2 things. The law forbids it and the glass needed to allow uvb transmission is more costly to manufacture. You need lamps designed and manufactured to emit uvb. There are just a few reptile uvb lamps available that are affordable that can supply the 150-400 uw/cm2 required of uvb. Also there are no affordable uvb leds so yeah thats bs too. As to led being worth it vs hid I do not see it either until the performance boosts and they need to rethink the layout and focusing make them applicable to growing plants and not having to conform the plants to them as well as the insane pricing structure.

I love cmh
Female Seeds c99 6 weeks flower
3 400 watt hid
8 t5 ho 54 watt tubes
2 60 watt mv zoo uvb lamps


4 c99 plants at 6 weeks flower

Some of the tops hanging
Wait a minute...previously you stated that thc production is made by uvb light...then you state leaving them in the dark increases thc content...apologies but that is in error
Dude thank you, if you've been reading this post thats the least of his errors that demonstrate he's just blowin hot air and convinced his LED's are better but can't explain it properly. My favorite is when he claimed that the trichomes helped catch pollen to aid the plant in increasing its chance of getting pollinated.
I didn't say uvb makes trichomes I listed many things that are factors in trichome production. Uvb, 460, 630,660, 555 730 IR, 760 IR potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, carbs, amino acids, etc.... letting them sit in the dark is one factor too. Try it your buds will be much more resinous than not letting them sit in the dark.. I can't stand when people cherry pick posts or links .......

Sit you even said trichomes catch pollen. They do. Because its sticky......! Pistils catch pollen too. then you posted about bees pollinating flowers... Every one of your posts is full of contradictions. You just want to hate on led growers and side with anyone that doesn't use them. Why do you even post in this section if you hate on led so much?

Hypicrites man......

Keep on hating...... that just means we are doing something right.
Lemme clear this up...other dude 420 said uvb make thc and you hyroot use the dark preharvest..I do the dark thing as well...I was mistaken in I thought 420 had said both ...apologies for my confusion...420 hyroot does know what he is talking about...leds have their place but not for big plants...they need to reegineer that portion using reflective focusing lenses instead of flat crop style layouts IMO

LEDS cant really be compared to hps in the SAME LAYOUT...But there is nothing I have witnessed from LEDS production that has me wanting to get them to replace my cmh's and current setup layout....but they will...its is where all the r&d money is going so it will overtake...just not yet...but they do grow dank potent we\eed as a friend of mine recently showed me again
Sit you even said trichomes catch pollen. They do. Because its sticky......! Pistils catch pollen too. then you posted about bees pollinating flowers... Every one of your posts is full of contradictions. You just want to hate on led growers and side with anyone that doesn't use them. Why do you even post in this section if you hate on led so much?

Hypicrites man......

Never ever said trichomes catch pollen. You learn in 8th grade how plants get pollinated. Simply put pistils and stamens, pollen and embryos. Just like dicks and pussies and sperm and ovaries. Based on what your saying thats like fucking a chick, pulling out and busting on her tithes and still getting her pregnant. HAHA shut up. Why would I make such a ridiculous statement?.
Lemme clear this up...other dude 420 said uvb make thc and you hyroot use the dark preharvest..I do the dark thing as well...I was mistaken in I thought 420 had said both ...apologies for my confusion...420 hyroot does know what he is talking about...leds have their place but not for big plants...they need to reegineer that portion using reflective focusing lenses instead of flat crop style layouts IMO

LEDS cant really be compared to hps in the SAME LAYOUT...But there is nothing I have witnessed from LEDS production that has me wanting to get them to replace my cmh's and current setup layout....but they will...its is where all the r&d money is going so it will overtake...just not yet...but they do grow dank potent we\eed as a friend of mine recently showed me again

I'm looking into diy led or waiting for apache led tubes for side lighting..... I love cmh too.... those pll. Are expensive though.... I'm trying to win a raffle at dh for some hoods though..
cannabis has no nectar to attract pollinators...cannabis depends on wind for pollination hence the openly exposed stigmas...trichomes have no involvement in pollination....pollen has to contact and be drawn in by the stigmas for fertilization to occur...if pollen were to be stuck to the trichome the adhesiveness of the resin will trap it and th4e delicte stigmas would never be able to draw it in

BTW stigma is the correct term not pisitil
Hyroot, I noticed that you took down all your posts that had pictures of LED your grow and others LED grows with their yields. Yet all those people who posted HID lighting pictures and their results are still up? What gives?
cannabis has no nectar to attract pollinators...cannabis depends on wind for pollination hence the openly exposed stigmas...trichomes have no involvement in pollination....pollen has to contact and be drawn in by the stigmas for fertilization to occur...if pollen were to be stuck to the trichome the adhesiveness of the resin will trap it and th4e delicte stigmas would never be able to draw it in

BTW stigma is the correct term not pisitil
Exactly, But still wrong about the pollinators comment, The trichomes contain compounds that are tastey to a variety of insects. Ever seen a caterpillar on a bud eating a trichome? Pollen sticks to them. Also, there are a number of beetles and other insects that are attracted to the terpenes of the plant and the sugars that it produces
Where did you notice that? I never took down anything. That must be like when you imagined in my thread I was selling hydro gear. Yet you never seen my thread or journal posts. Everything is still there.

Just keep starting more shit.... you must really need a hug
Look at all your posts they are almost all edited, can't keep up with your changing stories. Before I posted my HID results you had 4 links posted in the thread before mine. The links are gone. I don't know what to believe anymore because you keep editing your posts.
Don't hug me.
Exactly, But still wrong about the pollinators comment, The trichomes contain compounds that are tastey to a variety of insects. Ever seen a caterpillar on a bud eating a trichome? Pollen sticks to them. Also, there are a number of beetles and other insects that are attracted to the terpenes of the plant and the sugars that it produces
you need to study deeper into botany...cannabis has no animal pollinators...the caterpillars that do munch on cannabis are consuming the flower...the plant material....the resin is not what they want...

botanical fact it is a wind pollinated plant....the info is there easily obtainable to verify this
you need to study deeper into botany...cannabis has no animal pollinators...the caterpillars that do munch on cannabis are consuming the flower...the plant material....the resin is not what they want...

botanical fact it is a wind pollinated plant....the info is there easily obtainable to verify this
I know about the huge pollen clouds carried by the wind that can be seen with the human eye from marijuana plants in different parts of the world at certain times and also agree about the wind polliantion thing, but you are claiming that an insect that has made its home on a mary j plant or happens to land on it, then land on another plant is not classified as a pollinator?
Cannabis has no known live pollinators and accidental ones are not what I thought we were discussing...hell that would make humans natural cannabis pollinators if accidentals were included
Look at all your posts they are almost all edited, can't keep up with your changing stories. Before I posted my HID results you had 4 links posted in the thread before mine. The links are gone. I don't know what to believe anymore because you keep editing your posts.
Don't hug me.

You are pathological. They are still there. Try something else to argue about. What does editing have to do with anything... oooh I corrected my spelling. The edits have time stamps on them anyway.

If you can't see them. Then go find them. Most of them current in this section anyways. My thread is in the organic section.
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