Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member

And here's my little Royale-Haze, shes 8" tall and had a bit of heat stress.. However thats more or less under control now.. I just need to insulate my Res. tubs and possible add some white PVC to the Res. lids.. I plan to start her on CANNA Vega A+B later today :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Its been playing on my mind... I have a spare air-pump for my Res tubs,, so today I decided to buy some new airline and some cheapy air stones.. I plan to run 2 air-pumps for extra bubbles... more 02 the better :) pics etc coming soon - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Basically I connected the 2 air-stones to the air-hose connected them both to my spare air-pump.. drilled a new hole for the power lead, fed the air-hose down next to my original air-lines (PVC trunkin encased) and bingo I had more bubbles, just as I had wanted :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I did have a slight problem though.. when I checked in on the DWC pots in the morning I had forgotten to turn the pumps back on when I had finished the install :( so the plant went 6 or 7 hrs with no bubbles :( I hope this hasn't fucked my little plant over... I turned the pumps back on as soon as I realised what I had done... either way a lesson has been learnt !!

I've added a few pics of the air-bubbles, some amateur root porn lol.. and a couple of views of my plant..

Not only has the little Royale-Haze been heat stressed.. but it has now also had no air bubbles in the Res. tub/s for approx 7hrs.. If she pulls through I will be very happy :) and am keeping my fingers crossed for good luck, I hope she's ok!

Hopefully since now there is lots of air bubbles, I have started feeding her Canna Vega A+B & Canna Rhyzotonic and the heat problem has been sorted I really hope she can grow stress free until Harvest - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Yesterday I also managed to track down some 8mm hosing for my Bilge Pump... in fetching 'Green' awesome, I have glued the hoses in place and am almost ready to do speedy Res changes... I am going to make an MDF box just to elevate the pump to the same height as the Res tubs... I plan to use some cheap off cuts from HomeBase etc.. I'll add a pic when I am all done :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
how much would one of your cabs cost to make pal..and nice updates
Hi dude, if I was to make one identical without all the chopping and changing of different equipment and made it exactly as it is now it'd prob cost approx £1600.00 but I think I have spent nearer £2200.00, however with the exception of Res Coolers and UV-B lighting the cab is pretty much finished..its just a case of keeping it maintained and clean, and its all good :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I may go and get some UV-B LIGHTS tommoz... not sure whether to get the Exo-Terra reptile CFL type or the Fluorescent tubes ?!! But will most likely get the 10.0 versions, anyone got any recommendations ??? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Well she's still growing so that's good! :) I decided to 'top' her today at 9" tall, I hope to make her bush-out and she could potentially fill my whole screen, since all my other seeds have been shit and not sprouted :( The thought of a whole screen of Haze from just 1 Plant is still a pleasing thought never the less !! :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I've also run into yet another heat related problem.. even though I moved my air pumps to a cooler location up-top, they are getting dangerously hot and melting the air-lines so they slip off the air-ducts :( I may need to focus on resolving this today and put my plans of UV-B on hold for a day or two.. I have a few Ideas up my sleeve.. I may try and track down one of those mini fridges and modify it to house the air-pumps.. preparations must be made! ... I'll update again shortly :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey stelthy,

Just curious, what's your ambient temps at for this round? I may have missed it bongsmilie
My ambient temps now vary between 23.4oC and 28oC, I turn the AC off at night as its impossible to sleep with it running :) but 28oC seems fine.. The Res is still a concern though at 20oC - 23 oC, However if I can track done a suitable mini fridge for my DWC air-pump/s then I am sure I'll get the Res running at approx 18oC. - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey stelthy this has to be the best thread on RUI you have given me some much needed idea's starting my own stealth grow very soon kinda freaking out as i need this 100% stealth and up in running by next week...Check out this thread if you can give me any advice it would be greatly appreciated man....peace

Hi dude, I'll pop by n see how your getting on, Glad you like my thread :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

She's starting to fill out nicely now :) and where she has been topped the new growth is coming along fast! I also added a couple of drops of 'Super-Thrive' .. now that shes getting bigger that should help her out !!

I will wait until she is nearer 20" tall before I 'lolli-pop' her, she's approx 11.5" tall at the moment so I expect I should be able to trim her in about a week, maybe a week n a half, more updates coming soon - STELTHY :leaf: