Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
.................................................. ..........UPDATE-MONDAY #6................................................ ..................

The canopy is still pretty even (except the far left hand side) and is now approaching 29" .. She is slightly changing colour and her leaf's are turning purply-red

The lower part of the canopy (left) looks a week or so behind... But the buds are still firm and packing on weight

Only 1.5 weeks of Nuits left..then its a case of flushing until I see the preferred Trich colour, when I start seeing more amber Trichs appearing.. I'll begin the 48 hrs of darkness.. then "CHOP!" :) :) :)
By next MONDAY's UPDATE I will be in my last week of nuits :) The Lumatek Super-Lumen's switch has proved useful and the buds have defo increased in size over the past few days :) I think my UV-B tube may have blown... I am going to check it out later.. If I have no luck I shall grab another later it seems UV-B towards thye end of the grow is ever-important! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
dam those buds are fattenin up quickly
have u cut out N yet?

really curious to hear ur flower feeding technique

update week 3 flower
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Hi dude, To be honest I am not sure if I have cut down on 'N' (Nitrogen) yet or not ??! lol... I have kept the nuits much the same... so I am guessing probably not!? lol... any how I'll post a pic of my feeding chart etc...

I have been using the chart on the right ^^

I have substituted the CANNA recommended 13.5ml of Canna PK 13/14 for 4.5ml of HAMMERHEAD 9/18, I have also added ROX nuitrient from the Generative stage: 'Fruits increase in size' and now (last weeks of Flowering) I am adding 1X Teaspoon of Cha-Ching Nutrient... oh I use 2 drops of Super-Thrive every water/nuit change since early Veg.

This time I decided not to use 'Bud-Candy' as last time it burn't my leaves and didn't really do F-All for taste etc... I wonder if anyone else has found that with this product? :) .. Oh - I did also use a sample of Liquid-Light leaf/foliar spray for 2 day's 2 weeks before I flipped into Flower... and thats about it man :) :)

How would you suggest lowering the N most effectively ?? and what will this do? Forgive my ignorance but I haven't really touched on Nitrogen and its effect just yet :) Maybe I should look into that soon :) Still... some info shed there would be cool :)

Hope ya liked my MONDAY UPDATES :) not long to go now eh?!! :) :) Cant wait to start modding my Cab again ready for my next batch! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
lol is this even worth the time and effort... dude u got a kid and wife grow up
i know your post is about 18 months old now but i wanted to let u know if your still learking here that you are a real douce for saying that. your the one that should grow up and stop being a jerk.


Well-Known Member
.................................................. ..........UPDATE-MONDAY #7................................................ ..................

First off : I can't get this tune outta my head this morning :- ...


Anyhow here's this 'MONDAY's UP-DATE :) :)

The Canopy is as full as ever, some really nice buds are blooming :) In the next couple of days I will be giving her - her final weeks-worth of nuitrients before I begin my 'Flush-Period' I will still give her the Hammer-head PK 9/18 in that last week as well.. (not recommended by CANNA - "But I cant see it'll do any harm") :) :)

A few of the Tops have stretched an inch or so above other areas of the canopy... I put this down to the bud stems being attached at different heights to the main stem and so a slight stretch is kinda expected :) The buds are fattening up now :) :) Good job they are still on a prescription of PK formula :)

These buds are rockin' me man!!

Here's a couple of the larger buds..

Even the 'Popcorn-Buds' are filling out :) .. I was really desperate for a joint last night and no one in our area had any.. I snipped off a small nug and dried it under the grill.. I did it slowly and it didnt really smell right.. however it did get me Really Really High :) :) :) I can't wait until Harvest!! A bit later on I will get on the Microscope n check out the Trich readings!

The Grow-Cab is smelling great and has a sweet buddy aroma thats very pleasing to the nose :) !!

I cant wait to add some more UV-B lamps in there ready for my next grow!

This shot is great, she looks lush!! ... and she still has a couple of weeks or so to go :) :)

The buds are really starting to gain a bit of weight now :) :)

This is one of my fav. shots from this weeks MONDAY-UPDATE :) :) beautiful colours on both the leaves and bud/s

The tallest buds are approx 30" tall, they are all fattening up nicely :) :) :)

And thats MONDAY UPDATE #7 almost complete... I'll upload some Trich shots later this evening, I really hope everyone like the pics.. I uploaded more than a few this week, I'am very excited to see how better she matures in the coming weeks. I am very pleased with my Carbon Fillter and my ONA odor control.. My home smells clean, so the Mrs is happy too. This Christmas is going to be great I am gonna be so high lol (wipes tear from eye) - Its really gunna be great :) Well.... 7 days to go until my next UPDATE - #8, Peace - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Looking great mate nice and fat bro....looking forward to the next set already...
You n me both... I took a sample bud from her for a smoke last night and although I dried the bud quickly under the grill (desperate times) and there was no really buddy taste (as fully expected) lol.. but she has a good strength already and gave me chronic 'Pink-eye' an effect that has been sorely missed what with the crap stuff available round our way as of late :).. so I cant wait until she is finished, flushed, dried and cured.. this should be an extremly pleasant smoke :) :) - STELTHY :leaf: