Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

Looking really good brotha.

Ancient history I know but that kid still makes me mad opening his mouth.

Hi peep's sorry for the delay in my updates the weather has been well hot and I've been making the most of it, ie/ BBQ's, BEER, SWIMMING POOL's etc etc, any how I have some new stuff to put up :) .. at last :) - STELTHY

Ok this is how my cupboard looks so far, I have 1 more CFL hanger still to buy but you get the idea....there will be 5 in a row at the top to use either as compliment extra lighting or for a devoted CFL grow as and when I choose :) I'll be doing some more mod's in my next post keep watching! :) - STELTHY

This is how I have my in-line fan connected at the moment, however I am convinced I could get better air flow........... so .. - STELTHY

With hardly any hesitation I drew my knife and began to remove this Insulated ducting.... (on a mission) :) - STELTHY

The insulated ducting was tough to cut through but I got there eventually, the yellow foam is fuckin' itchy NB/ gloves to be worn next time :) and then I just cut through the rigid metal coil to remove this mess once and for all - STELTHY

And another connector at the top, this is to connect on to my self thermostated PRIMA-KLIMA in-line fan, I haven't taped anything yet as I want to make sure everything fits perfectly first :) !! - STELTHY

This is roughly how its starting to look.. It does take up more room but as I stated before this will not be an issue as I am still planning on boxing over the top of the unit to keep pretty much everything enclosed :) and stealth - STELTHY

In this picture I have added the PRIMA-KLIMA in-line fan and the RHINO filter, everything still needs to be taped and supported before being fixed in place - STELTHY

I have moved the CCTV and thermometer to a new position giving both components a more intelligent location, the monitor is less likely to receive any static, magnetic, or interference and should be less prone to over heating from the 3 Digital LUMATECH ballasts, even though only one will be swithched on at a time :) this also makes good sense for the thermometer too :) - STELTHY

This is how things are looking at the moment, I think you'll agree the design of my air air flow system is definatley looking more stream line! I still have more to do but at least I am making some headway with it at the moment, what do you think so far?? :) - STELTHY

Things are going well at the moment so I am going to chill at my mates flat for a few hours, this is my new fav. lager beer, its Thai and called "Singha" its very smooth and goes down a treat when frosty cold :) I plan to go shopping this afternoon to buy some support pieces of wood to hold both the fan and filter in place at the desired height, then its all systems go on fixing it securely! I will prob pick up the other CFL hanger I need too and pay the fella at the grow store the 7 quid I owe him for the roll of silver tape I needed from a few weeks ago when I was skint :) ah this is the life.... more updates coming soon :) - STELTHY
Looking really good brotha.

Ancient history I know but that kid still makes me mad opening his mouth.
Whats this all about?? Do tell.

Stelth looking the goods man. Your cabs are the best around. I like the pic of the pool floating holding the cans. I might have to pic one of those up here in Aus.
Yeah I def need a pool float cooler. The cab is badass stelth I'm patiently waiting to see some girl plants make a home out of it. Great job and getting better.
the cab is coming along and looking better then ever! im still not sure how your going to figure out a way to easily disconnect each ballasts from the light fixture and remove each bulb with the temp change? seems like the ballasts have the connectors just hanging in front of the cab door so i wasnt sure whether they will be taken care of with a stealth covering or something? hopefully you plan on making an easy acesible to top box to cover the ballasts and everything else since you may be changing bulbs and ballasts frequently. whatever happened to the sprouts you said you had going? pretty sure you said you started atleast one awhile ago.