Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


I bought the stereo for the nature sounds in the cab, and the CD too :) lol, although this is mainly a show off point.. its nice to relax when you work hardest on the things you care about :) .. I mentioned before about night gardening under a trippy green light with wild-life sounds enchanting the grow area.. so any ways here's the player n CD... I may experiment during daylight hours with classical music for excelerated plant growth.. although apparently 'hard rock' is better but we'll see :) - STELTHY

This is where I plan to install the stereo system,.. next to the CCTV unit, remember.. this will all be boxed in, plexi-glassed and tinted etc so it'll look well profesh! upon completion :) - STELTHY

The speakers are small and flat and easily wall mountable with a small screw to secure them in place.. - STELTHY

And here's the other one.. I will tidy the wires later on, I just wanted to start organising thing's and getting everything in its finalized place :) I am off to kip now :) but have a good 20 or so more pics to upload tommoz, and add text to as well :) - STELTHY
Another great addition buddy. Im still waiting until I have some extra cash to add the same thing to my garden. Keep it up and let me know what music your girls like best when the time comes.

Good morning everyone :) I decided to add the RHINO filter back on, but since the fan is now connected to a 90 degree elbow, I have decided the filter must have adequate support rather than just a screwed up old jumper lol so this is my next area to target - STELTHY

I measured the diameter of the RHINO filter, Went to B&Q and bought some off cuts to measure.. - STELTHY

Then when the piece of wood was flat to the bottom and pushed in place at the front of the filter I drew the curve where the under side of the filter was suspended :) now I have my cut-line and a template for my second piece of wood - STELTHY

So I took my jigsaw cutter and got ready to cut along the curved line I had just drawn in - STELTHY

With one curve cut out already, I placed the 2 pieces of wood together and sketched in the curved line .. the 1st piece of wood was my template :) - STELTHY

I screwed in one side at a time, using only 2 screws per side, as this is all thats required - STELTHY

NB/ I mounted the 2 sides .5cm higher to accomodate for the foam vibration pads under the fan, once the pads are in place the extraction setup will be 100% level and fixed propperly, I added 2X 'L' brackets just to keep the stand in place, I also sprayed it black to make it look a tad more neat - STELTHY

And here it is in place.. I will also spray the block of wood under the in-line fan too but need to get my foam anti-vibration pads 1st, I think you'll agree the top is starting to look a little less crowded! Hmm...whats next? - STELTHY
Hi again Integra21 defo. will do man... maybe hard trance lol ...... it could work ..I'll experiment n let you know dude :) - STELTHY