Hi again, I usually use only 'Canna's nuit range' BUT since over the past couple of years I have obtained a vast amount of different potions, and formulas I want to be very clear on my strategy behind creating my first HID harvest

I will list below what nuitrients I have and add some pics of them too, Later today.
So...From what I can remember I have : -
Canna: -
CANNA RHIZOTONIC is a powerful, algae based, vegetative stimulator for roots of fast-growing plants that already have roots or root initials. RHIZOTONIC stimulates further root development, increases the plant’s resistance to disease and promotes its inner and outer strength.
RHIZOTONIC is 100% natural, and contains multiple vitamins. RHIZOTONIC influences the root environment and is the ideal supplement for the crop environment created by the grower. RHIZOTONIC has a calming effect on plants, and is ideally suited for use when shipping or re-potting plants. RHIZOTONIC will also improve plants that are unhealthy or poorly developed.
RHIZOTONIC can be used regardless of the type of medium. It is suitable for cultivation in potting mix and hydro culture. RHIZOTONIC is often sprayed on leaves and can be used as a simple means for raising the pH level in fertilizer tanks.
Root stimulant
RHIZOTONIC adds more than 60 microbiological substances that considerably speeds up the growth of a balanced root environment. Various trace elements and vitamins such as B1&B2 have been added to RHIZOTONIC in order to stimulate the plant production of hormones and root growth, thus providing better and stronger roots.
Vital plants
Good results start with a healthy plant. There are many different ways of stimulating plants aside from a healthy balance of EC levels, acidity, temperature, air and light. RHIZOTONIC does so during and in the rooting and growing phase. Another important element in RHIZOTONIC is the root-strengthening hormone Oligosaccharide. Scientific research has shown its beneficial effect in the creation of root cells without any negative side effects. Your plants will be certain to get beautiful, strong white roots with RHIZOTONIC.
• Aids in the immediate generation of lush, new root growth on cuttings and transplants.
• When used as a seed soak prior to planting, it will speed up the germination process.
• Enhances overall plant growth and chemical reactions in the plant to ensure a healthier, powerful and stronger plant.
• Aids in the recovery process of any plant or cutting that has been subjected to stress in any way whatsoever.
Vega A+B
In the beginning of the growth phase, the plant lays the foundation for its eventual yield. Characteristics of a healthy and powerful growth are vital side shoots and a luxuriant root development.Hydro Vega is developed especially to fulfil the plant’s needs optimally during this phase. HYDRO VEGA is applied to all types of inert mediums.
A complete absorption of nutrients and water is guaranteed from the beginning of the cultivation because HYDRO VEGA is rich in directly absorbable nitrogen compounds, high quality EDDHA iron chelates and trace elements. Suitable for growing with automatic run to waste hydroponic systems.
CANNAZYM is a high-quality enzyme product. It consists of more than 12 different kinds of enzymes to which vitamins and extracts of desert plants are added. CANNAZYM speeds up the process of breaking down dead root material and activates the micro-organisms. In addition to this, CANNAZYM facilitates the improved absorption of nutrients and increases the resistance against pathogenic organisms.
The threat
In a root system that functions well, roots die and new roots are formed. The remains of roots that died form an ideal growing substrate for pathogenic organisms. After the pathogenic moulds have multiplied in the dead root material, they are a threat to the healthy roots. These are easily affected, and will lose an important part of their function. This causes stress to the entire plant and stunts any new growth.
How does CANNAZYM work?
Enzymes are substances that speed up the reactions in living organisms. (Example: enzymes play a vital role in our digestion).
The enzymes in CANNAZYM facilitate fast conversion of dead roots into minerals and sugars. This is important, as they make up a valuable source of nutrients for the plant as well as for the soil environment. A fast breakdown of root remains creates a balanced air and soil hydrology in the root environment. Furthermore, putrefaction and consequently the formation of toxic substances are prevented and the risk of an infection by pathogenic moulds is considerably reduced. This is ideal for your plant. The soil environment is improved, as the minerals and sugars that are formed as a result of using CANNAZYM, are important for the bacteria located close to the roots. These bacteria provide the plant with extra protection against diseases that are caused by moulds and facilitate the exchange nutrients and vitamins with the roots. This results in improved balance and an increased absorption capacity.
Increased health
CANNAZYM contains several easy-to-absorb vitamins that stimulate the plant to form new roots. A well-developed root system uses of a lot of young growing-points. Elements like calcium, magnesium and iron are absorbed exactly by these growing-points. Furthermore, a substance that has been isolated from desert plants has been added to CANNAZYM, as a result of which the plant’s natural defence system will be improved. Activation of the defence system of the plant increases the protection against pathogenic organisms. A defence system that functions optimally allows the plant to react quickly against an imminent attack; eventual damage will be prevented or limited.
The above-mentioned information also explains why CANNAZYM is indispensable with the reuse of growing substrates; the root remains will be rapidly broken down and transformed into advantageous nutrients; infections will be prevented and the air/water relation in the root environment will be improved.
PK 13/14
CANNA PK 13/14 is a mixture of top quality nutritional minerals that stimulate flowering. This product has been developed for the flowering phase of fast growing plants. PK 13/14 is easy to use and high yields are easily achieved.
PK 13/14 is a high grade mixture of phosphorus and potassium that is added during the flowering phase. Both elements play a big role during the flowering phase of fast growing plants. Thanks to a special production process CANNA has succeeded in combining pure phosphorous and potassium in very high concentrations and this makes PK 13/14 available to the plant quickly and directly.
Phosphorous (P) is a macro nutritional element for every plant. It plays a key role in metabolism and energy transfer. Extra phosphorous is needed in the flowering phase. Phosphorous strengthens cell formation in flowers among other things.
Potassium (K) is found throughout the plant and is necessary for a lot of its activities. It is essential for transporting water and nutrition (sieve vessels) and it is responsible for the plant’s quality and rigidity. In addition to this it controls countless other processes such as sugar production. Potassium ensures that the plant can produce enough sugars during flowering, which are essential for the development of the flowers.
There comes a moment during the plant’s development when the need for phosphorous and potassium increases greatly. If CANNA PK 13/14 is given at this moment you will satisfy the flowering plant’s increased needs and the fruits will achieve maximum development. CANNA BOOST enhances the metabolism and has a strengthening effect on PK 13/14. This perfect combination will cause the plant to flower more lavishly.
PK 13/14 is used with every medium and consequently it is used for cultivation on soil, in recirculatory systems, when cultivating on coco and in run-to-waste systems. PK 13/14 is suitable for use when cultivating both indoors and outdoors.
Florez A+B
A direct availability and a correct composition of hydroponic nutrients play a crucial role during the plant’s blooming phase. HYDRO FLORES stimulates the fruitification and contains all the nutrients that the plant needs during this phase.
We introduced the CANNABOOST Accelerator at the Dutch Highlife Fair 2006. It’s a product that we are proud of! And the first CANNABOOST users who have reacted very positively to the product have further increased this pride.
The advantages of growing with CANNABOOST Accelerator include:
• Better Yields
• Suitable for use with all growing mediums and substrates
• Even higher yields in combination with PK 13/14
• Better ripening and strengthened immune system
• Fuller, more powerful taste
CANNABOOST Accelerator is a product that distinguishes itself from the existing booster products in every aspect and is also typified as being: “The new boost generation”.
Advanced Nuitrients : -
Hammerhead 9/18
Hammerhead is a very powerful booster that delivers a specific 9/18 ratio of phosphorous and potassium to stimulate and sustain an impressively potent flowering response.
Designed with heavy flowering and fruiting plants in mind, Hammerhead claims to provide the perfect NPK ratios to support optimum yields. Using only the highest quality ingredients to aid in fast uptake and fast plant response, Hammerhead is used throughout the flowering cycle to consistently stimulate the aggressive production of flowers and fruits.
Bud Candy
Bud Candy Feed Sugars, Aminos and vitamins to your plants and taste their sweeter bigger buds. If I asked you what really makes you happy about your hydroponics gardening, you'd tell me you love growing huge amounts of potent, sweet-tasting flowers.
Seeing your roomful of huge flowers that smell like candy (maybe like the cotton candy at an amusement park), and then after harvest you savor that fine taste, aroma.The smiles on their faces, and them patting you on the back, that's what the good life is all about.
So the big question is, what can you do right now to grow yourself the biggest harvests of the most potent, best-tasting flowers?
Getting sweeter, bigger harvests comes when you give your plants carbohydrates that jolt them with an energy boost.
This is an important fact to remember, that during peak bloom cycle your plants' need for sugars exceeds their ability to manufacture sugars. The more you push them, the more C02 and nutrients you give them, the more they need carbos, the more they fall behind.
The resulting carbo deficit is the same thing that happens when athletes collapse near the end of grueling competition. And it's why carboloading is a favorite tactic athletes use to keep going strong for victory, when others fall and fail.
Carboloading your plants requires a specialty formula. In actuality, your plants best absorb simple or complex carbohydrates when they are present as Arabinose, Dextrose, Glucose, Maltose and Xylose from Raw Cane Extract, Malt Extract, Cranberry Extract and other premium carbohydrate sources.
Not only does this end mid-bloom slump but these materials fuel beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone.
When you've installed beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone, they thrive best when they have externally-provided carbos to feed on.
Beneficial bacteria and fungi increase root mass, increase nutrient absorption, protect roots, and produce hormones that stimulate floral size, potency and value.
So now that you've seen how to use the right kinds of carbos to provide energy and root enhancement, what else can you do to create gourmet flowers with enhanced taste, size, potency, and aroma?
As it turns out, by providing the list of carbo sources we just discussed, you're also enhancing the taste and aroma of your plants.
Here's something else to keep in mind: the advantages provided by what you feed your crops depends on the quality of specific ingredients in the products.
For example, you see hydroponics formulas that contain "molasses." But as with almost every individual ingredient in hydroponics formulas, there are many grades and types of molasses, and the differences between them decide whether they will deliver your bigger, better yields.
Fact is, most types of molasses are loaded with sulphur or made from materials or processes that lower their sugar content and quality.
When sulphured, low-grade molasses are in a hydroponics formula, its extraneous minerals throw off your nutrient ratios while providing smaller percentages of sugars.
Now take a minute and let me show you how this relates to the types and forms of amino acids in hydroponics formulas.
Amino acids are crucial building blocks for proteins that fuel metabolic processes and physical structure in your flowering plants. Few hydroponics formulas contain amino acids, but almost all the ones that have aminos provide them in a form called "D-Aminos."
Although these aminos are cheaper to source and manufacture, they unfortunately are not very helpful to your plants.
On the other hand, the L-form of amino acids is totally biologically available for rapid uptake and formation of proteins that rapidly increase your crop health and yield.
As with molasses and other ingredients in hydroponics formulas, it matters a lot what forms and manufacturing processes are used.
Sweeter flowers are yours when you boost your crop's taste, potency and aroma by furnishing anthocyanins, isoflavonoids, polyphenols, isoterpenes and tannins found in cranberry and grape extracts.
Growers using these compounds report that a sudden bouquet of pleasant scent arises from their flowers within moments of the compounds being fed to plants in water.
And after harvest, you and your friends will enjoy the extra-sweet aroma and taste that your flowers provide, and there'll be more flowers to enjoy too.
Another technique for upgrading the aroma, taste and value of your crop is to feed vitamins to your plants.
For example, Vitamin C stimulates photosynthesis and cell replication while also protecting your plants from negative effects of intense light and heat. To go along with Vitamin C, studies show that feeding your plants B vitamins provides many flower-boosting benefits while also protecting crops from stress.
So how can you get this extensive menu of crop-boosting compounds you've just found out about? Fortunately, Advanced Nutrients scientists have successfully managed the complex task of sourcing, processing, and combining all these aminos, carbs, and vitamins so Bud Candy delivers bigger, sweeter buds to you right away.
Best of all, you're getting two products in one because Bud Candy gives you everything in Sweet Leaf and CarboLoad, but it also gives you a lot more in an easy to use formula.
Whether your plants are in bloom phase right now, or you're preparing for bloom phase, this is the time to procure 100% organic Bud Candy and get cotton candy taste, fatter buds, and stronger plants.
Fox Farm : -
Cha Ching® Soluble Fertilizer (9-50-10)
Late Flowering Formula for Gardeners and Hydroponic Growers
Encourages Essential Oils and Succulent Fruit
FoxFarm engineered Cha Ching® to maximize a plant’s production. Every stage of the growing cycle demands optimal nutrition. Cha Ching® is a high-phosphorus fertilizer that won’t leave a salty residue or build up in the soil. Even better, we’ve included the micronutrient pack that FoxFarm is known for. It contains all the essential elements you need to support juicy fruit on compact, stocky plants.
Cha Ching® creates juicy, robust fruit with essential oils and resins pumping out of stems and leaves. That means concentrated flavor and perfect texture.
Garden tip: Start with Open Sesame® in the fifth or sixth week of a plant’s life. Once bud set begins feed with Beastie Bloomz® for a two week period. After flowers are fully formed, switch to Cha Ching® and continue through harvest. Feed with every other watering.
Atami : -
The Bloombastic formula contains biological minerals in combination with biological stimulants to create a one of a kind nutrient additive specifically designed for the flowering and ripening of your plants.
Bloombastic will also stimulate the enzyme process on several levels that will make your plant less sensitive to stress factors such as: warmth, dry air, high light intensity, disease, and nutrient inadequacies.
This flowering innovation does not contain any ballast ingredients such as sodium or chlorine. Therefore, compared to other cocktails, Bloombastic contains increased levels of phosphorus and potassium the active ingredient for flowering and ripening.
Other : -
A fantastic stress reliever from the USA. SuperThrive is a vitamin-hormone liquid concentrate. Effective when transplanting or any time plants are suffering. Also acts as a booster for super healthy plants and blooms. Add to your nutrient solution at the rate of 1 drop per 4 litres. Used by growers the world over for more than 40 years, SuperThrive is a well known and proven product.
Rox is a nutrient supplement designed to substantially enhance the yield and quality of your plants. A very powerful flower enhancer indeed. Application 5ml per litre soil, 3ml per litre hydroponics. Used in 21st - 35th day of flowering. For best results run along side a PK boost either; Fox Farm Beastie Bloomz, Hammerhead 9/18 or Canna PK 13/14.
Dry Flower 4 Flush
STAGE 4 - Clearing Solution. A special water treatment solution that prepares herbs and floral crops for harvesting and drying.
Clearing solution ensures all excess nutrients are used and 'cleared' from the plant ensuring a freash natural taste.
This is not a plant food.
An amazing four product range of additives designed to take the grower through from cuttings to the flowering stage.
Each product is designed to maximise the growth rates and yeild at the various stages of a plants life.
GrowTec's Final Flush Blueberry flavoured flush
The Final Flush eliminates excess fertilizer salts in the final stages of growth and can also be used to correct overfeeding or for desalinization of reusable growing media.
Hydro-shop's own dissinfectant mix
PH balanced water (PH down - Phosphorus Acid)
Growth Technology pH DOWN contains phosphoric acid (H3PO4). The concentration is 81%, which is very strong so handle with care. Some other products on the market are considerably weaker so check the concentration before you buy. This is a very dense liquid and should feel much heavier than water.
Manufactured using the purest and most concentrated sources available
I may have left one or two out, But if so I'll add them later... I'll also add pic's of each of these nuitrients too. I have kept my eyes peeled for some other Ultra good nuits but am not to hurried to get them as I am sure I'll get by with what I have already collected
Here are the nuits I am interested in getting.. If anyone has used them in a DWC setup please let me know about their performance ~ Cheer's

: -
Bud ignitor X 1L
Your plants absolutely will maximize flowerings sites per stem when you provide specialized nutrition to your plants during early bloom phase so your plants ramp up internal production of metabolic triggers that result maximizing your budding sites.
The result is that instead of only the typical 30-55% of your stem nodes becoming hosts for flowering sites within two weeks of flowering, 70-100% of your nodes show floral initiation!
Flat out you maximize the amount of flowers per plant. And as bloom season moves forward, you notice your stems are crammed full of dense floral growth that buries your stems in thick, gooey floral clusters so you have continuous floral structures that run virtually the entire up and down length of your stems!
+ PRODUCT TYPE: Early Phase Budding Site and Bloom Booster
+ GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Grand Master growers only
+ WHEN TO USE BUD IGNITOR: Use in the first two weeks of bloom phase.
+ GARDEN TYPES: Rockwool, Coir, Soil, Sphagnum, Ebb & Flow, NFT, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical stacker, rotary, indoor, outdoor, synthorganic, synthetic.
Bud Factor X 1L
A big part of what makes a harvest considered high quality is the essential oil content. Essential oils go hand in hand with the aromas, flavours and resin contents produced by harvested plants. These essential oils and resins create the terpine profile in the plant material; the compounds that influence the plant's natural fragrances and flavours.
Bud Factor-X contains bio-active ingredients that enhance inherent qualities in plants, coaxing maximum production of terpinoids, resins and essential oils. The components in Bud Factor X were also engineered to maximize yields, not only crop quality. The balanced combination of highly bio-active ingredients maximize resin contents in crops as well as enabling crops to continue at maximize photosynthetic rates when plants normally are forced to "shut-down". The reduced forms of nitrogen and B-Vitamins in the formulation will also further root development, especially when using Bud Factor X in conjunction with Piranha, Voodoo Juice and Tarantula.
Many types of plants have external organelles. This is where resins and essential oils are secreted. Resins and essential oils are part of the plant's natural defense system against insects in two major ways. Firstly, sticky resins create a physical barrier that thwarts insects and may trap and kill smaller insects such as spider mites. Secondly, the aromatic compounds that are produced in the resins will deter many types of insects from contacting the plant.
Bud Factor X is applied with nutrients starting in the early bloom phase to trigger and maintain a higher level of resin secretion throughout the entire bloom phase. The ingredients in Bud Factor X are absorbed by the plants roots and begin to signal the plant to maximize production of these valuable compounds. This is accomplished by signaling receptors that are inherent to the plant directly on an intra-cellular level. When this occurs, not only is the plant of higher quality, it is able to continue to grow abundant harvests.
Using Bud Factor X, growers can avoid falling victim to reliance on chemical controls such as sulphur that significantly reduce the qualities such as flavour and aroma in the harvest.
* triggers plants to maximize their ability to produce essential oils and resins
* provides nutrition for benificial microbes in the root zone
* increases the value of crops grown for their essential oil contents, giving maximum yield of the
desired active compounds
+ PRODUCT TYPE: Organic Nutrients & Supplements
Optimizes Essential Oils
Optimizes Aromatics/more Taste
Enhanced Plant Growth For Maximum Harvests
+ GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Grand Master growers
+ WHEN TO USE BUD FACTOR X: During bloom phase.
+ GARDEN TYPES: Rockwool, Coir, Soil, Sphagnum, Ebb & Flow, NFT, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical stacker, rotary, indoor, outdoor, organic, synthorganic, synthetic.
Overdrive 1L
Overdrive is the key to a bulky, glistening harvest. When your plants are in peak flower production the last thing you want is for them to go downhill and stop packing on the pounds. Unfortunately, that's exactly what nature intends to happen! But now you can use Overdrive to defy nature and turn your plants back into champion producers, even when they're well into bloom cycle! The name is no accident - your plants will literaturally go into overdrive!
Field testing shows that Overdrive reinvigorates flowering and creates a renewed burst of oils, scents, terpenoids, size and other very desirable traits that will give you impressive harvests instead of disappointing ones.
+ PRODUCT TYPE: Bloom Enhancer
Increased nutrient uptake
Increased photosynthesis and energy
Increased cell expansion and replication for larger flowers
Increased creation of internal floral structures and compounds for increased aroma, taste, potency and market value
Increased resistance to drought, heat, stress, diseases, pests and end stage exhaustion due to folic acid and other ingredients
Potential 9-23% gains in harvest weight and size during last trimester of growth
+ WHEN TO USE OVERDRIVE: Use Overdrive if you want to substantially increase essential oil production during the final weeks of growth.
CANNA's TRACE MIX consists of several trace elements that are essential for the plant. These trace elements are used for several enzyme systems and therefore have an influence on the development of the plant.
TRACE MIX is a mineral fertiliser, which is extremely suitable as a supplementary nutrient to stimulate the growth and bloom of the plant. Besides that it can serve to reduce the deficiency of trace elements.
Rhino Skin 1L
Tough as Nails, and More Floral Potency Too Give your plants Rhino Skin to increase the rigidity of cell walls making your plants stalks more rigid. Plants take Silicon into their cells making tougher cell walls. Use Rhino Skin from start to finish so get Rhino Skin today and see more value from your harvests.
+ PRODUCT TYPE: Plant Nutrient Support/Potency Enhancer
You Get Maximum Amounts Of Trichomes And Essential Oil Production
Your Plants Stalkes Are Stronger So They Support Larger Flowers!
Plants Take Silicon Into Their Walls Making Tougher Cell Walls
+ GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Grand Master growers
+ WHEN TO USE RHINO SKIN: Cloning, early seedlings, transplanting, early vegetative phase, peak bloom phase
+ GARDEN TYPES: Rockwool, Coir, Soil, Sphagnum, Ebb & Flow, hydroton, perlite, vermiculite, NFT, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical stacker, rotary, indoor, outdoor, organic, synthorganic, synthetic.
As no doubt you can tell the nutrients I would like to get my hands upon are infact 99% Advanced Nutrients manufactured.... This is because some friends of mine have used only one or two of their products and had outstanding results.
I love the simplicity of Canna's range but knowing its sometimes ok to mix n match, I'd like to get the best from both inc...a few other brands
One things for sure my ladies/other crops will have no shortage of food
Once again 'if anyone has used any of the nutrients (pictured above), Please let me know of their results and the performance etc how they enhanced the grow etc...
I'll add my nutrients in pic form later this afternoon, that will give you a better idea as to what I can use in my latest grow - STELTHY