All you haters dude asked a simple question with a simple answer u knows maybe for educational purposes & if it isnt y give bad advice causing him to fuck up his money or create sum bullshit that could turn out to be more dangerous than just crack alone would be?Trust and believe if they dont get it from him they wil find it elsewhere!!! Heres some real directions on 1 of many methods this one is called STR8 DROP!!!
This method wil give u the purest form the strongest form basically equivalent to FREE BASE....
For 7gs weigh out 3.5gs of Soda,
1.Breakdown the yola the best u can u want to have all powder.
2.U need a mason, or a glass jar like olives come in basically some form close to or is pyrex that can stand high heat without cracking or breaking I prefer to use the mason jar becuse its enough room for small and large amounts and it is tall enough where I will explain in next steps, that you can add the amount of water u need to without worrying about an overflow.
3.Fill a small coiking pot up with water 3/4 full and bring to a good boil
4.Mix or just pour in together the Yola and Soda into your Mason Jar do not add any water yet to the mixture of coke and baking soda until told to do so!!!!!!!
5.Once water in pot heating on the stove has reached a good boil (meaning stable not running over the pot if this is happening reduce heat. Heat should be about medium high so if its a scale of 1-10 it should be 7 or

Take a Table Spoon and add in 2Tbl Spoons of water enough to get the mixture wet and covered a little.
6.This will begin cooking your dope the second the boiling water touches the mixture. Now either twirl the jar to put a spin, mix, whip or wateva u want to call it on the mixture, or u can use a knife or whatever you choose. (Me personally I use a chopStick from the Chinese Place I use 1 stick after I spin the jar by hand) An oven mit is recomended because thru this entire process you will be pulling the jar out of the cooking pot to spin & mix your yola.
7. After mixing for 30 sec or so get a Teaspoon and add 1/2 to 3/4 Tsp of Soda to the jar do not add anymore than that ammount unless you have pure coke and I doubt that you do because you would already know how to cook if u did!...Follow this up by adding a TblSp of water from the boiling pot.
8.Put your mit back on and spin your mix in a circle for 20-30 sec once done place the jar into the pot of boiling water. The jar should not cause the water to overflow out of the pot nor should the boil cause the water to overflow if this happens reduce heat immediately.
9.Your mix should be turning oily by now and precipitating at the top. Add another 1/2-3/4 tblsp of soda and repeat spin cycle.
10.Place back in pot n let cook till your oil is af the bottom repeating adding soda as nessc. Once all oil is hat the bottom, aftet spinning or mixing the oil should be beginning to try to lock thats when your done
11.Take out of pot use the jar your cooking in top and place the jar on the top so that 1/4 of the jar is lifted up so that your oil can begin to slide to one side of the jar this way you have one solid piece you will fish out the water. The 1/4 of the jar thats raised should be the side of the jar you placed on the top
12.Have Ice waiting and cold water rumning. Do not add ice instead take an ice cube and run it under the cold water, then sprinkle drops of water into the jar. This will begin to cool the mix. In order for crack to lock the tem has to be reduced. I let the water im dropping into the jar fall on the opposite side of the mix. Reason why and reason I dont suggest using Ice is if anything comes into contact with the oil before it locks it will cause it to bresk up. You want to keep that all together so you have one piece.
13.This is optional. I also take a pyrex measuring cup n fill with ice. After adding a few drops of cold water to the jar starting the cooling process i then place the jar inside the measuring cup for faster cooling