Strains for ADD (inattentive ADHD)

I strongly recommend making and consuming edibles- I make cookies with cannabutter and add some decarbed bud directly into the dry mix. They are longer lasting than smoking- especially good overnight. If I eat 1 I sleep good- if I eat 2- like a rock.
If you are anywhere near the CT coast I would be happy to share bud and some cookies for you to try.
Good sleepy time weed is old purp strains like mendo and Urkle. I have a mendo x purple indica from csi that I’m going to do for my son who has trouble sleeping. I’m trying sativas next for my add since I have my depression under control but need something to focus

You could look into microdosing magic mushrooms? it works well for work (more energy, focus, more sociable).. although you need a better strain than P. Cubensis, an easy one to grow and more potent is Psilocybe Natalensis. Thank you for the advice, again +1 for the purple strains.
I strongly recommend making and consuming edibles- I make cookies with cannabutter and add some decarbed bud directly into the dry mix. They are longer lasting than smoking- especially good overnight. If I eat 1 I sleep good- if I eat 2- like a rock.
If you are anywhere near the CT coast I would be happy to share bud and some cookies for you to try.

I'm from The Netherlands... But thank you for the offer, I do read edibles are supposed to last longer, hence, deeper sleep.. probably I will do that as a side project. But I'm a bit reluctant due to it being more psychedelic in effect when overdosed and more difficult to nail down the correct dose.. so my thoughts for now go to vaping.. but I maybe I'll change my mind by that time, who knows.
I am sensitive to the effects of THC and can experience raciness and paranoia easily. PCK has always calmed me down, helps clear the mind and can get a great sleep on it. Some of the lower THC/higher CBD strains didn’t do much for me, PCK has enough “oomph” without the negatives.
Try cali orange and blueberry there good for folks sensitive to thc and tasty and easy going its a couple i reccomend to new tokers for that reason too
I was also looking at Gelato .. doesn't seem like a candidate right before sleep.. but maybe a nice one for right after work if I still got stuff to do? Does not seem to result in negative side-effects..

Not really the bud pics you would expect, but yeah I thought I would share in case anyone else with ADD will find this thread.. maybe some day in the future. Growing reishi.. ganoderma lucidum.. for better sleep, this I'll turn into a double extract tincture in time. Who knows maybe inspire someone to look into medicinal mushrooms
Man ur post above looks like a horror movie

But I got bad adhd and all over the place these days...

what do u recommend I cant sleep?

Never really tried shrooms, or anything other than than a little weed... where wud u say to start or what's most effective?
Man ur post above looks like a horror movie

But I got bad adhd and all over the place these days...

what do u recommend I cant sleep?

Never really tried shrooms, or anything other than than a little weed... where wud u say to start or what's most effective?
Drinking a beer and smoking a bowl or two knocks me right out lol
The thing I've personally noticed about this add and adhd... it really starts to cause noticeable problems around age 30+... before then it's not a DISRUPTABLE
The thing I've personally noticed about this add and adhd... it really starts to cause noticeable problems around age 30+... before then it's not a DISRUPTABLE

Yes, I turned 35 a few days ago. And indeed start a few years back.. I think getting kids (by now 8 and 4 year old) and to many family obligations, endless list of stuff to fix around the house.. no space.. no rest.. the daily ratrace..

About ganoderma.. this man can explain it much better.. from all mushrooms, this is the sleep-aid.

Unfortunately the fruit bodies where brittle (too old) by the time I got back from holiday and I had to toss them. I bought a concentrate to try once and have to admit it helped to relax.. For sleep.. what works for me.. is this:

- read a few pages from a book (not watching a screen helps)
- get yourself fresh ginger tea (lowers blood pressure, I once made a too strong tea and it almost knocked me out)
- or, if you have a garden.. grow some lemon balm, the fresh stuff is really good for the nerves.. it's something psychonauts (like me) resort to prior to getting into a lvl 5+ mushroom trip. I always do lemon balm tea be, good for tension.

A mushrooms trip resets me mentally (the best specie being Psilocybe Subtropicalis, people reported beautifull experiences with this one), I do this infrequently.. e.g. 1x per 6 months.. if you dare to go deep (heroic dose), it will be mentally tormenting, as you need to process your drama and stuff you aren't proud.. heck if your ego dissolves and die psychologically you may touch on something sacred. I like filosofie and Dr Ian McGilchrist and Jiddu Krishnamurti really got me curious, also reading Ian's books got me very sleepy and Krishnamurti, a very wise man, has such a calm voice it makes you calm down and listen.. e.g. watch as of 50:40.. it's not for everybody though.. but uf you like to think about life, give it a shot
All in all it cleans the mind if stuff that happened to you is robbing you from sleep.

But yeah, I'll be also exploring cannabis for sleep, e.g. granddaddy purple. As I like to have multiple options.. lemon balm doen't grow in the winter and sometimes you run out of ginger.. and making oil for deep sleep would be something I'd like to explore..

Sorry if this is too much info, but I though the cannabis community is a bit more openminded so I thought I'd share
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The only time I visited a coffeeshop was 19 years ago.. so I was a bit hesitant, but decided to pay a visit to a good shop (according to the reviews) in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Unfortunately there wasn't much to choose from.. solely 6 indica dominant strains.. and I went for:
- 1gr kosher kush
- 1gr rainbow zkittlez

Just to try out, and ordered a vaporizer and I couldn't get my hands on it in a physical shop (arizer xq2). Only still need a grinder.. curious if I can hold the vaporized smoke in my lungs, will be first time for me, never managed to smoke.. I did try a sigaret, joint and DMT... but always ended up coughing. Wish me luck
To many family obligations, endless list of stuff to fix around the house.. no space.. no rest.. the daily ratrace..

I have to directly reply to this as i noticed the same myself, and am convinced this is what was/is the driving force behind my add/ adhd outbreak...

I noticed each year I was doing more and more and became like a headless chicken running around.

However could also b a chicken - egg situation

Ie... did we make more tasks for ourselves because our adhd makes us lose focus quickly...

Or do we genuinely get overworked like donekys and are a product of this.

One other thing to add

I hate to say it, but i feel once u become this "muddled up" that it's irreversible...

I only say this because even if u completely stop and take a break, it seems the past experience has caused some sort of mental exhaustion that returns very quickly when your resume...

do you agree
I have to directly reply to this as i noticed the same myself, and am convinced this is what was/is the driving force behind my add/ adhd outbreak...

I noticed each year I was doing more and more and became like a headless chicken running around.

However could also b a chicken - egg situation

Ie... did we make more tasks for ourselves because our adhd makes us lose focus quickly...

Or do we genuinely get overworked like donekys and are a product of this.

One other thing to add

I hate to say it, but i feel once u become this "muddled up" that it's irreversible...

I only say this because even if u completely stop and take a break, it seems the past experience has caused some sort of mental exhaustion that returns very quickly when your resume...

do you agree

Well, yeah I read the book from "Dr. Garbor Maté - Scattered Minds" and it was painful to read as you understand the problem but in order for the symptoms to reduce.. a great deal of rest, time being alone, stop livong on a schedule, space, tranquility and just a tidy and clean house.. without too much distracting stuff is a must. On a personal note; our house is littered every day with toys.. and stuff everywhere.. and I clean a lot, put on headphone with noise cancelling and music vacuum cleaning is the best.. I prefer quiet songs.. non-vocal.. on a serious note.. the stuff made for internal journeys. Listen e.g. to this (compiled myself)..
If I feel like real shit.. I listen yo the best songs only I placed in this list.. and mini dose to enhance the music.. and mildly trip without anyone noticing (headphone on ofcourse, cleaning the house for half the day)

But the mental exhaustion is indeed always present.. because structurally things are can clean all you like, the house will be a mess the next day. There is no rest.. kids running around.. girlfriend with her do-to lists.. keeping up with the chores.. the speed of life itself, seems inescapable.. but I don't despair, reading about the brain gave me insight in what it is I need..

The chicken and the egg is a paradox.. but some things are both-and (right hemisphere mode of being). not either or (chicken-egg left hemisphere take on the world).. only right understands flow... Like our cells in our body being replace every year,.are you still 'you' then.. depends on which hemisphere you ask.. watch the docu.. normally it's paid. Same like life or death, which comes first... Left hemisphere sees the dichome.. 2 distinct things.. right hemisphere sees that they go together, like you can't have a mountain without a valley.. nor a magnet with just the '+'..

Well the ADD had a cause.. and our brain is pliable.. you know there is this lion's mane mushroom that increases neurogenesis.. maybe improves our brain on some area's. If it's irreversible.. I would have to say.. I don't know. The brain was molded for years and years.. so it won't change overnight.. my feeling is that it will take years and years to maybe improve some area's.. to some extends I want to try and find out, and I sure don't want to be moody all day... heck.. even if I have to vape every day on my way to possible improvement... if that makes me happy towards people, that is a win.. I don't want to be grumpy, tired and spread the negativity to people.

But I must admit I have felt this overwhelming joy, infinite love, wisdom beyond and sense of being 'one' with everybody on the world.. something immense.. beyond all time and thought.. you can find out on an extreme high dose of mushrooms. Spreading genuine love man, that was the message.. so yeah.. I think that starts with me... (Bring about inward order)
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Just my opinion from experience here and different than most.

The first thing that helped me was finding a job that was high paced and constantly changing. Something I really enjoy. That made a world of difference to me. I cannot sit in an office or really be indoors for long. Waiting in line makes me itch, etc.

As for cannabis what wound up working the best for me was Haze. O-Haze, Mango Haze, even C99. The sativa seems to work with my mind to elevate my mood, feel more social, tolerate waiting or tedious tasks. General overall well-being.

The indica does calm my mind but makes me not want to do much. The sativa genetics in Haze makes my mind able to release it's wandering and become peaceful yet still motivated and creative.

Like if someone dropped a brick on my foot I'd be like, wow nice brick!

So basically what I'm saying is what I found works is much different than most others here. You live in the Netherlands so you have the opportunity to try different strains until you find something that works for you. Be it an Indica or Sativa.

Being a beginner go slow because too much of some strains can react adversely with ADD. One toke at a time.

Oh also I recommend smoking the flowers. Vaping doesn't do it for me at all. A little weed smoke never hurt anyone.

Good luck in your quest for brighter days!
I have ADHD, I get scrambled from intaking useless information around me constantly and never stop thinking, it’s exhausting. I’m extremely hypersensitive especially to other people’s emotions. I cannot do psychedelics like that any more because they tend to make me emotionally vulnerable, I feel like being a better human then my typical surrounding will allow. Sometimes this world requires a less evolved approach in my experience as sad as that may be. I would try dropping those for a while and see if your EQ balances back down to mortal human levels. Keep the working out up, it helps regulate your body, lots of water just like you said. Focus on yourself and children. I need a schedule and a clean house, try spending less time on your chores. Make it an Active process, don’t allow your mind to dwell, move from task to task allowing yourself to feel accomplished after every step. If you’re hypersensitive any rejection like a breakup can be emotionally traumatic.

Time heals all wounds. I believe in you bud. I like OGs for my ADHD by the way. GG4 is a big big go to. Just had some diesel that I’m on a big diesel thing for now too. You got this.