Just my opinion from experience here and different than most.
The first thing that helped me was finding a job that was high paced and constantly changing. Something I really enjoy. That made a world of difference to me. I cannot sit in an office or really be indoors for long. Waiting in line makes me itch, etc.
As for cannabis what wound up working the best for me was Haze. O-Haze, Mango Haze, even C99. The sativa seems to work with my mind to elevate my mood, feel more social, tolerate waiting or tedious tasks. General overall well-being.
The indica does calm my mind but makes me not want to do much. The sativa genetics in Haze makes my mind able to release it's wandering and become peaceful yet still motivated and creative.
Like if someone dropped a brick on my foot I'd be like, wow nice brick!
So basically what I'm saying is what I found works is much different than most others here. You live in the Netherlands so you have the opportunity to try different strains until you find something that works for you. Be it an Indica or Sativa.
Being a beginner go slow because too much of some strains can react adversely with ADD. One toke at a time.
Oh also I recommend smoking the flowers. Vaping doesn't do it for me at all. A little weed smoke never hurt anyone.
Good luck in your quest for brighter days!
I have ADHD, I get scrambled from intaking useless information around me constantly and never stop thinking, it’s exhausting. I’m extremely hypersensitive especially to other people’s emotions. I cannot do psychedelics like that any more because they tend to make me emotionally vulnerable, I feel like being a better human then my typical surrounding will allow. Sometimes this world requires a less evolved approach in my experience as sad as that may be. I would try dropping those for a while and see if your EQ balances back down to mortal human levels. Keep the working out up, it helps regulate your body, lots of water just like you said. Focus on yourself and children. I need a schedule and a clean house, try spending less time on your chores. Make it an Active process, don’t allow your mind to dwell, move from task to task allowing yourself to feel accomplished after every step. If you’re hypersensitive any rejection like a breakup can be emotionally traumatic.
Time heals all wounds. I believe in you bud. I like OGs for my ADHD by the way. GG4 is a big big go to. Just had some diesel that I’m on a big diesel thing for now too. You got this.
Might have missed what I was trying to say. I mean to say psychedelics generally they made me want to be nice, and it cost me money. “I will always work hard to earn my goals” but you can’t focus on just yourself, there are those who will take and those who might need to take. Simply put, they turn me into a sheep when life requires wolf or sheep dog. American Sniper speech. Like I said you got this bud. Readings a big one for me man. Have you ever read any philosophy stuff? Check out stoicism, art of war, rich dad poor dad, the four agreements, Robert Greene. If your into fantasy books; Storm light Archives, Wheel of time, Kingkiller chronicles.Yes psychedelics make you extremely vulnerable.. on higher doses they made me cry like a baby, cried so hard, moaning from the mental obliteration, facing yourself. But yeah, I'll do a heroic dose again once this drama passes, to face it and process it.. it will uncover everything I hide, and it always feels like the biggest relief of my life.. even if it was a torment, so I don't shy away, face your demons. Yeah, I don't have that sensitivity towards others.. I can relate, but I'm not emotionally swayed like that.. GG4 looked at that one too.. but I was hesitant about it, can't recall why at the moment. Thanks man, appreciate the support.. I try to remind myself others also go through this shit, and it will end at some point.. like a bad trip does (I always repeat to myself 'this is the drugs and it will pass' but the shitty thing is you forget after 1sec.. a well.. part of the heroes journey) and so will this.
Regarding the less evolved, I can relate to that.. got myself a tent, stretcher and sleeping bag to just stay somewhere in nature.. as where I live we lack genuine nature, I just live in a suburban area.. hardly any green.. artificial green here and there.. many houses, pavement and roads.. again thanks for the encouraging words man
You might be experiencing burnout, but I doubt it's an ADD/ADHD outbreak; it's not like herpes, some days are easier but it's always there. Being that ADD/ADHD is literally an issue with brain strucrture and chemistry, it's not reversible. If you have lived until 35 without many issues typically assigned to ADD, I would suggest that it is more likely to be burnout or a midlife crisis you're experiencing.I have to directly reply to this as i noticed the same myself, and am convinced this is what was/is the driving force behind my add/ adhd outbreak...
I noticed each year I was doing more and more and became like a headless chicken running around.
However could also b a chicken - egg situation
Ie... did we make more tasks for ourselves because our adhd makes us lose focus quickly...
Or do we genuinely get overworked like donekys and are a product of this.
One other thing to add
I hate to say it, but i feel once u become this "muddled up" that it's irreversible...
I only say this because even if u completely stop and take a break, it seems the past experience has caused some sort of mental exhaustion that returns very quickly when your resume...
do you agree
Might have missed what I was trying to say. I mean to say psychedelics generally they made me want to be nice, and it cost me money. “I will always work hard to earn my goals” but you can’t focus on just yourself, there are those who will take and those who might need to take. Simply put, they turn me into a sheep when life requires wolf or sheep dog. American Sniper speech. Like I said you got this bud. Readings a big one for me man. Have you ever read any philosophy stuff? Check out stoicism, art of war, rich dad poor dad, the four agreements, Robert Greene. If your into fantasy books; Storm light Archives, Wheel of time, Kingkiller chronicles.
I would suggest a good “night time” strain, the kind of strain that you can smoke and forget your high but r then remember a couple hours later you smoked and joint and need to head to bed. The strains I refer to as night time sort of shut your brain off (which I need) and allow you to just zone in on whatever you’re doing without a bunch of distractions in your head, whether it’s watching tv, participating in a hobby or being social.
Purple Urkle -
Deacon Blues (DJ Blueberry x Blue Satelite 2.2) - my own creation makes Me less sleepy than Urkle
DJ Blueberry (indica)
Exodus Cheese
my curve ball Super Silver Haze, it’sgreat For keeping me steady and active during the day.
If you can find some CBG seeds (Hoko Seeds has some lines) and grow those out,I could recommendmaking Edibles with a mix of cbg and thc strains. CBG adds a great nighttime affect.
I hope my thoughts on this aren’t being taken the wrong way, I’m not trying to say you or any other member doesn’t have it or dismissing what anyone is dealing with.@CANON_Grow like you said the ADD brain works differently.. But I have had enough issues from childhood onwards, even went to special education. At that time they tried to diagnose me for autism, but it wasn't that, they couldn't put their finger on it. In hindsight it clears many things I struggled with.
You might be experiencing burnout, but I doubt it's an ADD/ADHD outbreak; it's not like herpes, some days are easier but it's always there. Being that ADD/ADHD is literally an issue with brain strucrture and chemistry, it's not reversible. If you have lived until 35 without many issues typically assigned to ADD, I would suggest that it is more likely to be burnout or a midlife crisis you're experiencing.
Whereas younger you still have symptoms but they don't completely swamp and overcome you...
However I still think burnout plays a part and can add to, bringing a whole new problem and making matters worse.
Interestingly enough when I went to numerous doctors over the years when i was youngsr - as the other member here said - I Was told.its likely aspergers and they were not specialised to help....
Found some other strains that picked my interests.. strains that are maybe more suitable for beginners with ADD like me. There are some cbd:thc balanced strains out there like harlequin.. and I'm also looking at:
- Royal Highness: daytime strain without the anxiety/paranoia..for focus/work/getting stuff done. Seems to have slightly better rating (4.7) than harlequin
- Pure Love: Nighttime strain for feeling bliss without the high, apparently nice taste. Also highly rated 4.7
Maybe someone with ADD will read this some day and confirm. If not, I'll try anyways and report back
Harlequin is amazing, I use it in creating butter / oil at a ratio of 50% Hq flower and 50% thc heavy flower
In all my years ( believe me , I very been in " the same boat " , off and on for years ) , I've never found a strain that does what the authors claim...never. I think it's a bunch off bullshit . All I know , is when I'm in a lot of pain and anxiety raging, along with terrible insomnia , any strain exacerbates my symptoms, so I completely stop smoking until I come around. For me , smoking when I'm in bad head is a definite no-no! Hang in there , push through that shit , you're willpower will get you out of that dark deep hole !So this is my first post. I'm currently going through difficult times due to my ADD.. I feel empty, bit depressed, restless in my mind, sleep poorly... I've been microdosing mushrooms for the passed years as I didn't like the effect of ritalin.. and done some high doses, which keeps depression at bay and keeps me a bit more focussed at work. However, on a day to day base.. after work, I notice I just can't relax mentally.. my mind is all over the place, moody. I eat healthfully, workout and do as much as I can.. but still lack a sense of joy and peace of mind.. I never feel genuinely relaxed, takes me an hour to fall a sleep and I sleep very light. So I'm in my mid 30's now, kids and going through a breakup after a 15 year relationship (due to the negatives of ADD). It's time to step it up and do something more about the ADD. I hope some members here at rollitup can guide me in the right direction here, I a beginner when it comes to growing & consuming, but I got experience growing mushrooms and cacti (from spores & seeds).. so I intend to grow indoors in a small tent and vaporize. The main question I have now.. is which strain one would recommend in my situation.. I've been searching the web for days and this is what I came up with:
- Northern Lights
- Blue Dream
- Granddaddy Purple
- Cherry Pie
However as with the mushroom cultivation, the community is where the knowledge is.. so I hope some members can provide me with some good strains to start of with.