Strange smoke/mist in curing jar when shaken

If I knew someone who didnt have to sweat or ferment their buds for smoother smoke, or stronger smoke, .....I'd be figuring out how to do that instead... my buds never see a jar unless traveling

I can help you there. Just do an isopropyl alcohol extraction on half, and put the extract into the other half. Then dry it well.

There's a bunch of warnings on the net on how to do that, make sure to read them (mostly about not catching the alcohol on fire).
have no misunderstanding , I've mastered drying and seek no further guidance. I do however advise others
who feel they need to sweat and ferment their bud for improvement.... to check their growing habits, or "try figuring out how to do that"
instead of fermenting.
have no misunderstanding , I've mastered drying and seek no further guidance. I do however advise others
who feel they need to sweat and ferment their bud for improvement.... to check their growing habits, or "try figuring out how to do that"
instead of fermenting.

So you started this thread to ask a question about curing, and now you're a master with a warning for others.

Do you even have moldy weed? Without seeing the weed myself, I'd actually lean toward your first guess of the volatile terpenes being released. It would be obvious as hell if your weed was moldy.

Go snap a small stem... does that mist come out? it's the terpenes.
So you started this thread to ask a question about curing, and now you're a master with a warning for others.

Do you even have moldy weed? Without seeing the weed myself, I'd actually lean toward your first guess of the volatile terpenes being released. It would be obvious as hell if your weed was moldy.

Go snap a small stem... does that mist come out? it's the terpenes.

Dude get a grip, I didnt start this thread but yes i am a master with a warning for others, how's that taste?:P
a lot of people took over tobacco curing , or fermenting, into their weed, have it it of course, some cure by burying in mud for months, some soak in water , so any curing methods and results become subjective too.

If I knew someone who didnt have to sweat or ferment their buds for smoother smoke, or stronger smoke, .....I'd be figuring out how to do that instead... my buds never see a jar unless traveling
Each to their own. Doei.
Each to their own. Doei.

I know right, as if growing marijuana isnt risky enough some need to play the whole thing right to the end. Lets there just one more risk I can take to see if I can lose this damned crop once and for all??? yep, got it, stick it in a jar when its still wet, that'll do it, as long as I peek in there daily RIU says its cool, till its not cough cough moldy pissy pocket smelling ferment.....

but yeah, I agree, do what works for you. Like those that mold their stash in dirt before they smoke it, to each their own for sure.
Do you even have moldy weed? Without seeing the weed myself, I'd actually lean toward your first guess of the volatile terpenes being released. It would be obvious as hell if your weed was moldy.

Well, I'll answer that since I'm the real thread starter. I know the look of mycelium. Some deeper indents in the buds had the white hairs bridging the gap. The contrary evidence is, no ammonia smell. And I can't figure out how it made spores so fast. And I've never seen white spores, though I know them to exist. That smoke was white.

I'll do an experiment on a future batch from the same plant and report back. I'll dry it in the fridge with gel packs in a jar. Being that cold, minimal terpenes should evaporate on their own.

Then when it's dry enough to prevent mold I'll put it back into the jar in the warm room temps, and shake it each day to see if it gets the cloud.

Speaking of the moldy pot, someone said to toss it out. Instead I did a 91% iso extraction on it in the freezer, and got surprisingly good quality shatter from it, for having used such a poor solvent. It only had minimal chlorophyl in it, and was completely clear.
drying in a fridge is a fail
evaporating terpenes should be the least of your concerns

The fridge is just a way to try to rule out terpenes for making that cloud. I've got other plants that I can use to learn to cure better.

I thought it might be terpene vapor in that jar because I believe you could extract terpenes by putting dried pot into a vacuum for a day or two, then letting air rush back in. Should form a cloud and condense terpenes and water vapor onto the container walls.

You might even be able to select which terpenes for each extraction, based on the temperature. Actually select for one particular smell, just using controlled temperatures. Throw out the pinesol terpenes, keep the lemon and mango smells.

There's no point in extracting terpenes from valuable buds, but what about the discard parts of the plant, like fan leaves and stems? They sure smell lemony to me in some places.
I find my extractions from buds to be tops, but thats just me. many use scraps too, I dont have any scraps. my leaves feed my rabbits.
terpenes wont magically cloud from room temp air in a jar. it takes solvents to do this. mold makes clouds like this, accept it, move on.
dry your weed until the stems snap under 50% RH and under 76f on a rack and then smoke it.takes about two weeks but its good after a week to me. if you need to store it longer make sure to check the container RH, use a digi meter for a no guess .
google punnets square for spot on info about selecting expressions and breeding them.
Don't the rabbits get high?

Or maybe rabbits are always high even without the leaves.

I wondered the same.. I breed for meat so I get to see hundreds yearly. they often avoid the bud if dry/crunchy, unlike grass, and dry does get them stoned. they act silly, roll over, flip around and breathe heavy. I remove any unfinished scraps next day or two. Fresh doesnt affect them this way and they look forward to it too.
I had a pet rabbit litter trained as a kid from 3 to 7, then another when married at 19, till 25, then another till 34, then no more indoor bunnies for me, I eat them rodents now. me and bunnies got a thing
dry does get them stoned. they act silly said:
My girlfriend had a Cairn Terrier. One day it found a chunk of hash in our roommates bedroom, and apparently ate the whole chunk.

We didn't know about it. The dog was groggy and breathing heavy. We took it to the emergency room vet who said, "This dog is stoned out of it's mind!"

We asked if he could do anything and he grinned and said, "Sure, I can give it a diuretic!".

He did. Bad idea. A stoned dog pissing all over the bed is what we got.
After fully drying, the mold just stops (dies) anyway. I usually separate the few moldy parts and smoke the rest.... but from what the OP described, there are no identifiable moldy parts... which leads me to believe there was nothing wrong with his pot.

It's moot point now because he said he processed it already.
It's California where I am. I've got 6 plants, my friend has 6 plants, my niece promised to grow 6 plants once she gets her new apartment. I'm even trying to get my 88 year old mom to grow a few at the retirement community. I figure the rest of the old people will be interested in it themselves.

I even drive down the street with 4 heavily budding plants on the seat next to me in my truck, not worried about the police.

It's all good here.