Strange smoke/mist in curing jar when shaken

I don't understand all this curing people seem to want to do, if I try to cure it seems to go yellower on me and the plebs don't like it.

Who cares what the plebs think. Who runs your grow? Teach them something. Like, how much better yellowed weed is than unripe weed. Its just like bananas, in the 70s people knew this. Green weed was premature, unfinished back then. Dont let ignorance control your slice of the market, its already ruined mine.
Like, how much better yellowed weed is than unripe weed.

There's one case that's not better. If you make seeds, and wait too long to pollinate, the buds turn brown and the leaves dark purple. The pot still works after you remove the seeds, but you might find yourself finding a sandwich on the counter in the bathroom, when you get up the next morning...
