Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

"secrets never before seen by the public presented here on you tube"

Before the flat-earthers burned irony at the stake, this was about as bad as it got. “I can either work crazy hard at mastering the math and physics a real astronomer needs … or I can glom onto this tasty handwaving sensational frivolity and try to impress chicks with my Esoteric Kuh-nowledge!

I was fourteen when I found a paperback at the library ostensibly about comet Kohoutek, but that was the bait. The switch was to Velikovsky’s “electric universe”; a stack of unorthodox hypotheses, each more fantastic than the last. It was like Creation Science on a whole bottle of cough syrup.

I have never, before or since*, seen such an amazing towering Jenga edifice constructed of reagent-grade bullshit.

*perhaps that man’s opus vitae on Falsehood Social gives it a good run for the money. But that is wholly devoid of the strangely lunatic innocence of the alt-physics wingnuts.
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Before the flat-earthers burned irony at the stake, this was about as bad as it got. “I can either work crazy hard at mastering the math and physics a real astronomer needs … or I can glom onto this tasty handwaving sensational frivolity and try to impress chicks with my Esoteric Kuh-nowledge!

I was fourteen when I found a paperback at the library ostensibly about comet Kohoutek, but that was the bait. The switch was to Velikovsky’s “electric universe”; a stack of unorthodox hypotheses, each more fantastic than the last. It was like Creation Science on a whole bottle of cough syrup.

I have never, before or since*, seen such an amazing towering Jenga edifice constructed of reagent-grade bullshit.

*perhaps that man’s opus vitae on Falsehood Social gives it a good run for the money. But that is wholly devoid of the strangely lunatic innocence of the alt-physics wingnuts.
I think maybe this one was the one that broke my ability to listen to fantastic theories.

towards the end:

"Scientists have come to the conclusion that we have moved into an area of space that is different and has a higher energy level"

"They are reporting changes in space that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before"

"All these planetary changes are happening at all levels (physical, mental and spiritual) at the same time"

"This increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of matter in the Solar System"

According to this vid, global warming is due to this "higher energy level", whatever that is.
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I think maybe this one was the one that broke my ability to listen to fantastic theories.

I lost it at spiritual change.

What a heady cocktail of irrelevance, distortion and not even jumping but teleporting to conclusions.

This video was made possible by a grant from the George and Kitara Santos Foundation
I lost it at spiritual change.

What a heady cocktail of irrelevance, distortion and not even jumping but teleporting to conclusions.

This video was made possible by a grant from the George and Kitara Santos Foundation

"We are in an area of high energy, the nature of matter in the solar system will change in all ways including spiritually." :confused:

It makes the woo woo sciency articles about novel superconductors seem reasonable..

It was on the Nemesis Maturity you tube account that I first learned about Plasma Beings. So there is that.
"Let's figure this out in a you tube video."

Shakes head in irritation.
He explains things to non-technical people, if you want the paper, it's usually in the description. This thread is more about the public making decisions on policy, than training the next generation of engineers. We usually go from general to specific when learning about a new topic and the Devil is often in the details. He sums up the state of the art and spells out the pros and cons to a general audience.
I think maybe this one was the one that broke my ability to listen to fantastic theories.

towards the end:

"Scientists have come to the conclusion that we have moved into an area of space that is different and has a higher energy level"

"They are reporting changes in space that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before"

"All these planetary changes are happening at all levels (physical, mental and spiritual) at the same time"

"This increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of matter in the Solar System"

According to this vid, global warming is due to this "higher energy level", whatever that is.
You guys actually watch that stuff? And compare it to levelheaded technology reporting? I'm afraid both sides are not the same.
Maybe this is what Trump is thinking about using in Agenda 47, you tube video 3: Rescuing America’s Auto Industry from Joe Biden’s Disastrous Job-Killing Policies.

Flying Cars!!!

But it will have to be done using unobtainium that is made in America.
If what these guys in Korea have done what is claimed, it won't take long to find out in today's scientific environment and recent scientific fraud has only made them keener to falsify their results. If true, this is Nobel territory and Ricky gives a pretty good explanation I thought, this is not a scientific forum, but he knows his stuff and gives clear explanations of the phenomena and its possible implications. There are a few good YouTube channels out there among the trash.
You guys actually watch that stuff? And compare it to levelheaded technology reporting? I'm afraid both sides are not the same.
No, I don't watch that stuff. It came to me through this forum. All kinds of stuff comes through here, most of it is worth as much as that dumbass video. Every person who posts trash like that is as or more convinced as you are about this Korean paper. Not saying you are like the idiot who claimed the science about global warming is fake and global warming is due to the solar system moving into a "higher energy space" but I am saying that you tube is not a where I'd go first for leading edge science.
No, I don't watch that stuff. It came to me through this forum. All kinds of stuff comes through here, most of it is worth as much as that dumbass video. Every person who posts trash like that is as or more convinced as you are about this Korean paper. Not saying you are like the idiot who claimed the science about global warming is fake and global warming is due to the solar system moving into a "higher energy space" but I am saying that you tube is not a where I'd go first for leading edge science.
This is science news and news in the science world too where it is being verified, I never claimed it was real, but spoke of the implications of such a thing. This is Nobe prize stuff if true so it is gonna make a big splash, it's academic science, everything is open, and others can duplicate what they did independently, perhaps. Another point is the internet speeds up the pace of these events considerably.
This is science news and news in the science world too where it is being verified, I never claimed it was real, but spoke of the implications of such a thing. This is Nobe prize stuff if true so it is gonna make a big splash, it's academic science, everything is open, and others can duplicate what they did independently, perhaps. Another point is the internet speeds up the pace of these events considerably.
I can’t think of a better way to get the next generation into STEM than good presenters on YouTube. Good presentations have the ability to pique an interest in a subject that people may not even know exist. No single source of new information should be taken as gospel, and YouTube content is also a really good tool to teach that as well. At one point there were people against the printing press - the more things change, the more they stay the same.
I can’t think of a better way to get the next generation into STEM than good presenters on YouTube. Good presentations have the ability to pique an interest in a subject that people may not even know exist. No single source of new information should be taken as gospel, and YouTube content is also a really good tool to teach that as well. At one point there were people against the printing press - the more things change, the more they stay the same.
There is some good educational content out there, but a lot of trash too, same as in the print world. These topics are covered generally and for adults it can mean policy decisions and support for science and education. It is good to see the emerging options we have going green, but the most pragmatic and economical will win in the end. In the meantime, we need all the practical solutions to global warming that we can find and are at the beginning of an energy revolution that has implications for us all with extreme weather events driving political change.

If the Americans elect Biden and the democrats we have a chance, if they elect Trump and republicans we are pretty well fucked, and they will kill the green transition dead costing the country trillions and perhaps liberal democracy and civilization its future. Trump is not that far behind in the polls even with his growing list of criminal indictments and facts don't matter to almost half the country at this point.
There is some good educational content out there, but a lot of trash too, same as in the print world. These topics are covered generally and for adults it can mean policy decisions and support for science and education. It is good to see the emerging options we have going green, but the most pragmatic and economical will win in the end. In the meantime, we need all the practical solutions to global warming that we can find and are at the beginning of an energy revolution that has implications for us all with extreme weather events driving political change.

If the Americans elect Biden and the democrats we have a chance, if they elect Trump and republicans we are pretty well fucked, and they will kill the green transition dead costing the country trillions and perhaps liberal democracy and civilization its future. Trump is not that far behind in the polls even with his growing list of criminal indictments and facts don't matter to almost half the country at this point.
Trump has no chance of winning in '24. It's Biden's race to lose and I see no sign of him doing that. Between now and the election there are a few variables to watch for, Biden's health, for one.
Trump has no chance of winning in '24. It's Biden's race to lose and I see no sign of him doing that. Between now and the election there are a few variables to watch for, Biden's health, for one.
They can bury Donald in indictments, but convictions count the most and in the case of Donald they will come after messy trials, a lot of evidence and a bit of time, how much time is the question. I can't see this ending well for Donald or the republicans who appear to be headed for internal civil war over Trump, he can't win and will drag them down or divide them at a critical time. As I said before, between Trump and unpopular republican policies like abortion, guns, voter suppression and education, the democrats could have a landslide in 24, at least I hope so. Joe is doing his part and has been very successful at the job IMO, let's hope for continued good health, but that is what VPs are for and why they are elected with them. Roosvelt died months after he was elected in his early 60s and Truman did ok. The democrats have no indispensable people and are not a cult but an organization with a big talented bench. Trump is like a medieval King over the republicans, once he is killed on the battlefield the whole army is thrown into disarray and the bloodletting begins as rivals claw their way to the top, or in this case bottom.
They can bury Donald in indictments, but convictions count the most and in the case of Donald they will come after messy trials, a lot of evidence and a bit of time, how much time is the question. I can't see this ending well for Donald or the republicans who appear to be headed for internal civil war over Trump, he can't win and will drag them down or divide them at a critical time. As I said before, between Trump and unpopular republican policies like abortion, guns, voter suppression and education, the democrats could have a landslide in 24, at least I hope so. Joe is doing his part and has been very successful at the job IMO, let's hope for continued good health, but that is what VPs are for and why they are elected with them. Roosvelt died months after he was elected in his early 60s and Truman did ok. The democrats have no indispensable people and are not a cult but an organization with a big talented bench. Trump is like a medieval King over the republicans, once he is killed on the battlefield the whole army is thrown into disarray and the bloodletting begins as rivals claw their way to the top, or in this case bottom.
Slight difference of opinion:
Convictions count, but sentencing is where the robber meets the road. Half of America is waiting to see him treated like any other adult convicted of something serious. Personally I think that, as a major and avowed threat to our nation, he should get sent to Guantánamo. I’ll settle for g-pop in a supermax.


I’m not convinced “Loose” Cannon will sentence him as sternly as she could. (If she shows him unusual clemency, that will probably decisively damage her career.) I wait to see how he does at the end of Smith’s and Willis’s upcoming trials.
welp kinda let that Korean paper settle down a bit, i did some research and as usual nothing really came i decided today, to ck some journals you can still being scientific america..yes i do read this pupblication...and guess what today i found an article about it....and from what they say, there is something off in they're deductions.....

"James Hamlin, a physicist at the University of Florida, points out oddities in a measurement of LK-99’s magnetic properties that gave him pause. “It doesn't really look much like my experience of measuring” these properties, he says. "

"Doug Natelson, a physicist at Rice University, spontaneously spotted something even stranger while going over the preprints during an interview for this story. Both papers include a data plot detailing LK-99’s magnetic properties. Both plots were sourced from the same dataset and should thus be identical—but the plot in one paper has a y-axis with a scale that is about 7,000 times larger than the other. This kind of inconsistency does not prove anything, but at minimum, it suggests a worrisome shortfall in proofreading. "

welp kinda let that Korean paper settle down a bit, i did some research and as usual nothing really came i decided today, to ck some journals you can still being scientific america..yes i do read this pupblication...and guess what today i found an article about it....and from what they say, there is something off in they're deductions.....

"James Hamlin, a physicist at the University of Florida, points out oddities in a measurement of LK-99’s magnetic properties that gave him pause. “It doesn't really look much like my experience of measuring” these properties, he says. "

"Doug Natelson, a physicist at Rice University, spontaneously spotted something even stranger while going over the preprints during an interview for this story. Both papers include a data plot detailing LK-99’s magnetic properties. Both plots were sourced from the same dataset and should thus be identical—but the plot in one paper has a y-axis with a scale that is about 7,000 times larger than the other. This kind of inconsistency does not prove anything, but at minimum, it suggests a worrisome shortfall in proofreading. "

They have a high bar to clear and if others can't duplicate their results or explain them away as other phenomena and they were mistaken, then it is a no go. They appear to have a theoretical basis for it though. Expect many leading people in the field to jump on it and we will soon know one way or another. These guys might be better at making materials than testing for superconductivity.

A spectacular superconductor claim is making news. Here’s why experts are doubtful
Skepticism abounds for claim that lead-based material perfectly conducts electricity at room temperature and pressure

Nevertheless, physicists will put the claim to the test very quickly, Norman predicts: “If this is real, we’ll know within a week.”
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They have a high bar to clear and if others can't duplicate their results or explain them away as other phenomena and they were mistaken, then it is a no go. They appear to have a theoretical basis for it though. Expect many leading people in the field to jump on it and we will soon know one way or another. These guys might be better at making materials than testing for superconductivity.

A spectacular superconductor claim is making news. Here’s why experts are doubtful
Skepticism abounds for claim that lead-based material perfectly conducts electricity at room temperature and pressure

Nevertheless, physicists will put the claim to the test very quickly, Norman predicts: “If this is real, we’ll know within a week.”

yeah even some of the they quoted say the data is sloppy....:

"“They come off as real amateurs,” says Michael Norman, a theorist at Argonne National Laboratory. “They don't know much about superconductivity and the way they’ve presented some of the data is fishy.” On the other hand, he says, researchers at Argonne and elsewhere are already trying to replicate the experiment. “People here are taking it seriously and trying to grow this stuff.” Nadya Mason, a condensed matter physicist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign says, “I appreciate that the authors took appropriate data and were clear about their fabrication techniques.” Still, she cautions, “The data seems a bit sloppy.”

that's what i've been finding.....something about the data they issued isn't right for some give it time and we'll see.....
yeah even some of the they quoted say the data is sloppy....:

"“They come off as real amateurs,” says Michael Norman, a theorist at Argonne National Laboratory. “They don't know much about superconductivity and the way they’ve presented some of the data is fishy.” On the other hand, he says, researchers at Argonne and elsewhere are already trying to replicate the experiment. “People here are taking it seriously and trying to grow this stuff.” Nadya Mason, a condensed matter physicist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign says, “I appreciate that the authors took appropriate data and were clear about their fabrication techniques.” Still, she cautions, “The data seems a bit sloppy.”

that's what i've been finding.....something about the data they issued isn't right for some give it time and we'll see.....
It was a preprint and they said it was published without permission and could they have seen the problems with their data. These days we get informal results and not just the peer reviewed stuff and something like this would be reviewed to death and nothing published until others duplicated their results, but these days we get to eavesdrop on the process as it were.