Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

Another room temp superconductor claim, the third one in few months, it must be the prospect of a Nobel causing some to jump the gun. These claims are quickly evaluated these days, if its open science and answers appear in a matter of days or weeks.

I'm not sure what the point of the grift would be other than going to jail! The scientific community will be on this like stink on shit and these boys will have to show and tell!

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Not much on this new superconductor claim, but something is clearly afoot in the field with researchers scrambling after Nobels. I'm pretty skeptical about the latest claim from a block chain company that has been granted a patent. This illustrates the intensity of things and people are publicly logging the time of day they do things FFS.

Room temperature superconductivity failed? Beihang University has not found superconducting maglev in two consecutive articles, but calculations by the US National Laboratory have confirmed that it exists theoretically
A bit more on the ongoing scientific drama about room temp superconductors, if true, it is transistor level discovery stuff and a definite Nobel.
With the pace of science these days we won't have long to wait to find out if there is anything to it, or it was an error, it does have some theoretical backing however, but the theory needs testing.

A Room-Temperature Superconductor? New Developments

I'm doing this as a follow-on to my previous post on this topic, since this is a fast-changing story. To recap, preprints appeared last week making the remarkable claim of a well-above-room-temperature superconducting material at ambient pressure, dubbed LK-99. This is one of the most sought-after goals in all of materials science and condensed matter physics, something that until now has only been found in (numerous!) science fiction stories. The potential applications of such a material almost can go without saying - depending on what current density it could accommodate, it could improve almost anything that uses electromagnetism.

Well, extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof, and where things like this usually fall apart is difficulty with replication. The experimental preparation of LK-99 was not very complicated at all, though, and did not use any particularly exotic materials or equipment, so the expectation was that many labs would immediately try to reproduce it. There are always complications, of course: even the original authors said that their samples were polycrystalline and heterogeneous, and there is no expectation that the reported preparation is an optimized one. (Whether the authors have a better one that is yet unpublished is an open question!) This means that replication might not be a smooth process, but it also means that a lot of people will be giving it a try, increasing the chances for success even if there are variables that we don't yet appreciate. Even the ones we do appreciate (starting material purity, presence of oxygen, particle size, heating and cooling rate, size/shape of the vessel) are enough to give you a lot of variability, I'd say.
Heck with a peer reviewed paper. I want my own closet Hadron Collider to go along with my flying car.

I could be Overlord of the Galactic Pornosphere with a pocket Hardon Collider and an ultraluminous Lesbion (XXX boson) source. I got yer supercunducting Naked Singularity Engine right here and am harnessing the infinite perversion of the Cosmic Backside Radiation. I promise a Big Bang, coming soon.
Heck with a peer reviewed paper. I want my own closet Hadron Collider to go along with my flying car.
It would make a Helluva national grid and a lot more, major technological hurdles bounded in a stroke. More likely if there is anything to it, it will be just the beginning of a long technological road to make much practical, things like wires. We will see, the jury is out, and the internet has the global research community connected in real time, answers should come quickly.
It would make a Helluva national grid and a lot more, major technological hurdles bounded in a stroke. More likely if there is anything to it, it will be just the beginning of a long technological road to make much practical, things like wires. We will see, the jury is out, and the internet has the global research community connected in real time, answers should come quickly.
If it scales, solar power will be sent across a dozen time zones. A hundred million EVs in America charging off solar farms in Tibet and Sudan.

If the magnetic saturation threshold isn’t way low.
If it scales, solar power will be sent across a dozen time zones. A hundred million EVs in America charging off solar farms in Tibet and Sudan.

If the magnetic saturation threshold isn’t way low.
It is supposed to be a type 2 superconductor, if it is confirmed and IMO it is a long way from that.