Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

94 percent of children in Ohio measles outbreak were unvaccinated: CDC
A new report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that more than 90 percent of the children infected in last year’s measles outbreak in Ohio were unvaccinated.

The report published Friday looked at the 85 total confirmed cases, all among children located in central Ohio, and found 94 percent of them did not receive the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella. Eighty out of the 85 cases were in children under the age of 5, according to Columbus Public Health.

The CDC reported the average age of reported cases was 1 year, the age in which children become eligible for the MMR vaccine. The CDC found 71 percent of patients were either 1 year old or older, though only 5 percent, or three patients, documented their first dose of the MMR vaccine.

The measles outbreak in Ohio was officially confirmed on Nov. 9 and was declared over on Feb. 4, 42 days after the last reported case. No deaths were reported, though 36 patients were hospitalized, primarily for dehydration, according to the CDC.

“This outbreak serves as a reminder that health care facilities, medical providers, and child care facilities serving undervaccinated populations should maintain vigilance for measles and emphasize the importance of timely MMR vaccination,” the CDC wrote.
The report follows data from Columbus Public Health released earlier this year, which showed the majority of children infected in last year’s outbreak were unvaccinated.
The Energizer Bunny of the space world.

NASA restores contact with Voyager 2 spacecraft after mistake led to weeks of silence
NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft was back chatting it up Friday after flight controllers corrected a mistake that had led to weeks of silence.

Hurtling ever deeper into interstellar space billions of miles away, Voyager 2 stopped communicating two weeks ago. Controllers sent the wrong command to the 46-year-old spacecraft and tilted its antenna away from Earth.

On Wednesday, NASA’s Deep Space Network sent a new command in hopes of repointing the antenna, using the highest powered transmitter at the huge radio dish antenna in Australia. Voyager 2’s antenna needed to be shifted a mere 2%.

It took more than 18 hours for the command to reach Voyager 2 — more than 12 billion miles (19 billion kilometers) away — and another 18 hours to hear back. The long shot paid off. On Friday, the spacecraft started returning data again, according to officials at California’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Voyager 2 has been hurtling through space since its launch in 1977 to explore the outer solar system. Launched two weeks later, its twin, Voyager 1, is now the most distant spacecraft — 15 billion miles (24 billion kilometers) away — and still in contact.
swearing isnt the issue and never has been i swear here all the time, if you think that was the issue yikes
IRL, it has been my experience that those who use profanity can be more trustworthy - psychology/science seem to support that notion and that meme illustrates what was already believed -nothing to do with tos.

There are no bad words, except for a couple that shouldn't be used around Mom. I'm here to learn, laugh and occasionally contribute.
IRL, it has been my experience that those who use profanity can be more trustworthy - psychology/science seem to support that notion and that meme illustrates what was already believed -nothing to do with tos.

There are no bad words, except for a couple that shouldn't be used around Mom. I'm here to learn, laugh and occasionally contribute.
I assumed it was in relationship to roger being banned sorry my bad !
Roger is an outraged citizen, not an antisocial troll, he has cause to be outraged by recent events, politics has not been peaceful in America since Trump, he is also a values driven principled person.
you can be a regular joe and still not abide by the forum rules
so am i to just allow people to have warnings and verbal remindersof the rules for x amount of time everytime just because they are an "outraged citizen" and not a troll?

do i hold everyone to the same standard of tos?

i would think holding everyone to the same, you have to rack up 6 warnings to be banned,every month. a warning falls off

Roger was warned via the system over numerous times, and politely reminded several times via inbox

Roger knew the rules roger chose to continue breaking them and therefore he gets banned.
its the same for everyone.

it always makes things interesting when people want specific back or try to excuse behaviour to fight for their ability to come back because someone liked them.
you can be a regular joe and still not abide by the forum rules
so am i to just allow people to have warnings and verbal remindersof the rules for x amount of time everytime just because they are an "outraged citizen" and not a troll?

do i hold everyone to the same standard of tos?

i would think holding everyone to the same, you have to rack up 6 warnings to be banned,every month. a warning falls off

Roger was warned via the system over numerous times, and politely reminded several times via inbox

Roger knew the rules roger chose to continue breaking them and therefore he gets banned.
its the same for everyone.

it always makes things interesting when people want specific back or try to excuse behaviour to fight for their ability to come back because someone liked them.
The law applies to all, some we are happy to see go, some not so much. I'm not sure how the warning system works these days, I've not gotten one, except for some deleted posts and some gentle chiding. I was turtled once years ago without notice and didn't know what was happening. The rules are the rules and justice blindfolded for a reason.
IRL, it has been my experience that those who use profanity can be more trustworthy - psychology/science seem to support that notion and that meme illustrates what was already believed -nothing to do with tos.