stupid fuckin slang term getting on my nerves.

You know the intent of the word. To me and many other's it means like patna. All you hear is Aye Bra no matter how you spell it. When i was in high school and still now it's spelled bra. when a conversation is over. Ite bra is typed or good look bra. Teacher used bra. Even in a good high school.

Idk where you from but you all sound pretty ticked to be on a weed forum. It's bout weed and small other conversation.
If you truly cant understand the sentence being asked can you retype that for me? If you don't wanna do dat then let someone who can understand him post.
Maby they didnt graduate highshool, or get accectped to a collage.

And this is everyone elses problem because they quit school? I must make concessions because they failed to finish school? I will not do that, ever. If someone does not have the gumption to finish school, then how the hell is an employer to expect that they will not up and quit on them or just be a person that will perform on a sub-par level. Its not going to happen on my watch.
Yes... I expect stoners to try and do a better job of presenting themselves in a positive light. We all want the public to have a better perception of us pot smokers right?

your my kinda stoner.... marijuana effects people in differnt ways. 4 you, its a good way..
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yea but the difference is, im trying to help you people be less ignorant about the uneducated, it was their decision, not yours. If you dont like people because the way they talk, so be it. If it makes you feel good, I think your halfway right, but on the otherhand, its pretty much pointless to put people down. Maby they weren't as fortunate as some of us and maby didnt go to school.

My man has a point. Or maybe they was from the hood, or just a lil less fortunate, and had to be in the streets working towards putting food on the table, or come up with electricity money, or rent, or other bills. Maybe his mom was an alcoholic, or his dad was a pimp, or pusher, or drug addict. This is the point I was trying to make about perspective. Some people are just better off than others, and they take that for granted and don't take it into account. Imagine if you didn't have food on the table, or no lights or electricity, and you could go get money in the streets, or work a fast food job that was gonna get you some money to afford those luxuries that were readily available to you or the likes and that you took for granted, and your parents wasn't there to afford you those luxuries, how important would goin to school to get that education then? When you may not have had a place to sleep last night, or a meal to eat, or a shower, or any of those things that so many take for granted. How educated might you be today? Imagine if you didn't have breakfast or lunch, how good would your grades be, when you can't focus on school cuz your stomach growling? Just a perspective I was trying to show.
Perfect spelling and grammar .... not all the time, but it would be nice if people at least strive for it.

I'd prefer to not see slang filled posts where every word is ghettoease, i.e. is becomes iz; what becomes wat; this becomes dis; that becomes dat

Yes... I expect stoners to try and do a better job of presenting themselves in a positive light. We all want the public to have a better perception of us pot smokers right? How the hell is that going to happen if we present ourselves as a bunch of uneducated fools who can't take the time to spell the word "what" correctly?

I'm sure those who are "pro marijuana prohibition" will be happy to claim that mj made us too stupid to even learn the most basic of grammar skills.

So yeah.... I expect a little more from the mj community :blsmoke:

Lets you and I go burn one.
Because a lot of times us "perfect" people can not understand what the hell is being asked. So who is wrong us or them? The English language has a standard that is designed to be understandable and coherent, it has a purpose. The purpose is communication. It is not communication if people do not understand.

So, if I go to the south, and can't understand some of the words because of the thick southern drawl folks have there, does that make them ignorant or speak the english language bad?
I see it all the time, in mail, newspapers, magazines, books, articles, journals, etc, etc, etc.... But the world is far from perfect, and we all know how it goes in the workplace, people have other things goin on, and are not always there 100% and mistakes are made, it happens, it's called human error, and it is to be expected. I just live with it, and it don't bother me none. I can and will help or inform when I can, and in a polite manner. But that's all I can do.

You know what is sad? Newspapers are written on a 9th grade level.
So, if I go to the south, and can't understand some of the words because of the thick southern drawl folks have there, does that make them ignorant or speak the english language bad?

No it shouldn't. Maybe alot of people just need to come to the south and see how it really is.
Maby they didnt graduate highshool, or get accectped to a collage. Like zeke907 said, some people dont give a fuckIm one of those person's. Very educated, but I still dont give a fuck. If I were trying to impress someone or it was a school paper, ya I would give a fuck BUT THIS IS A MARIJUANA SITE. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? 4.0's and full rides? Not everyone cares about their future as much as some. Let them be the way they want. Dont change them.

I'm feeling your style Bleezy, your on point with it, and open minded enough to see or understand, that not everyone got that same opportunity at education that some of us did. And that we can't judge them for their unfortunate circumstance. I came from a fucked up background, but I turned out alright, and educated. Just because I wanted more from life and knew it was possible. But it ain't always the case for everyone, especially the ones who's parents were non-existent or didn't give a fuck about them, or had other shit goin on that prevented them from spending more meaningful time with their kids to make sure they were educated. Shit sinle mother homes where mom is working all day, sometimes night, to put food on the table and a roof over head, can't always be there to make sure homework is done, and supervise so much.
So, if I go to the south, and can't understand some of the words because of the thick southern drawl folks have there, does that make them ignorant or speak the english language bad?

Accents have nothing to do with it.
Not everyone who whos use improper grammer isn't educated. It's just a form of speaking. When people say they, they might just type dey or any other shorter version of words that will make typing easier.

Do any of you text. So you make those long ass sentences in a text. I'd laugh if anyone said yes.
Girl text u she say "wat up boo" you gon say how are you doing or sum dum shit? Or some long ass sentence. No you'd proly just say shit chillen wat up wit u?
Well i don't get many long proper text messages or phone calls. Even an educated man says ebonics if dats how he is in real life maybe not the workplace.

It's just a shortened version of how you talk that's all. People don't act like you can't understand or get the idea of what people type (some is terrible).

That's it you people need to get over it.

Real talk, this is well put. Some of these folks is old up on here tho, you gotta understand some of the folks is 45+ and they ain't used to us young bucks out here. lol. Shit, times is changing and thangs is different now, I mean folks is wild, and just living life ya know. The world ain't the proper politically correct place it was 30 years ago, maybe even 20. I was born in the 70's and I've seen the times change drastically, but it's all good, and I'm rollin wit it. And ya I disagree wit some of the shit the younger generation is doin but I cant blame them. We been tellin em' for years the world is yours, get off in it and fuck shit up. lol.
Shit sinle mother homes where mom is working all day, sometimes night, to put food on the table and a roof over head, can't always be there to make sure homework is done, and supervise so much.

I take exception to that. I am a single father. I find a way to make things work without blaming others for my misfortunes. Everyone has a choice. And because they grew up poor, in the ghetto, alcoholic parents, or whatever reason you want does not mean they drop out of school just to piss mommy and daddy off. School is there for everyone, its their choice on what they do with it.
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So because my opinion is different then yours, I'm an idiot for posting here while you are brilliant for helping us see your point of view?

Perhaps I see posting my point of view as helping others to realize that good verbal and written skills are very important in life.

It doesn't matter if everyone agrees or not.... I'm entitled to post my point of view same as everyone else and you are no better or more helpful then anyone else here posting their opinion. ;)

Our point is we know good verbal and written skills are very important in life. It ain't like we gonna be at work or in a professional environment talking this and that slang shit, we know better, but in our personal time, we gonna talk how we wanna talk, smoke how we wanna smoke, drink how we wanna drink. That's all, you ain't finna light a joint up at work are you? Duh! So, don't think cuz we slangin it up on RIU that we don't know how to act, talk, or write in the real world. I mean come on people, ain't nobody just a f'n idiot that gonna be dumb enough to talk crazy at work or in a professional environment.
That's all, you ain't finna light a joint up at work are you? Duh! So, don't think cuz we slangin it up on RIU that we don't know how to act, talk, or write in the real world. I mean come on people, ain't nobody just a f'n idiot that gonna be dumb enough to talk crazy at work or in a professional environment.

i dunno "bro" but that is pretty hard to understand.
I just expect more from people I guess. maybe that why we have so many people who cant keep a plant alive around here..... I think we should all know the difference between there, their, and they're by now....another one that people should get is.... to, and too....or how about.... your, and you're....sure ignorance may be bliss but it is also deadly. Are all of these people really too lazy to educate themselves? Here is what I find funny....people are saying if I was writing something important then I would have better't spelling be like walking?....whatever! ya fuckin dummies...stop making excuses for your ignorance...and BTW....the government will pay for your education...use it:blsmoke:

I'm not ignorant or stupid or uneducated by any length of the words. I just don't care to always use proper grammar or spelling words that could be otherwise abbreviated or shortened and still be understood. I am not gonna care or be concerned with how someone is goin to take it cuz its so obvious what me or anyone is tryna say. And my plants look fine by the way. lol. Very fine. And ya, I will use slang and abbreviated words on here, but I would never dare do that on a school assignment, work proposal, or anything of the likes. Because I know better, just like most of the people on here using slang do. Some of those words like their, there, they're and tricky for people, some never got it, its just the way it is. Don't be mad at them or call them stupid, just be glad you got that lesson in school and it aint you someone is calling stupid.