stupid fuckin slang term getting on my nerves.

My point is get off their lazy ass and look it up in a dictionary if they do not know the correct way to use it. Its not that difficult.

They may not even know they are misusing it. I see it done all the time, and it doesn't bother me at all, regardless of where I had seen it misused. I just wonder if people are aware they've misused it.
You all can use shit words to me wont speak on the but they are shit words to me and noone shits on you.

OK... I know each one of those words on their own are English.... but that isn't even close to being an intelligible sentence.

How can you post nonsensical stuff like that and not EXPECT people to respond with what the fuck???? :confused:
They may not even know they are misusing it. I see it done all the time, and it doesn't bother me at all, regardless of where I had seen it misused. I just wonder if people are aware they've misused it.

Ignorance is no excuse.
Maby they didnt graduate highshool, or get accectped to a collage. Like zeke907 said, some people dont give a fuckIm one of those person's. Very educated, but I still dont give a fuck. If I were trying to impress someone or it was a school paper, ya I would give a fuck BUT THIS IS A MARIJUANA SITE. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? 4.0's and full rides? Not everyone cares about their future as much as some. Let them be the way they want. Dont change them.
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No actually RKM is NOT wrong... you are. When hiring someone, you are hiring them to represent your company, both orally and by written word. If I wrote emails or other correspondence to our clients littered with bad grammar and misuse of words such as "their" for "there" I would be fired. Likewise if I walked into a client's office and greeted them with "wat up dawg" I would be fired! Everyone makes typos on occasion, but continuously making the same mistake over and over tells your employer you either don't know the correct usage or are just too lazy to proof-read; either way, not good in an employers eyes.

I work in a professional environment and it is just not acceptable to be illiterate, either orally or in written form.

It's not "shit like that keeping people down" either. How you present yourself is how you will be perceived. The world does not owe anyone anything. If one wants to speak and write like a moron then fine... they will likely work in low-wage jobs where the employer can't be as picky.

Everyone has a choice to make, but the business world isn't going to be tolerant of people with poor verbal and written skills. :blsmoke:

I see your stance on this. And you are entitled to one. And I know how to conduct myself in all aspects of my life, in an appropriate and acceptible manner. However, I agree with proper grammar and punctuation and so forth, when it's necassary, but not on a site like this am I gonna hold someone to perfect grammar and all. But you did miss a few of my points. But nice reply nonetheless for the most part. Peace:joint:
mhmm.... That's what's up. I think that this is a far more important issue than how annoying the overuse of bra, brah and bro might be. Slang is fine, but I don't want to be a party to the kind of bastardization of the English language of which you speak.

+rep to you and Florida Girl.

Also, why would you need to hire a spell checker? Unless you're using some archaic shit, your computer does it for you.

That was my point my friend. lol. That's what spell check is for. At least someone got it. lol.
leave people you 'perfectionists' expect everybody to run like carl lewis or play basketball like michael jordan? i dont think so. some people are just less gifted when it comes to oral skills (no pun intended). give em a break...
Do you really except eveyone on a marijuana grow forum to be well educated and have proper grammar and spelling.?? I definitely dont expect to see perfect spelling and thought-out sentences and questions. Do you?
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yea but the difference is, im trying to help you people be less ignorant about the uneducated, it was their decision, not yours. If you dont like people because the way they talk, so be it. If it makes you feel good, I think your halfway right, but on the otherhand, its pretty much pointless to put people down. Maby they weren't as fortunate as some of us and maby didnt go to school.

Not everyone who whos use improper grammer isn't educated. It's just a form of speaking. When people say they, they might just type dey or any other shorter version of words that will make typing easier.

Do any of you text. So you make those long ass sentences in a text. I'd laugh if anyone said yes.
Girl text u she say "wat up boo" you gon say how are you doing or sum dum shit? Or some long ass sentence. No you'd proly just say shit chillen wat up wit u?
Well i don't get many long proper text messages or phone calls. Even an educated man says ebonics if dats how he is in real life maybe not the workplace.

It's just a shortened version of how you talk that's all. People don't act like you can't understand or get the idea of what people type (some is terrible).

That's it you people need to get over it.
yea but the difference is, im trying to help you people be less ignorant about the uneducated, it was their decision, not yours. If you dont like people because the way they talk, so be it. If it makes you feel good, I think your halfway right, but on the otherhand, its pretty much pointless to put people down. Maby they weren't as fortunate as some of us and maby didnt go to school.

So because my opinion is different then yours, I'm an idiot for posting here while you are brilliant for helping us see your point of view?

Perhaps I see posting my point of view as helping others to realize that good verbal and written skills are very important in life.

It doesn't matter if everyone agrees or not.... I'm entitled to post my point of view same as everyone else and you are no better or more helpful then anyone else here posting their opinion. ;)
Because a lot of times us "perfect" people can not understand what the hell is being asked. So who is wrong us or them? The English language has a standard that is designed to be understandable and coherent, it has a purpose. The purpose is communication. It is not communication if people do not understand.

I don't see these posts you are talking about. Yea i use slang terms but not something that you cant totally read. I spell how i would on the phone. And it's readable. Where are these Oh i cant understand him posts?
ROFL... so your argument is they don't have time to type that extra "h" at the end of bra to make it correct?

The word is 'brah'

brah = brother
bra = brassiere

I don't for a minute think it has to do with time.... I think it has to do with ignorance. On the other hand.... it seems very apparent to me that the people who speak and type like this pride themselves on their ignorance. It's like some sort of "badge of hipness". :roll:

I am not making an argument, just giving a different perspective. I know what "brah" means, and it's origin or what not. But I don't use it in that context. I am using it as in brother, like my black brethren. Among each other we call each other "Bruh" which is short for brother. But based on the way we annunciate it sounds like "bruh". But again it is what it is, they can type it however they see fit, and I won't and wouldn't expect anyone else to have a problem with it. Especially on a site such as this, that's all.

It would be ignorant if they really believed it was spelled that way, or were using it completely out of context with no knowledge of the real use or whatever. They are knowingly using, and spelling it in the fashion they wish. I'm sure they differenciate when and how to use that type of language and grammar. Then again there are plainly ignorant people who are bad at spelling, and grammar, and all that shit. I don't know what else to tell you, your gonna see it one closed minded way regardless, I guess I am done trying to open a closed eye to a different perspective.
I just expect more from people I guess. maybe that why we have so many people who cant keep a plant alive around here..... I think we should all know the difference between there, their, and they're by now....another one that people should get is.... to, and too....or how about.... your, and you're....sure ignorance may be bliss but it is also deadly. Are all of these people really too lazy to educate themselves? Here is what I find funny....people are saying if I was writing something important then I would have better't spelling be like walking?....whatever! ya fuckin dummies...stop making excuses for your ignorance...and BTW....the government will pay for your education...use it:blsmoke:
People can portray themselves the way they like, Why the fuck are you bitching at them about it? Let the bookworms be bookworms and the retards be retarded. Do you think its ever going to get better? Sry but people are getting less intelligent, we have to deal with it. Maby if you met the person it would be different? Why judge a book by its cover??

Very good point Bleezy, same one I been trying to make.
things to change? to get better? People are going to do what they want, your opinion or not!. All people care about these day's are them selves. My point is that. Its fucking disgusting. To me all your trying to do is put people down for being different. Well sry to tell you, every one is.....
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How do you figure its censorship? Its far from it. Its about taking pride in what you do. You should see my reaction when I get a letter from my kids school and it has misused and misspellings in it. Of all places, that is where I expect things done right. How do you expect the younger people to learn the proper way if the teachers can not do it correctly themselves?

I see it all the time, in mail, newspapers, magazines, books, articles, journals, etc, etc, etc.... But the world is far from perfect, and we all know how it goes in the workplace, people have other things goin on, and are not always there 100% and mistakes are made, it happens, it's called human error, and it is to be expected. I just live with it, and it don't bother me none. I can and will help or inform when I can, and in a polite manner. But that's all I can do.
In the 50's people were pissed off at the youngsters for their music and dress, In the 60's the same. In the 70's so called hippies and free thinkers caught hell. Slang talk, new fashion, music has always pissed someone off. NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will never end!!! Deal with it!! Snoop Dog was talking once about people that do not like rap music. His answer was " Change the Fucking Station." I will get back to my first post in this thread. Relax, Do not worry about things you can not control. Those who dream of a Utopian world of perfect English and grammar, Beautiful thin people, and no retards are just dreaming. I think Adolf Hitler had those type of thoughts!!

Preach. ROFL. Helluva point my friend. lol.
Your the parent. If you dont like your child's school, do something about it. It seems like america has alot of people that dont like the way things are run, and complain and bitch about it.But yet, dont do anything to change it and make it better. Hows do you think that effects them? Obviously they'll pick up and learn things from their guardian.

Bleezy is keepin it real!!
Do you really except eveyone on a marijuana grow forum to be well educated and have proper grammar and spelling.?? I definitely dont expect to see perfect spelling and thought-out sentences and questions. Do you?

Perfect spelling and grammar .... not all the time, but it would be nice if people at least strive for it.

I'd prefer to not see slang filled posts where every word is ghettoease, i.e. is becomes iz; what becomes wat; this becomes dis; that becomes dat

Yes... I expect stoners to try and do a better job of presenting themselves in a positive light. We all want the public to have a better perception of us pot smokers right? How the hell is that going to happen if we present ourselves as a bunch of uneducated fools who can't take the time to spell the word "what" correctly?

I'm sure those who are "pro marijuana prohibition" will be happy to claim that mj made us too stupid to even learn the most basic of grammar skills.

So yeah.... I expect a little more from the mj community :blsmoke:
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