Well-Known Member
if it's not a school then why am i answering so many questions?![]()
Good point!! You got me on that one

if it's not a school then why am i answering so many questions?![]()
ROFL... so your argument is they don't have time to type that extra "h" at the end of bra to make it correct?
The word is 'brah'
brah = brother
bra = brassiere
I don't for a minute think it has to do with time.... I think it has to do with ignorance. On the other hand.... it seems very apparent to me that the people who speak and type like this pride themselves on their ignorance. It's like some sort of "badge of hipness".![]()
Also, why would you need to hire a spell checker? Unless you're using some archaic shit, your computer does it for you.
People can portray themselves the way they like, Why the fuck are you bitching at them about it? Let the bookworms be bookworms and the retards be retarded. Do you think its ever going to get better? Sry but people are getting less intelligent, we have to deal with it. Maby if you met the person it would be different? Why judge a book by its cover??
Controlling how people talk is a form of censorship! Whats next are we gonna tell people how to think? Good luck on that one.
word.........btw this is the most pathetic thread i have ever seen. You guys must like complaining. go use this time your wasting here, and do something positive with it! Stop being a little bitch
People can portray themselves the way they like, Why the fuck are you bitching at them about it? Let the bookworms be bookworms and the retards be retarded. Do you think its ever going to get better? Sry but people are getting less intelligent, we have to deal with it. Maby if you met the person it would be different? Why judge a book by its cover??
btw this is the most pathetic thread I have ever seen. You guys must like complaining. Go use this time your wasting here, and do something positive with it! Stop being a little bitch
As to judging a book by it's cover I think that would apply to how a person "looks". Once they open their mouth the book is open. If they speak like a moron using nothing but slang then it's a book I don't really need to bother with.![]()
and was damn close...In the 50's people were pissed off at the youngsters for their music and dress, In the 60's the same. In the 70's so called hippies and free thinkers caught hell. Slang talk, new fashion, music has always pissed someone off. NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will never end!!! Deal with it!! Snoop Dog was talking once about people that do not like rap music. His answer was " Change the Fucking Station." I will get back to my first post in this thread. Relax, Do not worry about things you can not control. Those who dream of a Utopian world of perfect English and grammar, Beautiful thin people, and no retards are just dreaming. I think Adolf Hitler had those type of thoughts!!
How do you expect the younger people to learn the proper way if the teachers can not do it correctly themselves?
In the 50's people were pissed off at the youngsters for their music and dress, In the 60's the same. In the 70's so called hippies and free thinkers caught hell. Slang talk, new fashion, music has always pissed someone off. NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will never end!!! Deal with it!! Snoop Dog was talking once about people that do not like rap music. His answer was " Change the Fucking Station." I will get back to my first post in this thread. Relax, Do not worry about things you can not control. Those who dream of a Utopian world of perfect English and grammar, Beautiful thin people, and no retards are just dreaming. I think Adolf Hitler had those type of thoughts!!
Your the parent. If you dont like your child's school, do something about it. It seems like america has alot of people that dont like the way things are run, and complain and bitch about it.But yet, dont do anything to change it and make it better. Hows do you think that effects them? Obviously they'll pick up and learn things from their guardian.
Not all have all day to sit on a site and chat it up and spell everything out, and in all proper grammar and punctuation. And some people just don't give a damn. Whatever the case may be, it is what it si, and you should just deal wit it, or keep it moving. Just my two cents.
Oh I do something about it. I send it back to them and if they would like a response to the letter they sent me, they must send me one that is properly formatted. I even highlight their mistakes. This year it goes to the newspaper.
yea but the difference is, im trying to help you people be less ignorant about the uneducated, it was their decision, not yours. If you dont like people because the way they talk, so be it. If it makes you feel good, I think your halfway right, but on the otherhand, its pretty much pointless to put people down. Maby they weren't as fortunate as some of us and maby didnt go to school.And yet here you are posting right along with the rest of us.
Ring.... Ring.... "Hello Kettle? Pot here, you're black"![]()
thats all i was sayin in a nutshell. All dis over a word and pple not wanting to be so proper and have the perfect sentences on a forum. As i said befo, It's forum get over it you don't like it dont respond when somone say wats good bra or any fuckin variation. It's the net, not everybody wants to act perfect some people actually act themselves.
You all can use shit words to me wont speak on the but they are shit words to me and noone shits on you. ie dank dude etc,
So get over it and keep it movin when you see it.