Sun Bleached Haze Plant @ 9 weeks Flower


Well-Known Member
I am not 100% positive but I think I bleached this haze plant by putting it too close to my 400w. The reason I think I bleached her is because the lower leaves look pale green and normal for 9 weeks flowering but if you notice the very top fan leaves are like whiteish yellow - and it isn't the flash from my camera (well a little) but they are about that light in color in real life. Anyone agree or is it just completely nitrogen deprived from being so late in flower? I've grown clones of this plant previously and never experienced such coloration.


Well-Known Member
what are you feeding her?? whats your PH ?,have you flushed her at all?..maybe she needs some iron? do you use a cal/mag when you feed?


Well-Known Member
Well I've fed her General Hydroponics Flora micro/bloom, plain water and molasses. Schedule looks like: Feed, Molasses, Water, Molasses, Water, Feed...etc I don't feed her much and I've not given any supplimental iron, cal or mag. My next grow im going organic no more of this salt based fertilizer screwing up my soil balance. To answer the rest of your questions, I pH my water/feeding to 6.5 and she is in a 3 gallon pot with standard crappy off-the-shelf soil that is probably not even good soil for cannabis anyway. Also I have not flushed her once since the pictures (flushed her last night - hence why she's in the bathtub - cause I'm going to chop her in 2 weeks).

Thanks for your interest though :)


Well-Known Member
Well I've fed her General Hydroponics Flora micro/bloom, plain water and molasses. Schedule looks like: Feed, Molasses, Water, Molasses, Water, Feed...etc I don't feed her much and I've not given any supplimental iron, cal or mag. My next grow im going organic no more of this salt based fertilizer screwing up my soil balance. To answer the rest of your questions, I pH my water/feeding to 6.5 and she is in a 3 gallon pot with standard crappy off-the-shelf soil that is probably not even good soil for cannabis anyway. Also I have not flushed her once since the pictures (flushed her last night - hence why she's in the bathtub - cause I'm going to chop her in 2 weeks).

Thanks for your interest though :)
she probly wanted that iron/cal/mag. ... good thing this happend close to harvest. still a sweet plant. when

you going to harvest?? also check this out under the iron def...:


Well-Known Member
Sexy lady you have there. Looks delicious
Thanks! I'll post some pics of the harvest when it happens :D
she probly wanted that iron/cal/mag. ... good thing this happend close to harvest. still a sweet plant. when
you going to harvest?? also check this out under the iron def...:
Yeah definitely, thinking probably not bleached now lol. Today is technically week 9 and I have grown previous clones of this plant in the past to 10.5-11 weeks - the problem is I harvest at this time based on the trich's ...but the buds never look 100% ready, most of the hairs recede, seed bract swelling, BUT it really looks like she can go a week more because they still don't have that finished look...I am just worried if I let it go so long its going to be more of a couch-lock stone. But I've read to let a sativa finish out to completion to really get the full sativa feeling.


Well-Known Member
Generally, a calcium deficiency is related to poor translocation of calcium to the tissue rather than a low external supply of calcium. Calcium has a very low mobility in plants which makes this one of the most common problems in a garden. Calcium may be available externally but it is in the wrong form for the plant to absorb readily.

Magnesium deficiencies are usually confused with a virus, or natural aging in the case of tomato plants. In its advanced form, a magnesium deficiency may superficially resemble a potassium deficiency. The tell tale sign of a magnesium deficiency is the interveinal chlorosis produces a raised puckered surface, with the top of the puckers progressively going from chlorotic to necrotic tissue. Other symptoms of this deficiency are fruits and vegetables tend to be small and woody while flowers never develop to their full potential.

heres the link very useful

now if this true your buds might never fully develop :(


Well-Known Member
i think its a IRON def because the tops are all yellow and pale which happens because IRON is not mobile. a quick fix whould be to feed with a spray of a cal/mag

supplimental which has IRON in it (most do)..but not in this case its to late in flower..if you never flushed your pot that mite of caused it to rise the ph and lock out the nutes..


Well-Known Member
To me it does not appear to be a cal or mag deficiancy because there are none of the rust spots common to lacking cal. There is also no darker green coloration around the leaf viens or puckered surface to point to a mag problem. Red stems are also associated with cal/mag issues. I think its a straight forward nitrogen deficiancy. She's beautiful by the way! and nearly done


Well-Known Member
i think its a IRON def because the tops are all yellow and pale which happens because IRON is not mobile. a quick fix whould be to feed with a spray of a cal/mag

supplimental which has IRON in it (most do)..but not in this case its to late in flower..if you never flushed your pot that mite of caused it to rise the ph and lock out the nutes..
Yeah I think there is definitely some lock out issues going on. Flush your plants if you're using the chemo-fertz kids!

To me it does not appear to be a cal or mag deficiancy because there are none of the rust spots common to lacking cal. There is also no darker green coloration around the leaf viens or puckered surface to point to a mag problem. Red stems are also associated with cal/mag issues. I think its a straight forward nitrogen deficiancy. She's beautiful by the way! and nearly done
Those are the exact reasons that made me think it was bleached or a serious N issue because the leaves feel healthy. They are "praying" position not all limp or malformed. And yeah, she should be done in a week and a half, I'm hoping. Going to check the trich's tonight. Whats crazy is she auto topped herself. Seemed like all the side branches just grew at the same rate as the meristem. She was my mother plant and I just had to flower her :D

Thanks for your replies !