Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

Alright, seriously....

Can someone please PM me a reliable vendor for 2C-E? My bro asked me to find a reliable website to get some for his 21st birthday, and the only places I can find are based out of china, or look sketch. Anyone wanna PM me some help? Would be much appreciated!!!!!

P.S. Sorry if we're not allowed to talk about PMing vendors names to eachother, i don't know the rules yet.
Not all people that have access to this would be so quick to sell it on an open forum. But there possibly could be other ways of doing a safe transaction.
my friend used to know of a site where we ordered 2c-i but you had to buy it in like $100 orders, he never told me the site and now hes in rehab, im not asking for anyone to pm me a link, cold you just advise where to look or places i definitely shouldnt go?
Ya know what I find quite hillarious is that this posterboy of a thread's creator posted on this site ten days ago. Oh how I wish this thread would get deleted.
ha wow just read through this whole thread. Im honestly surprised no one bothered to ask some legit questions. lol since no one has asked any, i will. First of should i be worried about security? (for example with using a hotmail email when ordering) or should i have any protection software or anything? Any country of origin i should look more closely at then the others? Ha so i'm proly jumping in on this a lil late but better late then i never i suppose. Although i'm kind of sketched out about this. I dont want any links or anything ill do it myself although it would be cool to know a legit invite site er something, but i wouldnt give out any info so i dont expect any. I find it hard to trust people in person let alone the internet