The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
ha wow just read through this whole thread. Im honestly surprised no one bothered to ask some legit questions. lol since no one has asked any, i will. First of should i be worried about security? (for example with using a hotmail email when ordering) or should i have any protection software or anything? Any country of origin i should look more closely at then the others? Ha so i'm proly jumping in on this a lil late but better late then i never i suppose. Although i'm kind of sketched out about this. I dont want any links or anything ill do it myself although it would be cool to know a legit invite site er something, but i wouldnt give out any info so i dont expect any. I find it hard to trust people in person let alone the internet
You sound like a cop. But I'm not worried. Their are proper security measures and their are a few countries that are prominent in the game. You decide.