Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

Can some one PM me and share your trusted RC site with me?? :D I want to try that 2c-e or maybe 2c-p (2c-i is banned in my home country)
I live in Europe.
2c-e is an optical isomer of DOET, making 2c-e a Schedule I substance according to the Federal Analog Act.. would you want the federal government having access to that information?
where do you heared this f..... alsh:lol: info
how can be C13H21NO2 optical isomer of C12H19NO2
do you know what is isomeria???????
I don't know what Isomeria is do you know what Isomeria is Puffer Fish? I don't what Isomeria is, Ndanger? Darth? Daath? Anybody? Please Shepj, inform me as to the nature of Isomeria.
does anyone have a legit 2C-E vendor in the U.S? i cant find it anywhere and have been wanting to try it for a while. ill pm you a good chem vendor for 2c-i and 4-aco if you have a good place for 2c-e, or bust my balls because i have a low post count. its a legit trade tho

if you write an mal ress I give you one
I don't know what Isomeria is do you know what Isomeria is Puffer Fish? I don't what Isomeria is, Ndanger? Darth? Daath? Anybody? Please Shepj, inform me as to the nature of Isomeria.

its a structural difference shortly so if there are two substance with the same standard formula for eg c3h8o and there is another one with the same standard formula c3h8o but if you see its structure in the space you see they are different