Taking pics w/ gps-enabled cellphone..exif data=BAD NEWS!

It's good info to know. Technology is great but it can work against us. Grower's beware!:fire:

it is good info, i tried to make my phone do it and i couldnt the pix are up in a previous post. mine just doesnt save that info, maybe its a saftey feature added by the developers of the aftermarket rom i use.
I know for a fact that you indeed CAN be tracked with this technology, and it's becoming used more widely every day.

I just got back from a trip to Costco. (yea, poor miserable me)
But they had cameras for sale that touted this gps feature with pictures.

It is popular for many reasons, not the least of which is playing scavenger cell hunts, and all sorts of outdoor sports safety features.
this was discussed in the internet privacy thread a few months back

Originally Posted by agent11475 this is about the topic but not really fallowing the conversation, a lot of people screw themselvs over and not because they dont use a proxy, people put their private information into public view. the best example i have of this is with pictures off of peoples cell phones. http://janezlifeandtimes.files.wordp...08/my-meal.jpg i just grabbed that photo from google and know its been taken with an iphone, the picture has metadata in it called exif, this data gives you some crazy information including a GPS tag of where the picture was taken. if you want to see for yourself paste the link from the picture into http://regex.info/exif.cgi and it will show you on a map where it was taken.


DONT STRESS EVERYONE: Imgur, tinypic, and most major quick-uploaders REMOVE the EXIF data. Try it: Upload a pic, then see if you can read the EXIF data from it. ADDITIONALLY, it would appear the forums here already remove the EXIF data. Most image resizing algorithms remove them.