Actually, your plants would only be "damaged" if you planned to retain seed for the following year.
Organic =/= Higher Quality
It's strange the difference people equate to a bunch of "organic" atoms attached to the bog standard chemical elements in normal fertiliser...
Does the extra carbon make it better or something?
You know the gas used to ripen fruit is "organic"...?Fruits ripened on the vine taste way better than those sprayed with chemicals which ripen fruit on the trip to the store.
Don't kid yourself, Monsanto owns organic facilities and organic seeds as well.every time I buy an organic product I help keep an organic farmer in business.......Monsanto feel's it.....every day.....
I don't need to validate anything!....I just want to know what I'm buying.....what is it that Monsanto doesn't want me to know?........lets just label GMO's & let the people decide if it tastes the same......OR NOT.....
every time I buy an organic product I help keep an organic farmer in business.......Monsanto feel's it.....every day.....
Why label anything at all then? why list any ingredients on any package of food, if, as you say (correctly), that labeling will lead to luddite activism, mercury in vaccines, MSG, Red dye, alar on apples, hydrogenated fats..... According to your logic, we should put nothing but what the producer wants printed on their packaging.You do need to validate if you're going to effectthe livelihoods of other people. Once again; you do need to validate someting if you want to be taken the least bit seriously. Unsubstantiated fear has hurt businessses before; labeling is going to promote that unsubstantiated fear. Just because someone doesn't want something labeled does not mean they have something to hide; that's a ludicrous claim to make.
Why label anything at all then? why list any ingredients on any package of food, if, as you say (correctly), that labeling will lead to luddite activism, mercury in vaccines, MSG, Red dye, alar on apples, hydrogenated fats..... According to your logic, we should put nothing but what the producer wants printed on their packaging.
If it is immaterial, then there should be no problem labeling it. It is immaterial that a lemon drop box needs to have a label with the ingredient "sugar" on it, yet it does and should.I said he needs to validate it. The corn is in the ingredients list; wether it's GMO or not is immaterial .That's what my logic stated.
What you don't know is that "organic" is still "factory farmed", hence other than the GMO thing, means that you are still supporting moving produce across the nation, or the world, unfair labor practices, unfair trade practices and still shitty food, "organic" or not.since they don't think I'm responsible enough to read the label & chose what I want, I'm forced to shun all non-organic items. If Monsanto owns organic seeds & farms, I support those farms, if they label them as such.......I won't knowingly purchase GMO foods, and encourage all my friends & family to not use GMO's........I see more "organic' items showing up on the store shelves every day............
Going to need a new definition of "corn" then aren't we. I say that if the genetics of any plant or animal is directly tampered with, then it is NOT the same organism and should be labeled as such. To my way of thinking GMO corn is not actually corn at all. If a company claims that their corn is novel enough to deserve a patent then it is novel enough to not be grouped in with "natural" corn.I said he needs to validate it. The corn is in the ingredients list; wether it's GMO or not is immaterial .That's what my logic stated.
Not much of a shelf life though.I love home grown melons! I would label them as 36D.
Not much of a shelf life though.
If it is immaterial, then there should be no problem labeling it. It is immaterial that a lemon drop box needs to have a label with the ingredient "sugar" on it, yet it does and should.